Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
I have acquired 7.5 through illegal pirate proxy channels on the deep weeb (this is a joke for the dense), and as a jaded misanthrope, I will now give my review for those who do not have it but want it.

First and foremost, the feature breakdown:
- Finished all skill trees and reworked existing ones
True, though most changes are very minimal.
- Reworked (and buffed) crafting to make it more worth it
Very true, there are a lot of busted potions you can craft now, I expect there'll be items later as well. Crafting seems to be the new meta. Going for a crit build with potions that increase crit and give double actions is insane, probably better than Arcanist.
- New "Easy" difficulty option when you start a new game for people who don't want to bother with combat that much
Didn't check it out since I'm not interested, but it is in the game.
- New personality creation system for the MC
You get to pick between a few options for your personality, which then gives you stress depending on the situation. Stress is EXTREMELY hard to fill up.
- New stress and mental breakdown system as you push yourself too far (tied to personality system)
Again, almost isn't even there. I picked a Caring MC and pulled every single one of Narcissa's levers, dooming my whole world and got about half the stress gauge filled. Turns out genocide isn't really that stressful, even if you give a damn. Also you lose stress when you cum. Yeah, so in my few hours of normal playing I couldn't get it maxed. Also you now get buffs when you lose all your Shards.
- You no longer need to defeat the Domina to get enslaved by her ~ just allow her to mentally break you ;)
Good luck with that.
- Reworked most dialogue options (tied to personality system)
90% of the dialogue is completely the same. Every Domina has 2-3 lines that actually use the Personality system.
- Added a massive amount of (optional) dialogue to every Domina (tied to personality system) ~ get to know your favorite Domina(s)!
Well, considering that Domina's had about 3 dialogue options, adding 2 more is massive in comparison.
- New affection system for each Domina depending on your actions, responses and how much chemistry there is with the MC's personality
Amounts to, for example, Madeline saying you were a really good boy while you were at her domain if you picked Madeline-Esque dialogue options
- Max Soul Shards are now 3 instead of 7
All stakes lost. When you lose your 3 shards you get sent to the Graveyard where Reaper will let you chose one of your stats to buff and bring you back to the Fields. You literally grind stats by losing. Stress is reset upon reviving, so you have to fill it up during those 3 Soul Shards to lose. It's a good system and a good loop, but Stress needs to be amped you A LOT more.
- Each Domina received a new CG sequence of them playing with your last Soul Shard after you lose it to them
This is extremely good. This is the type of content we need more of.
- New worldspace - Graveyward; you will be sent here after losing all your Soul Shards now and it has a hidden story aspect to it that will be revealed in the next Dark Domme
So far it's just a single small map.
- Ability to romance Madeline!
Again, very good. More content like this instead of skeleton and stat grinding would be amazing.
- New combat scripting to hopefully make repeated fights less tedious (again)
Expecting to see (again) (again) in a future update, because it's still repetitive. We need more moves not more randomizer scripts.
- All Dominas received many new triggers for different responses depending on your actions to make them feel more organic and real
Very minimal effect.
- Added "Offer Soul Shard" Katrina and Madeline scenes to their enslavement rooms
Katrina's, Madeline's and Narcissa's Offer Soul Shard scenes are the best content in the update.
- Several bug fixes
Still some bugs here and there, most of the reported grammatical errors were not fixed.

Basically, content-wise, the Soul Shard scenes are where you'd get your money's worth.
Dekarous really hyped up the whole conversation thing, but it's extremely shallow.
If you want to see Dialogue done EXTREMELY well, check out Virtual Succubus
Example of how it works there
View attachment 1320050
But I don't expect something like this for Domina because honestly it isn't needed. What we had was fine.

All in all, new scenes are extremely great, dialogue is BETTER but overhyped, combat is the same with more broken craftables now, and gameplay still requires you to farm hordes of skeletons, in a porn game.

