Others - Completed - Monster Girl Club Bifrost [v1.15c] [Midnight Pleasure/Remtairy]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's honestly pretty amazing. More or less gets everything right. A problem in my opinion is the 'Affection' trait, which seems a bit unbalanced. If you pursue it―which to be fair is entirely optional―forces you to constantly choose, essentially, one soft training option over and over again. This is pretty repetitive. But to make things worse, the higher a girl's affection is, the more she loses it every time you use her for prostitution. This encourages you to keep her for yourself and that's absolutely fine, but the problem is that it takes a lot to get a girl's affection up to 5 stars, and you still have to train other girls, which will take care of the customers. And if you want all the girls to have 5 stars affection, it's going to be a grind.

    Though, with all that being said, I have to admit that it's a bit of a nitpick, since the rest of the game is more or less on point. There's really nothing to criticise.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great gameplay, great Art. Only thing slightly lacking is lack of VA. But better no VA than bad VA.

    The good Art and Gameplay make up for it. You have simple to grasp gameplay with a diverse cast of monster girls that all have their unique training methods and abilities.

    The UI is well designed and intuitive.

    Was overall a great game to play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    exactly what it says it is, which is unfortunately not the case more often than not with 18+ adult games. It actually has decent game mechanics instead of a thin and hastily thrown-together excuse for a fap-fest
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7694788

    +Satisfying managerial game, this could still be a decent game without the porn, it has great mechanics.
    +Porn beautifully blended with the mechanics (Girls have ovulation periods, slime girl doesn't get STD's, Arachne gives eggs after pregnancy for extra income, etc.)
    +Tons of girls with all types of personalities and bodies, they all have their own sex scenes and romance
    +Can have a Harem ending
    +Very high replayability, you get to unlock "mods" for the NG+ and even bring some girls from your last game
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7655918

    +Actual managing porn game
    +High replayability (Can unlock stuff and carry progress to your NG+)
    +Multiple endings
    +Tons of hours of porn content

    -Porn scenes are still images, I prefer animated ones
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game! I think I'm a little spoiled by Free Cities in terms of management games, but the artwork and story were really well done. Nice job on this. I think the only suggestion I have would be allowing the different species to be capable of having different body types (small, tall, etc...) but overall great game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Just trying to keep a list of games I've played already.

    Skippable storywriting
    I enjoy management and strategy to that element was good for me
    Forgettable dialogue,
    Sex is varied, with lots of girls. I'm not into moster girls so I didn't really care
    Quite grindy
    Play time was about ~10 hours.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    +: Plenty of routes/strategies you can use.

    +: Enough variation in characters with multiple endings.

    +: Scenes are good, depending on your taste.

    +: Easy to pick up

    +: Gallery and plenty of achievements.

    +: Skip option for dialogue (handy for your xth playthrough).

    +/-: story is meh. Not terrible, not great. But I prefer gameplay over yet another VN anyway.

    -: Unless you limit yourself and don't use bonuses for the hardest game mode + add some rules for yourself, it's a bit too easy and gets a bit repetitive (you can have 10+ million by the end of the game when you just need 1,5). Escorting/Auto trainer/ability swap is not really necessary.

    One of the best games imo. Not too long, but plenty of replayability due to the endings/achievements.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A genuinely amazing game that while it may not be my cup of tea gameplay wise made me feel genuine emotion, it hurt at first seeing the girls suffer due to the roles they were forced into and it felt like a lose-lose situation no matter what I did, but I grew to care for the girls and Millia herself, would I recommend this game to just anyone? No. But it's a story that while simple, can evoke genuine emotion, and that's not something you can find everywhere.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [Version: v1.15c]
    Status: Completed
    Final Score: 4,5/5
    1. Story: I don't believe that the game have a wonderful story, but It's better than most of the other eroges I played before. There are lots of endings and interactions with the girls. (4/5)
    2. Originality: You are litterally a pimp. It's not the most original, but also not the most common (4/5)
    3. Sound: There is a music, lewd noises. (4/5)
    4. Playability: It's easy to play, and difficult to master. This one really should be called a game. (5/5)
    5. Performance & Bugs: Perfect, no problem at all. (5/5)
    6. +18: The art is really good. There is no animation, but a lot of variations. (5/5)
    7. Amount of content: Clearly a well developed game. You can easily play this for a great amount of time since the gameplay adds a lot of replayability. (5/5)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Im Addicted to this game, everything about it feels so nice. endless mode feels so fun too, 1209301249 different endings, a lot of CGs and playstyles to a management game, gorgeous art (not some AI bullsh*). im looking foward to see what the studio puts out next.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Its the best management game I never played.

