
Mar 27, 2018
So the game seems to have updated since the early pages of this thread and the old strategy for beating Katrina seems to no longer apply. I get her down to low HP now with the Doomsword of Bruh thing and a 200+ Def shield equipped and eventually she just seems to drink a potion healing most of the damage, enter a super mode I can't outdamage and just whip spam me to death. There's nothing in the early pages about any of this and there doesn't seem to be much I can really do to outlast it even with potions and the conversation seems to have moved beyond that point but any ideas? Am I just supposed to go through trying to grind levels now and they somehow made the game even harder than what was described in the early pages of the thread? Does she use the potion more than once or is it kind of like the first boss in Tower of Trample where it's just a one time thing?

This is version 7.0.2 by the way. Also people really weren't kidding about just how much RNG is a factor in this. I've had some attempts where I've barely been able to do a thousand damage before having to heal because of whips damage output and other times where I've gotten critical hits and entered that super mode phase in 3-4 turns but haven't been able to do much after that. Also I only seem to have 40 MP and no idea how to raise that really so can't really use any of the prayer stuff and no idea what that fury buff thing is described in the early pages. I also admittedly kind of started this game, put it down when I didn't feel like grinding stuff too much and then picked it up months later with the 7.0.2 version so might be forgetting something it told me about some of this.

Oh wow I completely forgot about the underground levelling dungeon thing so there's that lol
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Hey i appreciate your work here you are very active, dont get mad just chill alright, but mate your explanations are horrible and confusing, that's my only problem. Also don't take everything seriously, I used trolling as a joke, since you put some confusing codes which normal people simply do not understand. If you gonna make a scene about a word trolling please seek help.
Sorry for overreacting, the situation about that joke of a game really didn't help.
Some of us do take such approaches (not yours, Dek's) very seriously.

I'm grateful for your explanation, and I apologize as well. (And yes, I fully agree that holy shit I am bad at explaining things in a non-convoluted way.)

RajunCajun Might not want to compare this to a certain other game but at this point I really don't care anymore even though it was not a crime in this case but still a pretty damn low blow. To answer your questions, the whole thing is more or less a placeholder since April and Dekarous decided to speed things up a few days ago to not lose face, and the leak ruined all of his plans.

Which likely is the reason people went delete everything on Toilet... er, Mysterious Hero.

And the Mysterious Anon who got him the link.
don't listen that ungrateful idiots, they will just make you angry, you are literally our only hope here, i appreciate your work here. Anyway, i wanted to make saves before every domina (with all text options character), could u pls show me how to code that somehow? if you have time ofc, bcs i dont want to waste your precious time cos you already done a big work for me with madeline save :)
Sure, that might have to wait a little bit as I am busy with... another game, but I'll do it asap. Thanks for waiting.
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Jul 30, 2021
Which likely is the reason people went delete everything on Toilet... er, Mysterious Hero.

And the Mysterious Anon who got him the link. Sure, that might have to wait a little bit as I am busy with... another game
Actually, I heard he lost his account because he uses seeded emails and eventually someone looks at the db, realizes that a banned user is using the same email+n, and just pops a cap in him. He goes by MANY names and has had hundreds of accounts. Or so I've heard. The moderation on this Christ-cursed website is hilarious, and there's no point in really getting attached to your account if you want to talk about anything relevant without wasting time on being ANNOYINGLY tact.
Also, don't worry about the Informant, they're safe from (((them))).

Anyway, to stay on topic;
I'll be the first misanthropic bastard to admit I don't really fully trust Dek's claims about his mother. Say what you want but I've seen people lie more for far less.

>He doesn't put out an update in seven (7) months

>claims the code is done and he's waiting on CG's

This we know to be false, there are plugins and code implemented on the day of release

>Claims that it would take him seven (7) days to put the CGs in the game once they were done
Actually took fifteen (15) days to finish something that we all know he can do in a few hours, he has previously released a full working domina per patch every 30 days with on average MORE CGs which would also require more dynamic implementation.

>Day of release, finally the update is out, whoops, it's broken
Yikes. So, the claim was that the stress gauge (which is completely pointless and was obviously rushed and tacked on last-minute) was working in reverse. Then there are claims that he can only release the game up to the first 3 Domina because he's working on bug fixes, and that the rest of the game would be released in three (3) days.

>Day of Update's update release
>Sorry dudes, no can't no, my mom died from covid.
>LOCKS that post to
Patreons only.
So yeah, if it wasn't for the fact he locked the post about not being able to release the update because of his mother's passing, I would have believed him. But he wanted to control the narrative in his own bubble in that comment section. It just happened at the perfect time. Call me edgy, ban me, don't care.