Game will not be good again until the random encounters with skeletons are removed. It's blatant unapologetic padding.
For crying out loud at least just remove the whole "they're dead champions" shit and make them into mischievous demonic imp girls or lesser demon girls or goblin girls or whatever with a few dommy attacks, then farming might actually be fun. With how powerful 1 v 1 you can get now, killing Dominas is easier than a pack of 3 skeletons with a tank archer and assassin, and these types of battles are starting to become 50% of the gameplay experience, which is tragic.
Thank you for your review, I just gave it a read as I am downloading 7.5 now. As for the grind against past champions, I can see where Dekarous was going with that but I agree that realm-themed monster girls would be better. A better situation would be if the Dominas fed the bones of lost champions to the monster girls inhabiting their realms and in turn that makes them even more feral and hungrier for MC. This explanation would both play to the horror lore of the game as well as give the player something sexy to fight against. I would also suggest adding a loss scene to every time the hoard overcomes MC, perhaps even having the Domina of the realm walk by and tease him about being ravished by them.

Kinda why I told Dekarous to focus on the CG use and dialogue/scenes back then. I never exactly played a grinder - was just playing for the dialogue and CG and this makes me very biased on this so your mileage may vary. Hopefully this will help Dekarous deal with what just happened since he really wanted to release it anyway, though I'd advise him to stay away from Internet for the time being for obvious reasons.

Thank you for taking the time to review this, Toilet Lord (and for confirming that the cool stuff was there). This is the kind of constructive review players need every now and then instead of those joke ones in the 'review' thingie.
Agreed with advising Dekarous to stay away from the forums for the time being. They have been considerably toxic to begin with and he doesn't need that now of all times. Dekerous, if you are reading this, thank you for making this great game and you have our sympathy.


A based soul shared this link with me, so I will not reveal who it was, just in case. Have fun!
Thank you for being the Champion we needed! May Llavanya select you to be the next champion she throws in to fight the dominas... Oh wait.

and btw really sorry to hear about Deks loss... that tough shit... :( this fucking covid can fuck off already, this damn things has done enough damage

been so long i almost forgot how good this game is

and Dek, i cant speak for everyone but imo if you see this, i just want you to know that this one of the best femdom games ive ever seen and the reason i wasn't a supporter was not really because of the delays but because the lack of communication and deadlines never been met.. imo its totally cool for devs to take breaks, i mean you guys have a life after all, but i'd also think it'd be fair to communicate that to your supports, like you did recently... and if feel like you need more supporters, id recommend a bit more communication here if possible because i bet thats what sometimes holds up people from becoming supporters... all we were seeing here was the delays after delays but no explanation of why... and at least in my case that was holding me up from becoming a sub big time, just my thoughts.. hope things get better for you and we get the old Dek back but for now do what you need to do to heal up man. All the best
Agreed with this comment so much. I would give it a "Love" but I ran out shortly before checking this thread today.


Apr 29, 2019
Is the only new feet related thing in the update this 1 second animation that plays when you lose all your shards to Maddeline where she puts the shard in her shoe? It isn't even an actual scene?
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Feb 23, 2020
Thank you for your review, I just gave it a read as I am downloading 7.5 now. As for the grind against past champions, I can see where Dekarous was going with that but I agree that realm-themed monster girls would be better. A better situation would be if the Dominas fed the bones of lost champions to the monster girls inhabiting their realms and in turn that makes them even more feral and hungrier for MC. This explanation would both play to the horror lore of the game as well as give the player something sexy to fight against. I would also suggest adding a loss scene to every time the hoard overcomes MC, perhaps even having the Domina of the realm walk by and tease him about being ravished by them.

Agreed with advising Dekarous to stay away from the forums for the time being. They have been considerably toxic to begin with and he doesn't need that now of all times. Dekerous, if you are reading this, thank you for making this great game and you have our sympathy.

Thank you for being the Champion we needed! May Llavanya select you to be the next champion she throws in to fight the dominas... Oh wait.

Agreed with this comment so much. I would give it a "Love" but I ran out shortly before checking this thread today.

