Others - Completed - Monster Girl Club Bifrost [v1.15c] [Midnight Pleasure/Remtairy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Wall of text incoming. Im putting the TLDR up here:
    Playing through this game took a lot longer than I had thought. After completing the game (and a couple of NG+), I think I got all the content. My overall rating is that the game is good, but if you dislike grinding then you ain't gonna like this as much. Would recommend. Enjoyable even if your cheat and skip the grind.
    Rating: 4 ½ stars

    I got a soft spot for these kinds of games, but that is the only reason it's getting such a high score.
    The scenes are quite good, the girls are decently unique, with some being quite good. It fulfils the minimum requirements, but rarely much more.
    However, the quantity makes up for it, as you got a lot of different monster girls to fuck.
    The gameplay-loop is quite nice, but overall, the game is really easy, once your past early-mid game.

    On the con side:
    The music can get REALLY scuffed, from time to time.
    The sound effects are a bit spares, and the scenes are for the most part 2 images, one of which is a "cum" variation.
    The game could use a autosave feature, but since there is no CTD bugs (afaik.), I’ll let it slide.

    Now, for the girls:
    Initially, you rape the girls into submission. This is ESPECIALLY true for the virgin vaginal penetration. The MC is quite fucking merciless here going in for a dry penetration + creampie. (Do note, however, that it's less brutal if the girls *lewdness* score is high)
    After mercilessly groping, fucking and face fucking a girl for long enough (as in, a few days), you got yourself a perfectly submissive/slutty prostitute.
    You can either go the 'Obedient' or 'Lewdness' path, the Lewdness path is WAY easier, for the most part.
    Everything seems to be going too fast, the game take course over a little more than a month, and the "love" system is a little unreliable (hard to get the scenes sometimes), so you might only get your favorite girl to *love* you (as in, getting the scenes + the status-effect) in your first run, and only even a handful to love you in NG+.

    The scenes:
    I really like the 4*2 different positions that you can fuck the girls in, there is variations based on "lust", and there is a scene for prostitution (+extended prostitution).
    Almost all the girls got extra scenes for virgin penetration. Sometimes add-ons to the usual scene, sometimes new scenes. There is (for the most part) variations, according to the 'Lewdness' of the girl. apart from that, 2 of the girls got "Left Alone" scenes, after a long period of edging. ADDITIONALLY, many girls can go into 'heat', and this have some variations from the usual scenes as well (or at least I think so, not sure).
    One thing really bugs me tho. Even through there is "lots" of scenes, and some variation, most of it seems a bit lackluster. It’s some pretty good scenes, somewhat long too, but some of them is clearly seeing more love than other.​
    The cyclopes maid scenes are very nice, for example, and very focused on the master-servant relationship. They even mention that the player (master) takes care of the sla- servant after a rough session.​
    There is something odd about the scenes too. Some of the scene-thumbnails show the 'initial' reluctant girl taking a pounding, but the scene has only 1 variation, the high-lust one with the girl begging for cock. Cut content maybe?

    Some notable scenes are the "Egg-laying" scenes. You can only get em during full moon, and only some of the girls have them.

    Every girl has a 'love' path.
    The 'love' paths are 5 'talk' scenes, a 'night time visit' and an 'ending' scene. This is all very nice, following the same pattern (intro scene, semi-hostile scene, friendly scene, confession scene, flirty/wholesome bonding scene) ending with a nigh visit.
    Again, some are rather rushed.

    The "Oni" have a rather slow path, as she is pretty damn shy, but then, all of the sudden, BOOM, she wants the Dick, and declares her love for you.
    (this one is saved a bit, as they open a shop together... in the same building as the brothel. Maybe I am misinterpreting something, but that is hilarious)​
    The "Angel" can also fall in love, however, if she is not corrupted (fallen) she will still get the "Fallen Angel" ending, where she whips, pisses and demdom's the MC as her 'sinful' "little piggy". Rather ironic, and quite fitting, borderline romantic, even. (But if you romanced her while avoiding corruption, then it's pretty fucked up)

    THE GIRLS (In Tiers):
    There is 20-ish girls to train, counting the reskins with significant variations as a seperate girl.