This is still my favorite femdom game on this site, but Dek is in no way close to being my fav developer. His product is good, that's all there is. And I have no reason to believe he even checks this forum anymore, so I care little in being respectful towards him.

Time to check out that Katalist update now.
Oct 11, 2018
So I haven't touched this game since doing Rosita's stuff when she first came out and I have been curious how things were progressing. I've been somewhat following this thread over the past couple of weeks and I can honestly say that I am quite afraid to get back into the game now.

Out of curiosity, is it worth playing now or should I wait and see what happens with the game's development?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Holy hell, that's hilarious. Was it on discord? I want that tea
It is, yes. .
So I haven't touched this game since doing Rosita's stuff when she first came out and I have been curious how things were progressing. I've been somewhat following this thread over the past couple of weeks and I can honestly say that I am quite afraid to get back into the game now.

Out of curiosity, is it worth playing now or should I wait and see what happens with the game's development?
Well, afraid as you should be... but at least you can get some CGs and scenes, and a cool VN I guess. That's not Dek's work though, the plugin was borrowed as usual. See full list as with any RPG Maker MV/MZ game in /www/js/plugins/ to check who originally made the systems that are used in the game since Domina 1.0.

Neither worth playing nor waiting, almost nothing was done. Easy/Normal mode does nothing, you need mass save editing to unfuck yourself because Dekarous had a panic attack and had to come up with a convenient excuse for trying to catch up with 3 months of not doing anything in 3 days (and adding broken shit on top) to try and save face. Or, if we count the fact that latest "pre-revamp-except-not-really" update was August 2020, do the math. Almost nothing was done during the actual revamp either, as you can see yourself by checking your /www/data/ folder.
so can refill your shards in new version or is it only me that cant do it?
Only way is to either wallhack, save edit, or lose your shards to a Domina that won't get you stuck in a tree (namely Katrina, Madeline and Narcissa).

Saves below. You only really need one though, unless you get angsty at the MC still being in shorts past Mary.

I told Apulonir I'd post separate saves here so I'd feel kinda guilty (yes, empathy and guilt still exist within the pirate community and are not just empty words on a platform or some live chat) for not being able to deliver to others who also want it, including Menacing Pervert (if the explanations are confusing, feel free to say it, just make sure I'm not banned from the thread or it might be hard to reply lol). As for the code, not giving anything that Dekarous would claim as his own, yeah no thank you.

Saves with explanation.

A global.rpgsave is also included so you don't have to do the usual, but many are curious on how this thing works, so a quick recap: global.rpgsave holds your used save slots, if you used all of them, there won't be a problem (saves will just look messy until rewritten since they hold different information, but they will load fine), but if you only used one, you would first have to fill the slots by yourself here (any save will do, even the same one repeatedly).

All saves: 'Crazy psycho lesbian' on, as in all personality switches enabled to unlock all possible dialogues so you don't end up stuck because Dekarous doesn't even playtest anything. Surrender skill was also given to MC as you obtain this from Katrina, so you don't have to visit her. Nothing done, so all dialogues available.

If you want to know even more about Dek's machinations, use save 1 or save 2 and try to access Mary's realm (4th door), or just load save 8.

You can of course backtrack, so technically one save is enough (save 8). This is just if you don't want Grim-kun to get confused with the hints he gives.

Save 1: Talked to Grim-kun. In front of Katrina's realm.
Save 2: First Seal broken. In front of Madeline's realm.
Save 3: Second Seal broken. In front of Narcissa's realm. Masochist switch enabled to allow you to get to Mary and not get the "subscribe to my Patreon <3" all too familiar stuff. (Was meant not to be activated before save 4, but I misremembered and thought Mary was the third Domina, so I just left it on at this point and didn't feel like fixing it. Yeah, mistakes happen and I nitpick about the save count.)
Save 4: Third Seal broken. In front of Mary's realm.
Save 5: Fourth Seal broken. In front of Rosita's realm.
Save 6: Fifth Seal broken. In front of Franziska's realm.
Save 7: Sixth Seal broken. In front of Meke's realm.
Save 8: Seventh Seal broken. In front of Raa's (forever empty) realm.

Q: "Okay numbername arrogant cunt, how do I use this?"
A: "Please backup your saves (/www/save/) - move them to a subfolder, archive them, etc. Make sure config.rpgsave is backed up in case you fuck up your options and want them back, won't break the game but wastes time. Extract them to /www/save/, overwrite, profit."