I still got some love hearts for lovehurts , despite the all the facepalms you've given me lol :ROFLMAO: in the end i think we all want the same thing now.. for Dek have some peace and overcome these dark times and so may domina never be abandoned.
much strength to you Dek.. and again big respect for opening up to your subs about what was going on...
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Feb 23, 2020
Coming here after laughing at post #6255711 being read backwards and quoted out of context. :sneaky:
Here's a lazy save for those who don't want to grind. Save is inside of Katrina's Keep, right at the beginning.

- All skills (including super secret ones)
- All items (see above)
- All weapons (see above)
- All armors (see above)
- Max proficiency for all weapons
- 9 million points to spend on your skill tree
- 9 million Foreign Shards
- 99999 boost to each base stat
- MC still level 1 just in case you feel like leveling up

Please let me know if I forgot something. Save slot is 1 this time.
Backup your (new) saves, remember to save something to slot 1, overwrite, etc.

The MC is emo, cowardly, caring and dependent, you can easily change this if you don't like it.

edit: If the MC being level 1 disturbs you, nothing a
or $ = 99; can't fix.

uhuhuuuu you dirty hacker thanks for thisss xD gonna be fun to replay the game with this big boost. cool way to test the other classes too


Dec 9, 2020
Can't enter Mary's Realm: it says it's beyond current version of the game. WTF ?
I'm playing 7.0.5 of course


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
uhuhuuuu you dirty hacker thanks for thisss xD gonna be fun to replay the game with this big boost. cool way to test the other classes too
Glad I could be of help, and despite what happened (seriously, fuck covid, especially when RL was already destroying a good bunch of us) this allowed the community to get back together while still allowing us to tell Dekarous what we thought was wrong without being offensive.

Please let me know (either you or someone else) if I overdid it with the save though, looks like this is too OP lol.
Can't enter Mary's Realm: it says it's beyond current version of the game. WTF ?
I'm playing 7.0.5 of course
I'm still in Katrina's realm at the moment, testing bugs and fuckups and making sure my own save booster doesn't actually break even more things (tl;dr: if you use my save and shit breaks, I might be the one at fault, like sending Katrina in a wall or triggering her seal breaking scene because you already own the seal)

Once I'm done with work I'll repost a less destructionist save with just full skills, all weapons, all armors, 9 million mastery points, foreign shards and max prof. Should still allow you to play 'casually' without breaking even more things. (Can also max MP if you want that, this shouldn't break anything.)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Procrastination is bad so here you go.
- Save is at the beginning, before Grim Reaper prompts for MC name
- All skills
- All weapons
- All armors
- Max prof
- 9 million Mastery Points
- 9 million Foreign Shards
- Kept MC at level 1 because they're OP enough as it is

If you want to do it yourself (far from the best way, I know, but didn't take the time to look at the plugins)
Also not optimized for 80chars because comments lol:
//Loop through all weapons and add one of each
//Ignore lines that are blank or contain at least three hyphens
for(var i=1; i<$dataWeapons.length; i++) {
  if (($dataWeapons[i].name == "") || ($dataWeapons[i].name.indexOf("---")!=-1)) continue;
  $gameParty.gainItem($dataWeapons[i], 1); }

//Loop through all armors and add one of each
//Ignore lines that are blank or contain at least three hyphens
for(var i=1; i<$dataArmors.length; i++) {
  if (($dataArmors[i].name == "") || ($dataArmors[i].name.indexOf("---")!=-1)) continue;
  $gameParty.gainItem($dataArmors[i], 1); }

//Actor 1 (MC) gets this many Mastery Points

//You get this many Foreign Shards for the "party" (game currency)
$gameParty._gold = 9000000

//Max prof, give 50k XP for each weapon type (looping through 200 levels is insane)
//There has to be a better way, but level up is one at a time
for(var i=0;i<15;i++) for(var j=0;j<200;j++) $,i)

