Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Wait, so is the true ending when you get the oath and the special scene? I got that pretty easily if it was, so I guess I got lucky. Also, I keep seeing people say that when you lose all your shards, the sanity resets. My character's sanity didn't reset when all my shards were lost.
No, the Oath is for any enslavement scene. The true ending has an unique dialogue and scene between the MC and Madeline (a much extended version of the good one, true love and all that). Due to how broken the personality checks are, you'll not only need to have a near-perfect score but also have exactly the proper traits, some of which are not compatible by design (actually a complete design flaw).

Gets a bit off-character when it jumps to the Oath right after the "I love you" "love you too" lovey-dovey scene, though. :sneaky:
can someone give me save just before oath with madeline? i would be grateful :)
Sure. Which ending, though? Or do you want a save for each possible one? The minimum is three (one for the true ending, one for the good ending and one for the normal one without any scene) - or four, if you also want the caveman dialogue (but it's just more dialogue and a potential Endless Maze escape if you can).

Another way is a set of 32 saves before the first tea party if you want to test them all. :)
You'd technically need 64 but 32 of them will be redundant, so you only really need 32 to truly test everything.
Dec 6, 2018
No, the Oath is for any enslavement scene. The true ending has an unique dialogue and scene between the MC and Madeline (a much extended version of the good one, true love and all that). Due to how broken the personality checks are, you'll not only need to have a near-perfect score but also have exactly the proper traits, some of which are not compatible by design (actually a complete design flaw).
So a normal player would have to create their character specficly just to have the right personality and only pick the perfect responses every time. Is dek trying to make a visual novel dating sim, because this feels like something one of those would do. It works in VNs because of it being easy to save at each response and skip through text you have seen. I don't think something this specific should be in an rpg, where each playthrough, without cheating, can take many hours depending on how far the domina you want to romance is in the game.


Mar 29, 2019
So this game still lacks in the ballbusting department, and has recently turned into a scatfest.
(not what I was waiting for)

Well, this is where I say goodbye, and I wish good fun to all those who stay.

My hope is on Boko now (UFG/GBH).


Feb 23, 2020
So this game still lacks in the ballbusting department, and has recently turned into a scatfest.
(not what I was waiting for)

Well, this is where I say goodbye, and I wish good fun to all those who stay.

My hope is on Boko now (UFG/GBH).

Narcisa has some cbt content, and I'm sure Frankie will come with more of it on the next update =)


Jul 27, 2019
No, the Oath is for any enslavement scene. The true ending has an unique dialogue and scene between the MC and Madeline (a much extended version of the good one, true love and all that). Due to how broken the personality checks are, you'll not only need to have a near-perfect score but also have exactly the proper traits, some of which are not compatible by design (actually a complete design flaw).

Gets a bit off-character when it jumps to the Oath right after the "I love you" "love you too" lovey-dovey scene, though. :sneaky:Sure. Which ending, though? Or do you want a save for each possible one? The minimum is three (one for the true ending, one for the good ending and one for the normal one without any scene) - or four, if you also want the caveman dialogue (but it's just more dialogue and a potential Endless Maze escape if you can).

Another way is a set of 32 saves before the first tea party if you want to test them all. :)
You'd technically need 64 but 32 of them will be redundant, so you only really need 32 to truly test everything.
could u give me then all 32 and guide a little bit pls, u will be a legend to me


May 16, 2018
Think I found a way for Madeline's true ending route using saveditonline. I edited my save before the final tea party she invites you to.

If you're really lazy though, set variable 63 to 100 or more. Only Katrina and Madeline will cause you to go insane as checks are implemented on maps, not in a common event. (So make sure you're also on their respective main maps while doing this, unless of course you're tinkering with the code.)
Thanks to this I looked at the System.json file and saw "Madeline Affection" there, so I just subtracted from 63. Looks like it's variable 55. I just set that to 10 in the save editor and proceeded with the tea party Using the Courageous / Individual replies. I also had variable 63 (sanity) at 100 -- not sure if I had to but did just in case.