Q: "Will things break if I don't have global.rpgsave?"
A: "No, because it's included. If it was not or you want to see if you know how to handle this on your own, simply fill up the first eight slots with dummy saves, then extract all files from the attachment here and overwrite said dummy saves. They will look quirky in the save preview but all you have to do is open any save then save it back. Savecount goes up by one, big deal, but if you're nitpicky, use the provided global.rpgsave."

Thanks for reading and (try to) have fun. Somehow. And yes, you will get bugs like getting stuck in a tree on a non-game over, getting teleported in the void after telling Grim-kun to get rekt for not helping you rescue the one who should be the MC, not being able to refill shards, getting images that don't disappear, etc etc. Thank Dekarous for this, it was actually meant to be released this way. Such professionalism.

Random dialogue, courtesy of Dekarous back when he was cool.
Rosita said:
Queen Mary is just some steps east from here. I am sure she would love watching me torture her little angel prisoner with my farts...
Llavanya said:
Madeline said:
Damn that felt good!
Franziska said:
Madeline likes the smell of her own farts.
And thanks to ShakieChan/Shiki for creating such awesome art for the game. Without you, Domina wouldn't be worth playing at all anymore.

If you want a direct link, that's fine too:
Oct 11, 2018
It is, yes. .Well, afraid as you should be... but at least you can get some CGs and scenes, and a cool VN I guess. That's not Dek's work though, the plugin was borrowed as usual. See full list as with any RPG Maker MV/MZ game in /www/js/plugins/ to check who originally made the systems that are used in the game since Domina 1.0.

Neither worth playing nor waiting, almost nothing was done. Easy/Normal mode does nothing, you need mass save editing to unfuck yourself because Dekarous had a panic attack and had to come up with a convenient excuse for trying to catch up with 3 months of not doing anything in 3 days (and adding broken shit on top) to try and save face. Or, if we count the fact that latest "pre-revamp-except-not-really" update was August 2020, do the math. Almost nothing was done during the actual revamp either, as you can see yourself by checking your /www/data/ folder.
Only way is to either wallhack, save edit, or lose your shards to a Domina that won't get you stuck in a tree (namely Katrina, Madeline and Narcissa).

Saves below. You only really need one though, unless you get angsty at the MC still being in shorts past Mary.

I told Apulonir I'd post separate saves here so I'd feel kinda guilty (yes, empathy and guilt still exist within the pirate community and are not just empty words on a platform or some live chat) for not being able to deliver to others who also want it, including Menacing Pervert (if the explanations are confusing, feel free to say it, just make sure I'm not banned from the thread or it might be hard to reply lol). As for the code, not giving anything that Dekarous would claim as his own, yeah no thank you.

Saves with explanation.

A global.rpgsave is also included so you don't have to do the usual, but many are curious on how this thing works, so a quick recap: global.rpgsave holds your used save slots, if you used all of them, there won't be a problem (saves will just look messy until rewritten since they hold different information, but they will load fine), but if you only used one, you would first have to fill the slots by yourself here (any save will do, even the same one repeatedly).

All saves: 'Crazy psycho lesbian' on, as in all personality switches enabled to unlock all possible dialogues so you don't end up stuck because Dekarous doesn't even playtest anything. Surrender skill was also given to MC as you obtain this from Katrina, so you don't have to visit her. Nothing done, so all dialogues available.

If you want to know even more about Dek's machinations, use save 1 or save 2 and try to access Mary's realm (4th door), or just load save 8.

You can of course backtrack, so technically one save is enough (save 8). This is just if you don't want Grim-kun to get confused with the hints he gives.

Save 1: Talked to Grim-kun. In front of Katrina's realm.
Save 2: First Seal broken. In front of Madeline's realm.
Save 3: Second Seal broken. In front of Narcissa's realm. Masochist switch enabled to allow you to get to Mary and not get the "subscribe to my Patreon <3" all too familiar stuff. (Was meant not to be activated before save 4, but I misremembered and thought Mary was the third Domina, so I just left it on at this point and didn't feel like fixing it. Yeah, mistakes happen and I nitpick about the save count.)
Save 4: Third Seal broken. In front of Mary's realm.
Save 5: Fourth Seal broken. In front of Rosita's realm.
Save 6: Fifth Seal broken. In front of Franziska's realm.
Save 7: Sixth Seal broken. In front of Meke's realm.
Save 8: Seventh Seal broken. In front of Raa's (forever empty) realm.