//Learn all 272 skills, a more failproof way to do this is using the above empty check
for(var i=1;i<273;i++) $;
edit: Yes, it's literally quick console code so don't expect it to be consistent, not meant for production code, just a console quickie. Dirty hack as Snek said. :)
If you don't know how to use the console, press F8 (F12 will invoke SuperTools Engine if the SuperTools plugin is included and enabled in RMMV/RMMZ)
The hyphen part is also not needed if the game doesn't keep the default templates RMMV and RMMZ generate for items, weapons and armors (they don't in this case but performance difference is minimal), left them because lazy 'just in case' - if you remove it, also remove the or (||).
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Another thing, i got enslaved by narcissa but i can't find the spitting scene.
I'm not there yet but I can check the code if needed. Gimme a few minutes, looping through JSON files (can't be arsed to run the actual engine when I can just literally look for what references to the pic lmao)

Big fan of teach how to fish vs give fish, with Notepad++, Find in all files, filter: *.json, folder:\www\data\, String: NarcissaS4 (the filename without the extension, RMMV/RMMZ doesn't use file extensions when referencing)

CommonEvents.json (1 hit) - so we know it's in Common Events
Line 24: {"id":22 [...]} - and that's common event ID 22
Metric fuckton of RMMV/RMMZ that's intimidating but not exactly rocket science
The portion that interests us in there:
It's referenced for display, and it's in Common Event 22 (Narcissa Player Win, as in MC wins against Narcissa) all right, but now is it properly called? It has a lot of handling.
bruh please lose bruh please
Random tip to Dekarous if he ever has the courage to get back to coding after this ordeal :( - on an unwinnable fight, use a label and jump to it so even if you win, you still are forced to lose unless the player forcefully removes the label from the code itself (or performs a memory hack to mess with game processing but let's not get too subtle).

The answer is yes. Simply have affection at 3 or more and tell her you'll continue your quest to trigger the Damsel In Distress 'parting kiss' dialogue. If you do NOT meet the affection requirements, she'll tell the MC to get the hell out of her Donjon (Dekarous really has something for French huh, donjon instead of dungeon, un dédale de couloirs, salive instead of saliva... Hmm...)

28 minutes to write all of this? Well shit. Sorry for being slow at multitasking...

(Also just in case, yes, I can't stop laughing at all the bruh unwinnable comments, but please Dekarous, use labels - you can even do it after running the message so it keeps being funny while actually not fucking things up lol)
Last edited:


Aug 1, 2019
I'm not there yet but I can check the code if needed. Gimme a few minutes, looping through JSON files (can't be arsed to run the actual engine when I can just literally look for what references to the pic lmao)

Big fan of teach how to fish vs give fish, with Notepad++, Find in all files, filter: *.json, folder:\www\data\, String: NarcissaS4 (the filename without the extension, RMMV/RMMZ doesn't use file extensions when referencing)

CommonEvents.json (1 hit) - so we know it's in Common Events
Line 24: {"id":22 [...]} - and that's common event ID 22
Metric fuckton of RMMV/RMMZ that's intimidating but not exactly rocket science
The portion that interests us in there:
It's referenced for display, and it's in Common Event 22 (Narcissa Player Win, as in MC wins against Narcissa) all right, but now is it properly called? It has a lot of handling.Random tip to Dekarous if he ever has the courage to get back to coding after this ordeal :( - on an unwinnable fight, use a label and jump to it so even if you win, you still are forced to lose unless the player forcefully removes the label from the code itself (or performs a memory hack to mess with game processing but let's not get too subtle).

The answer is yes. Simply have affection at 3 or more and tell her you'll continue your quest. If you do NOT meet the affection requirements, she'll tell the MC to get the hell out of her Donjon (Dekarous really has something for French huh, donjon instead of dungeon, un dédale de couloirs, salive instead of saliva... Hmm...)