    • The (Non-trainable) Main Girl 'Milia' is alright, I would have liked a Harem ending that included her (there is an 'okay' harem ending, tho). Main Girl's ending is pretty meh, imo. She is alright. She could have been something special, if her story wasn't so goddamn short, but that’s about it

    TIER A - Waifu-tier / Yeah, i know she belongs on TIER B, but I really like her.
    • Arachne - Spider girl / Non-violent Yandere girl. - This little gem is a home-grown domesticated spider girl. Starts out somewhat obedient, and as you train her, gets VERY attached to you. Even with low 'lewdness' score, she is willing to go a LONG way for the MC, first, in a cute mix of empathy and obedience, then, out of sheer adoration and love (and some lust). This takes a sharp contrast to the other girls, as most of them are driven by lust, as the whore-ish, semen addicted THOTS that they are. Her romance path is cute, and her ending is *SPOILER* her taking over the entire club, making it into her very own spider-fortress, where she has the MC 'trapped' in a cocoon, showering him with love and adoration, as he lives out his life in a blissful trance. *SPOILER END* - Surprisingly cute, I might just have gotten myself a new fetish there.
    • Mummy - Now we're talking. This girl is a REAL masochist. - This girl is kinky, and her SM scenes are pretty damn hot, especially her 'Choking Missionary' scene, hot damn. - Her romance-path is really good (and she got one of the best ending scenes) - that is, if you presume, she has a split-personality. She turns out to be a real chill girl, which is fine, then she starts talking about "the girls here seem totally miserable", and that she dislikes being "toyed with" by rando's. She might not be a *slut*, but with her being the MASSIVE masochist that she is, this seems a bit out of place. If she was faking it all this time then she deserves a fucking oscar.
    • Yuki-Onna - High-class frosty prostitute with a charming medieval way of speaking. - Having only a limited lifespan outside of her homeland (due to them literally melting) is more than a bit of lore. It shows in almost every scene. - Speaking of scenes, her scenes are really nice. Be it begging for the MC's 'heat' in a missionary position or being bound up, fucked and having red-hot wax (slowly) poured over her back. - She feels like the kind of whore that only the elite should have access to, and is almost a bit out of place amongst (literal) Bitches and whatever fuck-hungry demi humans that the MC's 'club' is composed of. - Her romance story is good. I found it quite heart melting (Pun intended). The night-scene and the ending are really nice and touching. Fantastic girl all in all.
    • Salamander - A real tsundere dragon-girl - This girl is one FIERCE bitch. It takes a while but when you eventually break down her price, and turn up her inner whore-ness, she turns out to be a damn good fuck. - Her scenes are nice and breaking her is a long, but enjoyable ride. I personally found her to be the most enjoyable girl to break. - Her romance path is nice, and even though it's short, it doesn’t feel THAT short, as it plays in nicely with the scenes. Her ending is real nice too. She is amongst my top, if not the top, waifu in the game, imo.
    • Kitsune - NG+ exclusive 1400 year old (or some shit) lolli lonely fox-girl - She is quite mad over the fact that some "Sadistic lecher who gets off on overpowering tiny girls" is getting such sweat moans out of her. She gets over this quickly, tho. Having this little fox beg for an ass-pounding was surprisingly enjoyable. - The romance path is nice. It feels more believable than most of the paths -introducing the ancient fox-lolli as a quite lonely monstergirl. The ending is nice too. It’s not the usual "and then they got married, settled down and got some kids, the end", but more a "And then, together with MC, she pursued dream-career. They lived on in a loving and very *active* relationship, as they travelled the world together". A bit different. But nice and fitting overall.
    • Werewolf - Cute tsundere dog-girl - Starts out tsundere, but turns into your little adoring fuck-puppy with enough dicking. - The scenes are a little on the short side, but this is the kind of monstergirl I came for. Taming this fierce little thing is quite easy. Fuck her silly, add headpats and BOOM, done. There is a lot of good scenes to be had here. Whether it is the enthusiastic beats girl riding you, (panting hard, tail wagging, all the good shit), having a quick fuck in the park (doing her walkies), or having her piss herself in front of you, (only to crawl through it, nuzzle up against you and ask for headpats), she is a blast. This is the kind of girl enjoys being headpatted while you fuck her silly. Adoring. - Her romance path is good. The flow is on point, and it's overall a really nice tsundere romance story. Her *SPOILER* "settle down" *SPOILER END* ending is amongst the best there is. Very wholesome girl overall, would recommend 10/10