Q: "Okay numbername arrogant cunt, how do I use this?"
A: "Please backup your saves (/www/save/) - move them to a subfolder, archive them, etc. Make sure config.rpgsave is backed up in case you fuck up your options and want them back, won't break the game but wastes time. Extract them to /www/save/, overwrite, profit."

Q: "Will things break if I don't have global.rpgsave?"
A: "No, because it's included. If it was not or you want to see if you know how to handle this on your own, simply fill up the first eight slots with dummy saves, then extract all files from the attachment here and overwrite said dummy saves. They will look quirky in the save preview but all you have to do is open any save then save it back. Savecount goes up by one, big deal, but if you're nitpicky, use the provided global.rpgsave."

Thanks for reading and (try to) have fun. Somehow. And yes, you will get bugs like getting stuck in a tree on a non-game over, getting teleported in the void after telling Grim-kun to get rekt for not helping you rescue the one who should be the MC, not being able to refill shards, getting images that don't disappear, etc etc. Thank Dekarous for this, it was actually meant to be released this way. Such professionalism.

Random dialogue, courtesy of Dekarous back when he was cool.

And thanks to ShakieChan/Shiki for creating such awesome art for the game. Without you, Domina wouldn't be worth playing at all anymore.

If you want a direct link, that's fine too:
Thanks for the info. I'll probably check it out tonight or tomorrow with low expectations set to mitigate some disappointment.

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
MOST PEOPLE FEEL THE SAME WAY?? You are so out of reality bro... Like what do you know man? You dont fking know any of us!

So who do you think you are to assume you know whats most people's opinions about it here? As far as I see, its only the two of you complaining about it (and one is actually a straight vanilla girl playing a hardcore femdom game so does that even count?)

No it's true, most people don't enjoy playing with s*at. In fact, South Park even did an episode about that.

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Ah you beat me to it. Kudos on the share.

Mysterious Hero I am not worthy of the praise, heh. It's all thanks to you guys.
ivan.abakarov You're welcome. :)

Well, Mary technically was made after Schrodinger'sCat and Edgar (MC) after Dek's avatar, so it kinda makes sense.
Art is by ShakieChan (Shiki) as usual.

I thought Mary was based on ShakieChan. Who is Schrodinger'sCat?


Im not gatekeeping, in fact I dont give a rats arse if you play this game or not.. you aint that special. What I dont like is seeing someone who's vanilla coming to a femdom game thread to complain about femdom kinks and say that they shouldn't be in the game just cause you're not into them. You see how selfish that sounds? I was giving a blunt response to a blunt comment you've made. As said said on my previous comment(that was deleted, I wonder why), you cant go on a gay parade and not expect to see duded kissing.. that just aint real.. same as not wanting to have toilet content in some femdom games. There are people who like it, and no one gives a damn if you dont so keep it to yourself and this will stop being a problem

The one thing I was actually curious about is why you decided to click on the scat content instead of avoiding it if you dont like it. It makes zero sense and it is SUPER SELFISH to complain about something that is totally avoidable.

I could be wrong butt I think that there are tons of people who like it, unlike LoveHurts thinks... cause thats what the patreons pools have been showing...
Comparing not wanting Domina to become a s*at game to going to an LGBT parade and not liking LGBT is a false comparison.

Ok sooo.. I decided to see how one of my OCs would work in the Domina universe out of curiosity.
I don't have a demon OC and I didn't feel like making a whole new OC since idk if I'll be in the fandom long, so what will be the point?
So, here's my girl Cinis, a fallen angel! She's the only OC I have that is considerably a demon.
In the Domina universe, her theme would be centered around ruin, decay, withering plants, ashes, smoke and pride.
She has a personality similar to Madeline, just more.. provocative? (It's 4 AM man, my brain ain't functioning well X'D)
Her kinks would be:
VERY tight bondage
Boot worshipping

She doesn't have the most kinkiest of kinks, as she is a fallen angel. Even if she fell due to her Pride, she still has morality.

I dunno if the mods will delete this post (Because it being "Off-topic") so if you'd like to know more about her, just ask me

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As I mentioned on your profile, she seems like an interesting idea for a domina. From her description she would be right at home in Best Girl's realm. I am curious to know how roleplay would be portrayed between two in-game/ story characters.