28 minutes to write all of this? Well shit. Sorry for being slow at multitasking...
Wow thanks
I'm not there yet but I can check the code if needed. Gimme a few minutes, looping through JSON files (can't be arsed to run the actual engine when I can just literally look for what references to the pic lmao)

Big fan of teach how to fish vs give fish, with Notepad++, Find in all files, filter: *.json, folder:\www\data\, String: NarcissaS4 (the filename without the extension, RMMV/RMMZ doesn't use file extensions when referencing)

CommonEvents.json (1 hit) - so we know it's in Common Events
Line 24: {"id":22 [...]} - and that's common event ID 22
Metric fuckton of RMMV/RMMZ that's intimidating but not exactly rocket science
The portion that interests us in there:
It's referenced for display, and it's in Common Event 22 (Narcissa Player Win, as in MC wins against Narcissa) all right, but now is it properly called? It has a lot of handling.Random tip to Dekarous if he ever has the courage to get back to coding after this ordeal :( - on an unwinnable fight, use a label and jump to it so even if you win, you still are forced to lose unless the player forcefully removes the label from the code itself (or performs a memory hack to mess with game processing but let's not get too subtle).

The answer is yes. Simply have affection at 3 or more and tell her you'll continue your quest to trigger the Damsel In Distress 'parting kiss' dialogue. If you do NOT meet the affection requirements, she'll tell the MC to get the hell out of her Donjon (Dekarous really has something for French huh, donjon instead of dungeon, un dédale de couloirs, salive instead of saliva... Hmm...)

28 minutes to write all of this? Well shit. Sorry for being slow at multitasking...
thank you so much, i tried to look into the json files but my coding knowledge is 0

Nait Sieve

Active Member
Mar 5, 2021
while i very much apprechiate the new content, i'm with Toilet Lord for the most part.
the whole 3 shards/graveyard mechanic feels rather pointless and makes no sense either. i mean, does the reaper just gift you 3 new ones? again and again? plus a stat boost on top? i'm curious if this gets counted by the game, so that you eventually end up dead for good. since you don't seem to be able to restore your shards on your own you also end up with way too many foreign shards unless you simply stock up on tons of potions.
the stress mechanic also feels like a joke. losing all shards shoud not reset it and losing shoud not lower it. if your soul shards aren't your potential way to game over, then stress shoud be at least somewhat of a problem. +100 stress for pretty much surrendering to madeline? no problem, just lose your last shard to her and you are back to 0. if this is how it's intended, then it seems very flawed imho.
also +1 for lesser demon girls instead of skeletons. while the bone guys make sense story-wise, they are definatly no fun. epecially since they seem designed to drag out the fights (guard mode and potion spam)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Wow thanks
You are very welcome!
thank you so much, i tried to look into the json files but my coding knowledge is 0
It's intimidating, but really, it's just a data interchange format for JavaScript. Basically in a (no offense intended!) ELI5 (explain it like I'm five) way, and in this context: RPG Maker stuff turned into instructions back and forth ;)
The hardest part is due to the lack of formatting and comments (there's the open-source HJSON implementation for a more human-readable approach, but JSON is meant as raw data), and also remembering the instruction codes for each RPG Maker instruction, as those may change between engines (though it's only been a thing since RPG Maker MV as far as I know - MV and MZ are full JavaScript but VX for example used the 'native' format and Ruby for scripting.

To make it short, really, once any kind of code is properly 'beautified', it looks way less intimidating - but it will take up a lot more lines as a result.

One-liners are a recipe for disaster in any kind of programming (any language based on a compiler will have you quickly learn this, compiler is laughing at you trying to find errors in your fancy one-liner when you would have found them instantly with properly formatted code) but that isn't a problem for raw formats like JSON as this makes them easier to 'parse' without breaking things.
while i very much apprechiate the new content, i'm with Toilet Lord for the most part.
the whole 3 shards/graveyard mechanic feels rather pointless and makes no sense either. i mean, does the reaper just gift you 3 new ones? again and again? plus a stat boost on top? i'm curious if this gets counted by the game, so that you eventually end up dead for good. since you don't seem to be able to restore your shards on your own you also end up with way too many foreign shards unless you simply stock up on tons of potions.
the stress mechanic also feels like a joke. losing all shards shoud not reset it and losing shoud not lower it. if your soul shards aren't your potential way to game over, then stress shoud be at least somewhat of a problem. +100 stress for pretty much surrendering to madeline? no problem, just lose your last shard to her and you are back to 0. if this is how it's intended, then it seems very flawed imho.
also +1 for lesser demon girls instead of skeletons. while the bone guys make sense story-wise, they are definatly no fun. epecially since they seem designed to drag out the fights (guard mode and potion spam)
I really haven't tested the fights yet (hell, I barely played at all, I'm such a number, code and bugmaniac I end up pulling allnighters breaking and fixing things) but even as a non-grinder, I understood the issue from Toilet Lord's pretty constructive and detailed review. Additionally, that's something that's extremely easy to do in RPG Maker so if Dekarous wants our help, as usual, I'm sure some of us will be ready to help depending on their own RL issues - yes, we also all deal with RL tough shit on chronic/permanent health issues and whatnot and even before that entire pandemic thing started... :(

