Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
I was interested in the game when I saw theres some giantess content but man this game stinks.
You spend most of your time fighting skeletons and the girl battles are a joke I just use the shadowbound skill and can never die, so dumb.
Also the game lets you go back to the girls you have defeated before but you can't battle or do events with them once they're defeated? Terrible game design.
I didn't even remember that they all went fuck off after you got the seal. Then again, I'm so used to changing variables and playing in developer mode I was casually going back this way...
i'll trust you on that. don't wanna ruin my first impression of Raa. was just hoping it was worth taking a look at.
i actually know a few things about code, officially i can call myself app developer lol (seriously, i'm not much of that). however i have little clue about rpg maker. maybe one day i'll try to learn how to work with it, but for now i don't feel like it and the json files look like out of a nightmare. don't wanna dig through those.
also thanks for the saves. at least i got to see madelines ending now.
Glad that was helpful, let me know if you need something else since the entire thing is completely broken and will need a lot of save editing.

It's quite large to post in raw (especially formatted) but basically - since we have fellow coders - it checks for >=11, >=5, >=-2 and >=-20, which is very sloppy, and also obviously allows for even more breakage. Far from the worst part though, so this was just if someone wanted the actual values and didn't find them.

Edit: Code portion removed, the ones who were interested in it know what to look for and where. Everyone has it on their disk anyway - if they're too dense to open an actual file wih a text editor, then you'd wonder how they survived on the Internet without being constantly spoonfed how to press buttons just to boot a device because the simple instructions in the manual were far too complicated. No offense to the kind souls out there, but plenty of offense intended to the ones being so overly dependent on others that they deserve to be alone for the rest of their miserable lives on a remote island and keep yelling "gimme wood, leaves, water and food muhfugga" instead of fetching it.
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May 16, 2018
It's quite large to post in raw (especially formatted) but basically - since we have fellow coders - it checks for >=11, >=5, >=-2 and >=-20, which is very sloppy, and also obviously allows for even more breakage. Far from the worst part though, so this was just if someone wanted the actual values and didn't find them.
Thanks, I was looking for a specific value or maybe another variable check -- mostly just to satisfy my curiosity.
Aug 22, 2017
Right so, Mary's killed me and now I am stuck on tree with no way off it... great. This is in the resurrection bit death. Anyway I can noclip the character? I had to manually switch ID 17 to progress to mary as well. That did not screw anything right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Right so, Mary's killed me and now I am stuck on tree with no way off it... great. This is in the resurrection bit death. Anyway I can noclip the character? I had to manually switch ID 17 to progress to mary as well. That did not screw anything right?
Nope, that's the only way to go past her "as intended", but expect even more bugs as Normal Mode (Domina Mode)/Easy Mode does nothing, and Masochist doesn't even exist at all. If you attempt to force the Reaper to send you to a Game Over during the Mary line, you can't even noclip your way out of this and have to force-teleport out.

The whole thing smelled like pure bait, and you're in for a good surprise once you finally reach Raa. Feels vaguely familiar.

In fact, I can tell from your coding experience you already know what to expect. It's a literal demo.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Any news on the game update? we about to enter August...
The rushed update was leaked. Check Toilet Lord's post above.
you managed to go to Mary's world?
You normally can't since the switch doesn't exist. Change the "Masochist" (ID:17) switch to on to enter using a save editor, be prepared for a lot of bugs. Also, do not lose your last Soul Shard to any Domina after Narcissa or you'll be teleported into a stuck state, spend it or lose it to Katrina, Madeline or Narcissa.

(And no, the Easy/Normal Mode don't exist either, so pick whatever you want. Don't worry about your personality either - see above for emotionless and crazy psycho personality saves.)

Emotionless is default choices only (no stress effect from emotions), crazy psycho is all choices available (all possible stress effects so you can test what's in and what isn't).
Stress itself is massively glitched and will only actually do stuff on Katrina's home map, Madeline's home map and Narcissa's home map.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Someone asked for a "full save", so here it is. Enjoy and facepalm.