If you're curious, it just changes her enslavement scene dialogue. As far as I can tell, nothing changes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
how do you replenish souls shards
You don't. Just lose 'em all, there's no "game over" screen anymore (in 7.0.2 tho you have to press PageUp)
Also, the keybinding was completely removed which causes massive gamebreaking.
A lot of dialogue still makes references to having 7 soul shards
That's far from the only bugs, but yeah.
Think I found a way for Madeline's true ending route using saveditonline. I edited my save before the final tea party she invites you to.
That's not how you do it. Her affection is variable ID 55.

I was also checking how many players actually playtested more than just combat, as most stress/sanity/whatever instances are literal placeholders. (Narcissa +50 stress gain does nothing, for example; same for all of Madeline's romance.)

Just to prove that, indeed, zero playtesting was done on the developer and puppies' end, and as Thatoneguy said, it could have been released in April or May in the same state. That last minute addition was sugar on top for breaking even more things since it was half-assed (you don't exactly add a gauge when you already disable 70% of the content and broke the rest even before the gauge was a thing).
Narcisa has some cbt content, and I'm sure Frankie will come with more of it on the next update =)
Oh no, no, no, the next update is more content for Raa. Stay tuned! <3 (I'm not trying to troll you here, this is actually a reference to the game content itself. You'll see it when you get there, and you'll facepalm hard. Dark path confirmed.)
So this game still lacks in the ballbusting department, and has recently turned into a scatfest.
(not what I was waiting for)

Well, this is where I say goodbye, and I wish good fun to all those who stay.

My hope is on Boko now (UFG/GBH).
If you're turned off by the scat, you probably didn't play the game at all. Only three dominas are accessible without cheating, and all three are completely broken (onscreen picture leftovers, teleporting hell, event collision, placeholders and loops).

The personality system was, also, as pointed out, a complete mess. Thatguy guessed it right, the way the game 'works', you have to reset your game whenever you talk to a Domina if you don't want to cheat even though you are literally supposed to be able to pick everything (by design of the method user) but rather can't because only 4 out of 16 options are available (a newbie mistake that not even a child will do in their first RPG Maker project, as they know how switches work right after using them).

Originally wanted to DM someone neutral and rational to prevent people from trying to capitalize on the game being in a broken state (if you get what I mean, folks) but might as well be honest and blunt for once. It's pure shit.

I'd still like to thank Toilet Lord and Mysterious Based Anon for sharing the code and the CGs as this allows us to fix it (and it didn't take long - though I still have to come up with cool dialogue for Rosita and Franziska.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
So a normal player would have to create their character specficly just to have the right personality and only pick the perfect responses every time. Is dek trying to make a visual novel dating sim, because this feels like something one of those would do. It works in VNs because of it being easy to save at each response and skip through text you have seen. I don't think something this specific should be in an rpg, where each playthrough, without cheating, can take many hours depending on how far the domina you want to romance is in the game.
Getting a bit wall-of-texty and I know I'll be jumped on again anyway for criticizing (hey, at least you guys got spoonfed the variables and switches to change, stop complaining, I could spoonfeed you the code too but nope), but the tl;dr is what you said in your previous post.

The short version is it wasn't tested at all honestly. You can easily see this when you run out of shards, when you get teleported in trees, when you wonder why the stress (or sanity, semantics) gauge doesn't go up (hint: it actually does, you just need to build more than 100 stress, that should hint at what exactly happens and isn't checked - a failed sanity check indeed), when Toilet Lord said stress did nothing for Narcissa when pulling the levers (actually, Toilet Lord, check the code, that's not where the problem is, you get 200 Stress from pulling all levers - I even spoonfed the reason this does nothing).

As for playtesting extras...