As usual, the "not doing the dev's job" disclaimer applies. Just keep in mind we all have the code, you can see it as modding or just learning how it works (nothing wrong with that). If this really intimidates you, grab RPG Maker MZ (at this point I'm going with - I miss you friend - Crazy's suggestion of MZ over MV) as it will improve native compatibility for playtesting in a developer environment while remaining in the engine itself if you don't feel comfortable with coding outside of it.

Let's say we want to implement what Toilet Lord suggested, there are many ways to approach it and I'm no longer in a sound enough state of mind and health to properly think of a decent way, but bear with me, let's use this algorithm as an example.

Dekarous already has affection variables and whatnot ready. He also added the stress meter (which I haven't tested yet), as well as personality traits for the MC (those can be really complicated to manage later on if they are preset, so had I known more beforehand, I'd have told him to be really careful with this). Anyway, let's use what Domina uses.

Directly from Toilet Lord's review (text explanation):

- Togglable dom or sub names: 'Togglable' implies user preference but I'm playing semantics here. If that's the intended meaning, then this also assumes you can 'define how you want the MC to refer to her' - easy to do with RPG Maker's built-in choice system, and can be easily extended beyond the limit of 4 (5?) choices, even without extra code (though it does get messy depending on your implementation technique). If 'togglable' here meant on/off as in "I don't want to see that", then a simple on/off switch (remember, don't use conflicting switches - having 7 switches for each day of the week for example is overkill, sloppy, but can also lead to massive breakage, being on multiple days on the week at the same time or none at all, which is why switches are meant for simple, non-conflicting boolean yes/no true/false situations)

- Current variables that can be used for a Domina's mood: Affection and relationship (the path progress).

- Synonyms for variety: RNG can be a bitch at times, so your mileage may vary. Players end up rerolling tons of times to get the scene they want when it could be guaranteed to happen (or not happen). This is particularly true for, say, people trying to trigger a specific moveset from a Domina, or getting a particular dialogue line. RPG Maker, by default, uses a 'priority system' for each attack (out of 10) that is weighed against other skills/attacks for battlers.

- Adjectives and names based on previous events: Again, we have this! It's literally the route progress variable for each Domina. It can be used to the developer's advantage - this variable keeps track of what was done and you do not need switches. Commenting the code is highly recommended when doing this, however, for the developer to remember why exactly this amount does this. Alternately, you can use variables all over the place, but it becomes quite messy. Or, if you're comfortable with JavaScript (remember, MV/MZ is JS) and already using plugins, why not use the scripting engine as well? While arrays/lists of values are much less convenient to handle in RPG Maker's built-in variable and switch checker, they are pretty straightforward with a {key:value} approach. Performance-wise, I'll leave this to RPG Maker experts (or anyone who dug this far into the engine for that matter - complexity is more of an advanced approach when you already have a working system but want to make it run faster, smoother and with less resouces.

Okay, that ended up being a bit long but I literally left this post on hold while typing another on another thread. Sorry about that. The aspirin cost's on me if I lost you there with that nonsensical wall of text, folks... :sneaky:
someone has put it up on
No contentious tags, you can just use (this will just display the content warning if you haven't turned it off).


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Also forgot to address the emphasis on the random enemies. Might as well use a new post if F95 staff doesn't mind.