Crazy psycho lesbian mode on, so you get to see all the possible dialogue choices should you enable them ever again.
Jul 26, 2020
Someone asked for a "full save", so here it is. Enjoy and facepalm.

Crazy psycho lesbian mode on, so you get to see all the possible dialogue choices should you enable them ever again.
Can you give me a save file where you just enter Mary's realm? Since your coding makes no sense to me im stupid i cant enter...


New Member
Mar 8, 2021
Here's the "fixed" saveset for those who want a more immersive VN feel. The MC will break right after the scene ends, as their sanity is already at 99 (and they will gain 20 in the scene, making it 119). It's of course also achievable with just 70 (10 from the loss, 20 from the scene, totaling 100), but having more than 89 beforehand would break it completely as the MC would get insane before they get to trigger the tea party.

Remember that you still need to fight and lose/surrender to trigger the tea party and Oath, and wait a few frames for the Oath to trigger after the VN ends.

(If you want to directly cheat your way in, by now you probably - or I should say hopefully, but unlike Llavanya I don't have any hope left - guessed all you have to do is change affection to 11 or more and break the MC, VN or not. You'll just miss out on the VN dialogue and get the scenes you were after.)

For those who don't like the VN part, a third emotionless MC save is included. Simply enter and the MC will break with the true ending (and without the VN part).

(The reason I added some leeway is if you go with the crazy psycho MC, you might lose some stress.)
How do you load the save files. I moved them into my save folder but when I load the game it is not there.
Dec 6, 2018
You didn't say anything wrong, you just voiced your thought about not liking sc*t. Most people feel the same way. I hope Dekarous keeps... That content as is and doesn't add any more. I would hate to see such a great game keep getting over saturated with you-know-what.
Ah yes, this great game about femdom of all kinds will get over saturated with scat content if more is added. If you count the scenes with scat content, it actually has one of the lowest number of scenes in the game (all optional and heavily avoidable btw). In comparison, foot content holds one of the higher number of scenes in the game. Does this mean that Domina is a foot fetish game, not even close. It also does not mean it is a scat game either because it is a game that has fetishes of all kinds, yet you specificly keep saying there should not be anymore scat content just because it is not to your taste.
It is fine to say that you don't like the fetish but saying that the game shouldn't have anymore of that content just because you don't like it is just rude to everyone who likes it and the developer who made it. It is like if I said that this great game is being oversaturated with foot content and that it shouldn't have anymore of it. I play games for the content I like, but I don't go around talking about how other people's fetishes shouldn't be added in anymore. It is just a rude thing to say, especially since you would be suprised at how many actually do like that content and support the game.


Feb 23, 2020
You didn't say anything wrong, you just voiced your thought about not liking sc*t. Most people feel the same way. I hope Dekarous keeps... That content as is and doesn't add any more. I would hate to see such a great game keep getting over saturated with you-know-what.
MOST PEOPLE FEEL THE SAME WAY?? You are so out of reality bro... Like what do you know man? You dont fking know any of us!

So who do you think you are to assume you know whats most people's opinions about it here? As far as I see, its only the two of you complaining about it (and one is actually a straight vanilla girl playing a hardcore femdom game so does that even count?)

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New Member
Apr 13, 2021
Won't comment on what's already been pointed out, but if Dekarous can at least smile at this, maybe... I mean, since he apparently doesn't plan to abandon all of his game projects after this, it means he somehow thinks he'll manage to deal with the PTSD...Hello User412. It's at X:6, Y:35 (northwestern corner of the Deep Words map).
Yes, I'm a Rosita crazy psycho lesbian lover and I'd do anything for her.

You will get 2 relationship points from Rosita for this last job, and you also get 2 relationship points if you somehow manage to find ALL collectable 82 Crimson Roses that don't respawn (be very careful if you're a completionist, there's a particularly nasty bug that may cause them not to count) as well as a single line of dialogue congratulating you on this. If you somehow run into the bug, edit your Crimson Roses (ID 34) to exactly 82 (not more, it must be exactly 82).
Wow, thanks a lot. This is very useful. I didn't expect someone to give me so much advice but I'll take it gratefully.