    TIER B - Niche / Generic but I am very biased
    • Cyclops - The little* cute* one-eyed maid-slave. She does not start out as resistant as the other girls, and there for it's not about *breaking* her. She is all about making an obedient servant into YOUR obedient little fuck-slut-maid. The character feels a lot more *loyal*, and reliable than the other girls, but for some reason, seems a bit boring to me. She got some nice reactions in the romance path too; her romance path is among the best.
    • Fairy / Dark Fairy - Officially, her title is "full-body penis masseur". Unofficially, this girl is fucking essential to the entire operation of your monster girl brothel. How, you might ask? -Multiple reasons, the most prominent one being that she is your personal motherfucking on hole. Have you ever tried stretching a vagina 8 times it's natural diameter? No? Well buckle up cowboy, cause that’s what her entire training-tree is all about. - Not only will you get "fairy dust" (aka. monstergirl crack), for EVERY training scene with her (Give this to a girl and get a SIGNIFICANT multiplier to skill-points gained during training, for to a day), using her as an onahole will allow you to regain up to 5 action points a day. - Her romance path is pretty good too, showing just how cute a curious little fairy can be. And her ending is alright too, pretty damn wholesome -almost too wholesome, as you have been stretching her to the fucking limit as a living masturbation tool for nearly 20 days straight up until then, but oh well. (I personally find it a real fucking shame that you don’t have the option of making her your own little permanent "accessory" for the MC... consensually, of course)
    • Queen Naga (and to some degree Lamina) - Man-eater, somewhat-Dom-ish snake girl, monster girl quest queen knock-off. I really expected her to "Hora Hora" at some point, but alas. - This one hits a soft spot for me, I can’t get myself to dislike this snake slut. Even untrained, she’s a seductive monstergirl, ready to squeeze every. last. drop of man-essence out of whatever fortunate man she happens to meet. Your mission, if you chose to accept it, is to train this snake to TAKE IT too, as she is plenty happy to fuck already. - She is pretty likable. Kinda cute how mad she is when MC is top, and how SMUG she is when she gets to top. After the training, however, she gets very service-minded, and is a happy little snake slut in whatever position you like. Hot.
    • Minotaur - Enjoyable sex scenes, where you breed her like a bull till she acknowledges you as the Stud you are. Underneath all that, however, she is a caring "big sis", as shown in the romance-part. - All in all, quite a compact, focused package.
    • Angel - A literal angel - Starts off REALLY resistant, hating it every step of the way. Then, BOOM, fallen angel. The fallen angle is a capital S slut, she is by far the most depraved girl. Watching her scenes in both modes is a joy. ("Now THIS is bitch breaking!" - MC)
    • Alraune - Aka plant girl - Did you know that plant girls are just as, if not more cum hungry than literal semen-demons? Her body want you to cum inside, badly. This leads to some enjoyable moments; both in the beginning, where SHE does not want your cock inside her, but her body wholeheartedly welcomes MC's dick and it's magnificent payload inside. When she has been properly broken, the enjoyment is watching a world-class cock-drainer in action, doing everything in her power to get that baby batter inside of her. - Her romance is pretty nice, it’s like, MC finds out how to take care of a houseplant, and then it sucks his dick (and holds his hand), ending is a nice touch too.
    • Elf - An elf. A member of the long-living, frigid and proud race of sharp-eared tree huggers. - According to my world-view, elves should be either; A) Dead or B) Frequently impaled with various phallus-shaped objects, living out the rest of their absurdly long lifespan as a single-minded fucktoy. Sadly, neither of those come true in this game, but you can get pretty close. - This is all about turning a proud elf into a supremely cock-hungry anal-whore. If the scenes were focused on pain, instead of pleasure, I might have felt sorry for her. But something about this snobbish elf-girl, begging for mercy, PLEADING her "disgusting human trainer" to stop, as you merciless finger her, really riles me up, you know? Her extreme embarrassment is almost comical, I love her "confused sobs" and angry, entitled outbursts. If you could die out of pure shame (or pride) then this girl would be dead several times over. The fact that she holds on to her pride for as long as she can only makes it all the more enjoyable. - Going the 'Obedience' route feels very satisfying here. But when you finally break her, you break her BAD. So bad, that most clients have a hard time believing that this drooling cocksucker of a slut was once a member of the proud elven race. (Well, she still is. But you get the point) - I especially liked breaking her into an anal whore, but her hairjob scene is hot as fuck too, imo. - Her romance is rushed. My personal theory is that at some point, her brain turned to mush (Due to excessive pounding), and she fell in love with 'Master'. Despite my general hatred for elves, I found the ending to be quite cute. You live out your new life together. Elven-human ambassadors by day, all the while groping your little elf/wife (and getting scolded by her), pounding her to a begging mess by night. Nice.
    • Ogre - A NG+ exclusive big tiddy monster girl, with a motherly attitude - This MILF is REALLY 'motherly'. She got some nice, high quality scenes. She got the same 'Left Alone' mechanic as the Myconid. She got no virgin scenes tho. - Her scenes are split into 2 paths; motherly caring, breastfeeding and fucking (usually all 3 at once), and some good hard fucking, (Most of which is done while she is still being 'motherly'), pretty hot stuff. - Her romance path is basically MC getting spoiled and pampered by the big THICC MILF ogre. Her ending *SPOILER* is her opening an orphanage with the MC, quite cute. This is only made SLIGHTLY disturbing by the fact that she admits to have 'just a little bit' of 'sexual feelings for them', yikes, luckily, she is 'a responsible mother' who will only do 'naughty things' on the MC... *END SPOILER*