Actually, I heard he lost his account because he uses seeded emails and eventually someone looks at the db, realizes that a banned user is using the same email+n, and just pops a cap in him. He goes by MANY names and has had hundreds of accounts. Or so I've heard. The moderation on this Christ-cursed website is hilarious, and there's no point in really getting attached to your account if you want to talk about anything relevant without wasting time on being ANNOYINGLY tact.
Also, don't worry about the Informant, they're safe from (((them))).

Anyway, to stay on topic;
I'll be the first misanthropic bastard to admit I don't really fully trust Dek's claims about his mother. Say what you want but I've seen people lie more for far less.

>He doesn't put out an update in seven (7) months

>claims the code is done and he's waiting on CG's

This we know to be false, there are plugins and code implemented on the day of release

>Claims that it would take him seven (7) days to put the CGs in the game once they were done
Actually took fifteen (15) days to finish something that we all know he can do in a few hours, he has previously released a full working domina per patch every 30 days with on average MORE CGs which would also require more dynamic implementation.

>Day of release, finally the update is out, whoops, it's broken
Yikes. So, the claim was that the stress gauge (which is completely pointless and was obviously rushed and tacked on last-minute) was working in reverse. Then there are claims that he can only release the game up to the first 3 Domina because he's working on bug fixes, and that the rest of the game would be released in three (3) days.

>Day of Update's update release
>Sorry dudes, no can't no, my mom died from covid.
>LOCKS that post to
Patreons only.
So yeah, if it wasn't for the fact he locked the post about not being able to release the update because of his mother's passing, I would have believed him. But he wanted to control the narrative in his own bubble in that comment section. It just happened at the perfect time. Call me edgy, ban me, don't care.

This is still my favorite femdom game on this site, but Dek is in no way close to being my fav developer. His product is good, that's all there is. And I have no reason to believe he even checks this forum anymore, so I care little in being respectful towards him.

Time to check out that Katalist update now.
Despite his delays I doubt he would lie about his mom's passing. At the very least, that is a lie that would be sure to get exposed and thus, kill his crowdfunding business model.
  • Angry
Reactions: SnakeSnek


Jul 19, 2018
Mysterious Hero I am not worthy of the praise, heh. It's all thanks to you guys.
ivan.abakarov You're welcome. :)

Well, Mary technically was made after Schrodinger'sCat and Edgar (MC) after Dek's avatar, so it kinda makes sense.
Art is by ShakieChan (Shiki) as usual.

That's some amazing art. Do you know where shiki posts this stuff ? I follow her pixiv and deviantart but there doesnt seem to be anything nsfw there. Is this in the game right now ?


Jul 17, 2021
Thanks for reading and (try to) have fun. Somehow. And yes, you will get bugs like getting stuck in a tree on a non-game over, getting teleported in the void after telling Grim-kun to get rekt for not helping you rescue the one who should be the MC, not being able to refill shards, getting images that don't disappear, etc etc. Thank Dekarous for this, it was actually meant to be released this way. Such professionalism.
First off, thanks SO much for the saves, really love you for it.
Secondly, the only way to go in deeper is to lose 3 times right? So if you get stuck in a tree you cant progress any further, nothing you can do about it? rip.


Feb 23, 2020
No it's true, most people don't enjoy playing with s*at. In fact, South Park even did an episode about that.

Ah you beat me to it. Kudos on the share.

I thought Mary was based on ShakieChan. Who is Schrodinger'sCat?

Comparing not wanting Domina to become a s*at game to going to an LGBT parade and not liking LGBT is a false comparison.

man... omg.... omg..... sigh.... we are not talking about most people in general.... we are talking about most people who play domina
most people in general dont like half or more of the kinks in the game... like what is wrong with you that i even have to explain that...
you base yourself on some south park bs that was talking about people in general... im basing my comment on what patreon pools of the game related are showing.....

the main thing is, i think i can speak for everyone when I say that IT DOESNT MATTER what you like, or what ELI likes, nobody here gives a damn about you two preferences. we are here for our own kinks, and as long as we get some of our kinks in the game, we are happy with other kinks being there too, even if not of our preferences... especially if they are OPTIONAL...

just as an example...I for once hate all that strapon/sissy stuff but you dont see me coming here every other day or so to complain about that being in the game... so why dont you two just sit back and let everyone be happy instead and enjoy their kinks without feeling like being judge by those nasty comments you two being making... and if you guys are so unhappy with how domina is turning out.. feel free to leave... i really dont think anybody would care about that either..

and im not even gonna bother explaining the parade comparison.. you got it wrong buddy.. read it again if you like...
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3.40 star(s) 53 Votes