If you want to playtest even more, try the following:
- Try refilling your shards in Gladen Lake (you can - the event is still there, you just have to wallhack or move it)
- Press confirm (usually Enter by default on a keyboard) for any scene to break it while standing in front on a Domina; this will trigger her dialogue
- Win any of the unwinnable battles (none are unwinnable even without cheating, and this was a thing even before Domina 5); the developer was told over and over how to fix this in five seconds, and it's been mentioned in the thread... three times in a single day. You can even do it yourself, of course, as it's all JSON.
- Acceed Mary's room without cheating. Go ahead. Remember, no cheating allowed, you are supposed to do it in a normal playthrough. You may use the save provided of course, as it will not affect your Domina progress. ;)
- Don't save a single time then lose to Mary. Don't worry, you'll just get sent to the Grim Reaper as usual.
- Tell the Grim Reaper fuck you twice when he refuses to help you save Llavanya. Again, remember, no more game overs. But there's a catch, and I want you to find out since none of you seem to be eager to take a look at the actual code for the games you play (which allows for more constructive criticism and even more facepalming, even without any code knowledge). This includes any game but remember - Domina here.
- Refuse to break Narcissa's seal (this is the only 'choice' that wasn't removed when it comes to break/don't break, and does nothing special)
- Try to get the "I'm nice so I won't break your seal" version for the Dominas. You are allowed to cheat for this one.
- Repeatedly enter and exit Katrina's realm after beating her, this time with normal stats. You can't miss what's wrong even if you play just for the fights as it will clearly show up on the menu. You must do this before beating Madeline, though.
- Try to cuck Katrina and see if she cares.
- Try to get insane (or 'stressed') on more than just the two maps mentioned. Cheating is allowed (you can, for example, send your stress/insanity to max, which will make you insane, right?) but no code modification is allowed.
- Try a personality build that doesn't break things. No cheating allowed here, and yes, I'm spoonfeeding this time. You should have guessed how to easily fix this by now without touching the code, though that indeed means your initial choices are a waste of time, and you can make a crazy psycho MC or a completely emotionless MC. Even more spoonfeeding to help you get it.

And this is why I'll repeat it: Give progress reports so people know exactly where you stand and what to expect. Release your games when the content is ready, even if it's buggy, as long as it runs. Mention it. All developers suck at bugfixing because of brain bias, none of us are exceptions, we all make mistakes but "I suck, I won't do it again" doesn't work - "how am I supposed to fix this then, smartass" does, if you feel like someone is seriously being a nuisance with their preachy approach. Have the community playtest and report everything they find. Don't wait for RL shit to happen, and if you do it right, the community won't hate you for the bugs. Just state that they are meant to find bugs and report them, and that you are thankful to them for saving everyone time.

And if you revamp, first make sure your game isn't a buggy mess. This isn't a system rewrite, this is a rewrite for something that was already bugged, and broke it way harder. Have the grinders playtest the battles and the explorers playtest the scenes and fully report their findings so you can fix it nice and easy without spending hours playtesting every single situation or going OCD over virtual deadlines.

Never implement too many things in one go or this happens. I apologize if this is offensive, but I have to be honest.

This applies to all games. Even the one the community is trying hard to make it look like it's the best thing since sliced bread, and for a reason.

Edit: Candlejacked.

Nait Sieve

Active Member
Mar 5, 2021
Oh no, no, no, the next update is more content for Raa. Stay tuned! <3 (I'm not trying to troll you here, this is actually a reference to the game content itself. You'll see it when you get there, and you'll facepalm hard. Dark path confirmed.)
so there is content for Raa in the current game? as far as i'm concerned (just played the intended first 3 dominas in the current version, without any console commands or code manipulations) all i know is that the name sounds egyptian and that mika&maki mention that she is about transformation magic. is there art? combat? more?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
can someone give me save just before oath with madeline? i would be grateful :)
And because someone asked nicely and politely, here's the save for Madeline's true ending Oath.

Save 1 is for an emotionless MC and only has default options.
Save 2 is for a crazy psycho MC and has all options.

Yes, Apulonir is worth the 'spoonfeeding'. Politeness will get you places. ;)
so there is content for Raa in the current game? as far as i'm concerned (just played the intended first 3 dominas in the current version, without any console commands or code manipulations) all i know is that the name sounds egyptian and that mika&maki mention that she is about transformation magic. is there art? combat? more?
I respect you enough to not deceive you, Nait Sieve, but there is 'content' indeed. As in the kind of content you'd wish you never had seen, because you'll feel sad. You can, as usual, also see it in the code.

But honestly. Save yourself frustration and get RPG Maker MZ (or MV) if you somehow don't like editing code. You'll understand the 'truth' behind many of those games, and this will make you able to facepalm at delusional people without being rude. MZ is recommended for Domina as playtesting this project may break in MV due to javascript plugins and nwjs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Forgot the instructions, though they're straightforward - surrender or lose to get the last tea party. Regardless of your choices, you'll get the true ending scene that is supposed to come before the Oath takes place.