Many games forget about potential attractive use of out-of-battle and 'small fry' encounters. Since they are already customized encounters (not the default "walk X steps, get random battle"), giving them cool sprites that match Domina's theme (and the realm's theme, if possible) is a nice plus. Plenty of free spritesets around so Dekarous shouldn't even worry about that as long as he credits the artist. That's also something the end user can do (replace the skellies and all with better stuff) but since the enemies themselves *do* use actual art, yeah, that one's difficult.

Making them interact with the player on top certainly would be another plus but it can quickly get out of hand for a developer with too much imagination (or too much ambition). This would also help non-grinders "feel" the battles and, why not, join the whole build thing. You folks got me all confused with the classes, I literally kept the MC at the default class, but I definitely understand the appeal with the quite complex (and interesting) perk tree.

Crafting... That's another nice one. Many games also use this, there are recipes, they're already being used with a commonly used JavaScript plugin (if memory serves right, not checking the code as I post). But again, you'll want to keep it reasonable. If you make it so overly immersive you not only end up spending 500 hours coding trillions of outcomes (technically, you can make a lazy way that handles this much in less than one hour, but the testing will eat a lot of time, and you can't exactly test everything in this case) but your audience is absolutely confused even though they love it, yeah no, that's a no-go.

For players who are learning or eager to learn how to code, again, you have it right in front of you, don't let it intimidate you if you're motivated, the lack of time, motivation, imagination and health is what's stopping me here. And yes, I am frustrated when I see posts like Toilet Lord's that clearly have ideas worth a check but can become quite time-consuming.

All you need to keep in mind is you can do it, you won't break the game. Literally archive your original data folder - this contains the code you'll be working on, and if you are using the actual game engine (MV or MZ), it will overwrite all base .json files (actors, enemies, items, etc) - even unmodified ones - on a project change, as well as plugin.js, index.html and the project 'manifest'. Then simply work on the file you want to change, say a map if you're changing how an event works, CommonEvents.json for common events (series of instructions that are repeated and called when certain conditions are met), or any other .json file for that matter.

You can also tinker with the JavaScript plugins in /js/. They're heavily commented if they are well-made and usually come with instructions on how to use them. You learn by doing. Learn while you can, guys, and enjoy it too, so you can teach others. Wouldn't mind learning things from the community because my memory's full of holes at this point, and game threads are great for this when the developer doesn't mind (and it also helps them).

tl;dr: RPG Maker MV/MZ = easy modding. You have ideas? Try and implement them if you feel like you can do it. Don't wait for them to make it in the game if you're almost sure you can make it on your side - just back them up and replace them with the developer's code once it lands. This does no harm to the developer's income and this promotes Domina. Or, if you're familiar and comfortable with github (I'm not, and don't trust it since Microsoft took over), you can also make your own "fork" of the original project, branch it the way you like, then request a "pull" or "merge" with the developer's code (after code conflicts are fixed, and with JSON and JS files, this usually isn't too troublesome, this just ensures you both don't end up having conflicting versions that won't be compatible with each other in the final release. Also, playtest. Playtest all the time. Even as an end user. Playtest and report everything you find.

Stealth edit: Double wall of text...


Dec 9, 2020
now and wait for him to recover to continue the game because I can't continue in the story and go to Mary
Yeah, the games said the update would be released in a few days, but ... considering the situation I think it's rather unlikely.
This sucks btw ... I really wanted to see the new Franziska scene.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
now and wait for him to recover to continue the game because I can't continue in the story and go to Mary
Someone else can help if you point out what breaks and where.
Yeah, the games said the update would be released in a few days, but ... considering the situation I think it's rather unlikely.
This sucks btw ... I really wanted to see the new Franziska scene.
If all you want literally is the scene, you have two options, EH for the gallery (see above) or, for the actual scene, simply change the seal switch with a save editor and progress as normal. If you get stuck somehow, save edit or report info here on what breaks so one of us can help you fix it.

I 100% agree that Dekarous should be focusing on recovery and it's a good thing the community understands this.
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