    TIER C - Generic Girls / TIER B but it’s not my taste
    • Myconid - Delusional masochist mushroom-girl - This girl uses most of her time fantasizing about humiliating, objectifying ways that she could be used. So much, in fact, that the MC has a hard time catching up (And that is despite literally being a slave-owning pimp). The girl also got a unique* mechanic, as you can edge her and leave her tied up for some time, after which you can enjoy a REAL HORNY monstergirl. If you want a kinky girl, then this is the one for you. - Tbh. I didn't read her romance path (lol), her ending scene was nice tho, *SPOILER* as she publicize her diary, and become a renown erotic literature author. *END SPOILER*
    • Mermaid - Wannabe idol cute, optimistic fish-girl - it's nice, but nothing special imo. I must admit that I REALLY enjoyed taking her virginity by FISTING, that is something you don’t see every day. Otherwise, rather 'vanilla'. - The first scene was her crying over her new *job*. Almost went all "I ain't got time for that", but decided "fuck it", and went for it anyways. Waste of time imo. You help her train her voice, she is somewhat grateful and for some reason she falls in love with you. But apparently her Idol career means that she has "no time for Romance", so you get one good fuck, and end the game with you working her ass off to make her dream come true, while getting none of that sweet fish booty in return. What the fuck happed to the I-love-licking-cum-of-the-floor slut I trained? 0/10, should have stayed a pimp.
    • Dagon/Kraken - She’s okay, not the best girl, quite scared and shy, but rather likeable. I like how she is not *quite* as corrupted as the other girls, it seems more fitting to the short time-frame that you have been training her. Her ending hits a soft spot for me, as she takes you home to her underwater kingdom (as her husband), to meet her parents.
    • Slime/Jelly Princess - Pretty damn good for a generic slime-girl. At first, her reaction to your rough breast-fondling is a "Hmm...?", but over a couple of weeks, you really learn this slime-girl how to enjoy a good stuffing. Her romance path is pretty damn cute, (like, damn, that’s pretty cute), but a bit too short to really get invested imo. Ending is kinda okay I guess.
    • Harpy / Albino Harpy - Short scenes, seems to obey out of terror, especially at first, which can be rather enjoyable. Mostly about having fun with your scared/slutty (kinda dumb) bird-girl.
    • Oni - Shy girl that turns into a breed-happy fuck-rampaging machine when she gets "in heat". Romance path is kinda cute, but seems very rushed, going from 0 to 100 real fast.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with hot sex scenes. What's not to love? I would honestly love to have more of these types of games.