    Its first and foremost a management game. However, that seems to be fairly easy to ignore and just play the game. But the art is unique, the story quite funny and the, while I just said you could probably ignore the management system, its actually quite fun.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like management games that take you straight to the fun part, this is the game for you. The art is nice and the story is straight forward. Thanks to NG+, the game is also replayable a couple of times. Absolutely recommended!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games here which I truly enjoyed. Engaging, not trivial at the start, lots of content and kinks. Dialogues are not as endless as in other games. However, might be grindy to get all the endings. Hopefully there is a sequel.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I am a type of player, who is very difficult to maintain so that he doesn't get fatigued with the game, but this game took me to the end

    The arts of "monsters" are colorful and cute, all girls are different and full of personality because of this I want to look for all of them and start a second playthru of the game.

    The music is very peaceful and fits the game well.

    Game is like chess witch economy system every upgrade have impact on gameplay and because of the turn base system every time you need to chose wisely, to meet the quota :D. Game have interesting evolution mechanic of monster girls

    I only can give 4 or 5 star but in my opinion game is deserving of 4,5
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good (tea for two man heavy starts dancing)
    I very much enjoy this game i would in fact give it an i enjoy. The management aspects are really well done. the endings are nice. the story is interesting. The progression mechanics inspire many playthroughs. Wish they would either make another on or add on an extensive expansion level dlc.
    As have said
    i enjoy.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Thisn game was wuite good.

    The game has a nice system. Like gameplay wise; each customer has a preffered type of skill, whenever obedience, lewness or technique. Additionally they have kinks, like being reptilian, of big breasted, etc. This gives a lot of play, when it comes to training the moster girls. Also deciding which monster girls to buy.

    There are also, "altered stated" like stds, which requires you to think what to do. Some moster girls taki it better than others and so on.

    I also like skills, since some of the girls that may not be that good, became absolute characters when unlocking some of their skills. For example the fairy, at first she may seem not that good, but when reaching lewdness 3, well things happen. Also the personalitites which allow some stats to grow more than others.

    The story was good, short but good. We got a glimpse at what happen to Milia. And the Baron is a pices of shit, but it has a sweet ending.

    My only complai in the categorys. Like there is avian category, the reptilian, etc. Which gives the feel that there are multiple moster girls per each one of them. Yet that is not the case. It has me expecting more types, but there were none. That is my only complain about the game. For everything else fantastic game. For example divine and avian, are only angel and harpy.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    - Game mechanics from Yakuza series - hostess mini-game;
    - Nice visuals;
    - Somewhat balanced game progress;
    - Nice variety of female types;

    - Special items are not necessary but still there for some reason;
    - Low variety of sex scenes in terms of each one girl separately;
    - Lack of variety between girls of one type;
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time I tried it, I couldn't play it. It felt a bit wrong and unnerving.
    Few months later, decided to give it another try. LOVED IT

    Aside from the high quantity of lewd, the gameplay mechanics have a certain complexity and enjoyable approach. You really get into it and have to plan your steps carefully, specially at first.
    As a pleasant turn, the characters can develop affection and their dialogues completely change. The trainings not only grow stats, but they also bring other types of training and so on...

    The artstyle is fantastic, great music and an extremely well crafted game all around. I would only wish for a part 2, that's my only complain. I'm probably going to start it all over again
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    You decide, if the Story ends abruptly by not meeting weekly Criteria, the path you choose for each Character, how far you go in their respective Paths by Affection levels, who you want to end the Game with.
    Harem is optional.
    Characters are optional.
    Individual Characters and respective Stories, yet Mechanic-wise intertwined.
    Almost completely free how you want to play the Game (Weekly Criteria).
    You can be just a Brothel Owner or a Romantic, the Game has 4 Endings.
    Tags say what you can expect.
    Unlockables after first Game through, depending on Points, what and how much you can unlock.
    Consistent Artwork.

    Honestly you can expect what you read and see by the Screenshots, everything else would be personal reference at this point.

    Recommend, if you like Brothel-Management Games, Monster Girls, seek Eastern Games

    1st Playthrough roughly 8-10 Hours