To actually get the Oath as well as the true ending dialogue, you need to push stress up to 100 (modify the variable, lose to Madeline 10 times, etc), but the scenes are included in the save. Also make sure you're on her map of course...

If you want to backtrack the romance, well, you also know how to do it by now, so have fun with the emotionless and crazy psycho saves.

(The sloppily coded stress gauge will conflict with that so it's best to push it separately, though I should have included 89 stress to make things faster.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Here's the "fixed" saveset for those who want a more immersive VN feel. The MC will break right after the scene ends, as their sanity is already at 99 (and they will gain 20 in the scene, making it 119). It's of course also achievable with just 70 (10 from the loss, 20 from the scene, totaling 100), but having more than 89 beforehand would break it completely as the MC would get insane before they get to trigger the tea party.

Remember that you still need to fight and lose/surrender to trigger the tea party and Oath, and wait a few frames for the Oath to trigger after the VN ends.

(If you want to directly cheat your way in, by now you probably - or I should say hopefully, but unlike Llavanya I don't have any hope left - guessed all you have to do is change affection to 11 or more and break the MC, VN or not. You'll just miss out on the VN dialogue and get the scenes you were after.)

For those who don't like the VN part, a third emotionless MC save is included. Simply enter and the MC will break with the true ending (and without the VN part).

(The reason I added some leeway is if you go with the crazy psycho MC, you might lose some stress.)
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May 4, 2018
I was interested in the game when I saw theres some giantess content but man this game stinks.
You spend most of your time fighting skeletons and the girl battles are a joke I just use the shadowbound skill and can never die, so dumb.
Also the game lets you go back to the girls you have defeated before but you can't battle or do events with them once they're defeated? Terrible game design.

Nait Sieve

Active Member
Mar 5, 2021
there is 'content' indeed. As in the kind of content you'd wish you never had seen, because you'll feel sad.
i'll trust you on that. don't wanna ruin my first impression of Raa. was just hoping it was worth taking a look at.
i actually know a few things about code, officially i can call myself app developer lol (seriously, i'm not much of that). however i have little clue about rpg maker. maybe one day i'll try to learn how to work with it, but for now i don't feel like it and the json files look like out of a nightmare. don't wanna dig through those.
also thanks for the saves. at least i got to see madelines ending now.


May 16, 2018
That's not how you do it. Her affection is variable ID 55.
Looks like it's variable 55. I just set that to 10 in the save editor and proceeded with the tea party Using the Courageous / Individual replies. I also had variable 63 (sanity) at 100 -- not sure if I had to but did just in case.
Was there anything to add to that or you just modify variable 55? I just guessed 10 as its value and it worked for me. Though I'm not really looking into more details.
Dec 6, 2018
And this is why I'll repeat it: Give progress reports so people know exactly where you stand and what to expect. Release your games when the content is ready, even if it's buggy, as long as it runs. Mention it. All developers suck at bugfixing because of brain bias, none of us are exceptions, we all make mistakes but "I suck, I won't do it again" doesn't work - "how am I supposed to fix this then, smartass" does, if you feel like someone is seriously being a nuisance with their preachy approach. Have the community playtest and report everything they find. Don't wait for RL shit to happen, and if you do it right, the community won't hate you for the bugs. Just state that they are meant to find bugs and report them, and that you are thankful to them for saving everyone time.

And if you revamp, first make sure your game isn't a buggy mess. This isn't a system rewrite, this is a rewrite for something that was already bugged, and broke it way harder. Have the grinders playtest the battles and the explorers playtest the scenes and fully report their findings so you can fix it nice and easy without spending hours playtesting every single situation or going OCD over virtual deadlines.

Never implement too many things in one go or this happens. I apologize if this is offensive, but I have to be honest.

This applies to all games. Even the one the community is trying hard to make it look like it's the best thing since sliced bread, and for a reason.

Edit: Candlejacked.
Kind of hard to really be offended when you speak nothing but truths, though I guess some people can be like that. It is not like the community isn't willing to help the game turn out better, so it would be great if devs would rely on them if they aren't confident in their code enough. I am suprised no one has ever reached out to you to help code a game here (unless it has happened). I would mess around with the code but I don't have the time to fiddle with it at the moment. Maybe some day I will try to do rpgmaker since the code doesn't seem too crazy (I have one of the makers), but I would rather just stick to what I know in unity.
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