    Basically, you go around buying up monster gals and setting up in your brothel to service customers. Each customer has different preferences, so you have to match each one with a monster that matches them to the best of your abilities. Easy, but each girl only has a certain amount of energy and requires time to rest after each customer, meaning you have to choose carefully. It's rough at first to get money, but, if you hold on you'll get better tools to upgrade your monsters with, you guessed it, sex.

    Each girl has 8 base scenes that change depending on whether she's a virgin or not and whether she's in love with you. Each different scene raises different stat, which improves various aspects of the monster in question. All in all it's very in-depth and damn sexy. Give it a shot.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice and simple brothel sim.

    Nice art. Quick gameplay. Strongly recommended to give it a go.

    Incase you find it difficult, do note that you can check what clients will be visiting that day so you can plan ahead.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've a lotta love for this game, but people seem to be mostly ignoring its problems. Reviews filtered through rose-tinted glasses serve little purpose, especially without counterpoints, so I'll just describe the major flaws of this (really quite good) game:

    ~First problem has to be the gameplay itself. It starts fun--not too difficult but not too easy. All mechanics are built around the weekly payments. You have few resources and consequently few options in the beginning, so every decision really matters (especially on higher difficulties).

    After awhile, though, your options expand significantly and money becomes less of a problem. You'll have well-trained girls for just about any customer and various ways to multiply your nightly income. You can continue to train girls, which is rewarding in itself, but the prostitution mechanic that the whole game is built around really becomes routine. Money is spent on luxuries instead of necessities and the whole money management aspect of the game is lost. For me, this happens about halfway through even at the highest difficulty with no bonuses.

    Better balancing or a twist in the gameplay would help solve this issue. The game is really too easy later on, and I'll just leave it at that.

    ~Second problem is the monster girl reskins. Five out of seven 'rare' monster girls from the auction are reskins of ones you can buy normally. Not only are they reskins but they have the same training scenes, prostitution scenes, introduction scenes, affection scenes and ending scenes.

    I have no complaints about the number of monster girls, but seeing the reskin gimmick used so many times is pretty disappointing as a player. Frankly, the game would be better if they simply removed 3 or 4 of the duplicate girls and made 2 or 3 of the expensive normal girls acquirable at the auction instead. The game even has two totally new, unlockable monster girls which could have been used for that purpose. It would only be a matter of shifting resources around to reduce disappointment/frustration of finding yourself with what is essentially a slightly better copy of a girl you might already have. Reskins, if anything, should just be there as an option to customize the girls' appearances a bit.

    ~Last problem is polish. There are several bugs I've encountered, with one in particular being annoying enough to make the game a little less enjoyable every time I play it.

    And that's about it. The thing about all these issues is that they could conceivably have been avoided with the same budget and time constraints this game must have had. They certainly don't ruin the game, but there are areas for significant, viable improvement.

    I think these kinds of things should be pointed out so future games can be better, as they should be.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome! I tried to buy it on steam but unfortunately it is not available in my country...it is meanwhile the third game :-/
    No to the facts...it has beautiful art, a nice gameplay which tempts you to play several rounds to see all the end scenes and unlock the perks. i played all three modi and im tempted to play further rounds to see the endings of the girls. the story is not so rich, but it is ok bcs the gameplay is fun, you have to train your girls, fuse some perks and send the right girls to the customers to satify them and gain mor fame, money and exp for the chics. i hope that in the future are more species to train.
    I can recommend this game for everyone who love, monster girls...monster girls and management/trainer games.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art, intresting gameplay and well: finally good borthel simulator! It's intresting game and sometimes I came back to play it again. This is reasoon why this game is in 1st page of top games of f95Zone
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played couple of Lewd titles so far and i have enjoyed quite few of them.
    this one is interesting in the sense that, i really love the game elements of it. The gameplay for a Trainer game is just superb and well done, not difficult to learn and has min/max nuance that makes the game interesting for more then just one playthrough.