New Member
Apr 13, 2021
It's been a hot minute since I last played through Rosita's chapter, but I'm pretty sure it's in the large forest North of her house. It might be towards the back. There are two or three things she asks you to go find back there. The map is pretty large, but not unmanageable. Look around for a few minutes and you should find it. (It's literally just a glowing Jack-O-Lantern.)
I found it! Thanks for your help dude.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
How do you load the save files. I moved them into my save folder but when I load the game it is not there.
You need a save file slot ready. For example, if you use save file 20, write a save to slot 20 first (start a new game, whatever), then overwrite it with the provided save.

In this case, file1, file2 and file3 require slots 1, 2 and 3 to be ready. Replace the saves in your save folder, don't forget to back up yours if you have any (but seeing as many saves were file 1, odds are you did not even have any save). You don't have to restart a game or reload each time, just save a 'dummy save' to each slot then overwrite all three.

This is because of how global.rpgsave works in your save folder for RPG Maker MV and MZ (it looks for used save slots). Providing your own global.rpgsave isn't always a good idea as this will make the rest of the saves look weird on the save/load screen until they are rewritten (wrong playtime, wrong savecount, wrong map, etc, even though the save itself is correct). It's pretty much metadata for your save file structure. Don't worry about config.rpgsave, that's your own config (options like audio, autodash, etc), you do not need someone else's.

Makes sense? Sorry if it doesn't, if you're still confused, go ahead and ask.
Wow, thanks a lot. This is very useful. I didn't expect someone to give me so much advice but I'll take it gratefully.
Always happy to help, hello-person's approach was much more user-friendly though ;)
Jun 20, 2021
Excuse me?
Fine, if you want me to list what I like about Domina with that kind of immature attitude, alrighty then

1. I really like the Dominas' designs, they're very sexy and I see why people simp for the Dominas
2. I like that Rosita and Narcissa have physical representation. Not every girl has to have a cleanly shaved pussy, nor every girl has to be skinny. As someone who is chubby herself, I was really happy to see representation in Rosita
3. I like that the Dominas have unique personalities, as in, they're not all "Do as I say or else!" but each have their own way of saying it. Like Rosita being manipulative or Madeline being collected.
4. I also like how they have kinks related to their personalities, almost.
5. I also like that Domina tackles more taboo kinks like guro and scat. (Not that I'm into them ofc, just tackling them makes it more.. diverse?)
6. Design-wise, I'm happy that not every Domina has the cliche demon look with horns, wings and tail. I like that most of them don't as it makes them have a facade that they're weaker than they actually are.
7. I like how not all the realms look hellish.
8. I like the amount of classes you can choose from (I personally like Channeler and Arcanist)
9. The music! I love the OST that the Dominas have, especially Madeline's, Rosita's and Mary's.
10. Honestly, the fact this game has a compelling story was the reason why I continued playing. If it didn't, I would probably not be on this forum.

Also, friendly advice to you: Stop being such a gatekeeper. Anyone can play this game, kinky or vanilla.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
The CGs, scenes and dialogue are the only reason I'm playing Domina because they're the only original thing in it.

Borrowed plugins or tilesets don't count as original work, though I can obviously understand why people enjoy Felski's Perk Tree plugin, HimeWorks button keybindings, Galv's classes, proficiency and traits, SumRndmDde's custom portraits and Yanfly's combat and item crafting system.

Not exactly a secret as it is in your plugins folder (/www/js/plugins/): YEP stands for Yanfly's Engine Plugins and SRD stands for SumRndmDde, and you can just text-search your entire plugins folder to know who you owe the custom stuff to. Plugin authors usually poitely demand that they be credited in one way or another in a credits.txt file, a staff roll (usually for finished games, but ongoing, alpha and beta games also use this) or a similar way, especially in a commercial game to prevent someone from taking full credit and making it look like it was their own idea, but let's not get started on this now.
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