    As a pure game this is top2 for me easily the gameplay is just very well done, However the game for "Happy Time" is kinda not IT. The art is well done but uninspiring, girls are sexy and cute but the dialogue is quite uninspiring its not bad but its just very lukewarm.
    Its simply a game that could be fun even without the lewd elements to it .
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games out there. Great uncensored art, good dialogue, fun and addiciting gameplay, rewarding nudes for all the girls. This is easily my favorite of all time, if not, then a close second to Huniepop.

    The New Game + options also make it tempting to start a fresh playthrough
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    much more content than expected, and the scenes themselves, while having small windows, look great.
    very intuitive and straightforward. especially when it comes to menus, which a lot of h-games fuck up
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This has become one of my favorite games on the site. The art was really nice and if you are looking for a management game, then this is a game for you.

    There is a good amount of content (took me 3 hours for the first play through, but could definitely be done faster) and I never felt bored or super overwhelmed in terms of difficultly. The game ran smoothly and I never encountered any bugs or had the app randomly close (that is the worst).

    The replay ability is good because of the number of options there are when selecting which monsters you pick and unlocking upgrades for future play throughs to complete harder difficulties. I highly recommend.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    Ah, the only thing better then sex, shekels. The game is well drawn, short, and even at it's hardest difficulty is very manageable. The gameplay is pure resource management as you attempt to match your selection of 'merchandise' to the demands of your customers. You'll either adapt, snowballing your success until you end the game with tens of millions in extra capital; or you'll rapidly fail, and have all three of your legs broken by your debt mommy. Multiple replays are encouraged, both to see all the girls you missed and to further optimize your shekel collection.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This could be the most under-estimated game on this website!

    If you are tired of hundreds and hundreds of VN games here, and if you are a big fan of simulation/management type, and if you are not looking for a quick fap, this is where you should look at.

    Admittedly "Monster Girl" did turn me down somehow, especially some really weird ones, but that actually gives me more momentum to run the management side of the game. A simple 5 star for all the innovation and creation that has been put into this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    the game very challenge even it just an image waifu, so much backstory each waifu which let people choose carefully which to pick to earn good money in the story plus a variety of race making you play again with a different way to win the game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    THE BEST GAME ON THIS WEBSITE. I hate VNs and and RPG made on RPGs Maker, so this is perfect!!! All the girls are cute and sexy and there's someone for all fetishes. Thank you for making my day! Very good game!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    great game I strongly suggest people playing it, it have a lot of scene and different ending with different monster girls, along side with good H scenes, some training for certain monster girl can take a lot of time, but once you get the hang of it, everything will go smoothly overall the the gameplay for me is 9.5/10.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games that I've gotten to play from here. The art looks great and each monster girl has multiple scenes. It's a brothel simulator so the gameplay by itself isn't very exciting, but watching your girls have sex with the customers make it worth it. The best part about it is that it's a complete game unlike most on F95 and it also has replayability Hope there's a sequel or more games like this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best trainers out there. It's less about trying to break your girls and instead about managing them.

    The gameplay is engaging enough to where you aren't bored, but not challenging enough to make you wonder what you're doing wrong. Additionally, getting to know your girls and fucking them is one and them same, so there's no need to grind one out for the other.

    Overall, great game. Makes me wish monster girls were real...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great interface, replayable, great CGs. There is something for everyone. I am not a big fan of the monster girl trope but this game does it very well. Only downsides are that it is way too easy even in expert mode and lategame becomes a bit tedious
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice drawings and nice girl variety, although having some more girls would be even nicer.
    The game itself is quite easy, after the first one or two playthroughs it'salready possible to keep up to 2 girl between savegames, keeping all the perks unlocked on them, making subsequent playthrough even easier.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is quality, and the gameplay is surprisingly addictive. I got lost for hours actually trying to min-max characters and get as much money as possible. Not to mention there is a nice (although kinda short) little story behind the fleshed out management style game as well. Extremely excited for when/if they add more girls, and I hope that they can add story or content because I actually would like to sink more time into this game!