
Game Developer
Apr 13, 2018
Small quality of life suggestion:
Can you add a function to save your Arena groups? Currently it's very tedious to click 10 times or more to add all combatatants to the arena groups. Or maybe add a button repeat last match up :).
Yes, multiple people have already requested this. I will look into it.

Sorta? I mean you can first change into a woman then pray to the gods to grow a dick. But, for whatever reason the city counts you as a female still, so dunno.
You're right, I consider this actually a bug and have added it to my list.
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Dec 28, 2018
In the description it says that it is only for Windows, but it is HTML and works from the browser so should not put all systems? or at least name the others?
It is that sometimes there is HTML that open from a .exe and that is exclusive of Windows but in this case is web code. I say this because many will have been discouraged from downloading it when reading only Windows. Well many. We are few not Windows. ;)


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
In the description it says that it is only for Windows, but it is HTML and works from the browser so should not put all systems? or at least name the others?
It is that sometimes there is HTML that open from a .exe and that is exclusive of Windows but in this case is web code. I say this because many will have been discouraged from downloading it when reading only Windows. Well many. We are few not Windows. ;)
It's just a webpage, it works everywhere you can launch a modern browser.


Jul 24, 2017
I feel like this update ruined the balance of the game. I get to a point, where I cant produce enough food or gold and thats it. You took away the ability to grow but the enemies are even stronger than before...
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Game Developer
Apr 13, 2018
I feel like this update ruined the balance of the game. I get to a point, where I cant produce enough food or gold and thats it. You took away the ability to grow but the enemies are even stronger than before...
I know and I feel sorry about that. I will release a balancing update not too far in the future. Turns out balancing is hard and if companies like Blizzard and Riot can mess it up, a small part-time-developer can do so as well :D


Jul 2, 2017
You should consider adding ways to increase your gold income that don't require you to have gold beforehand. I know it takes money to make money, but... being unable to get out of a deficit because you need money you can't get is discouraging. Maybe remove the gold cost from the money-buildings, or at least from a decent number of them could mitigate the issue... but I suppose rebalancing is necessary anyway. (And I already suggested map-buildings that produce money).

Also: Tax-rate policies. Even if people don't "get used" to them. That's also a reason to keep increasing the number of policy slots (other than unlocking higher city-levels), because currently you have way more than you need.
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Jul 24, 2017
I know and I feel sorry about that. I will release a balancing update not too far in the future. Turns out balancing is hard and if companies like Blizzard and Riot can mess it up, a small part-time-developer can do so as well :D
Yes, that's why many studios keep their balancing formulas secret.
Anyways I didn't want to sound too harsh. The game is amazing and you're doing a good job.


Jul 2, 2017
Though for the big publishers, part of the reason balancing particulars are secret is because they may favor controlled imbalance over "perfect" balance, in order to induce meta-shifts and keep the game interesting. You'll also notice that some heroes, factions or strategies will always be viable and powerful, for years, while others will always get the short ends of all sticks... until they're buffed too much for a patch or two before being nerfed into obscurity again. But being too... honest about it will disgruntle the more easily upset parts of the playerbase, so~~

Alas, that has little to nothing to do with our balancing here :D I'll just see how it develops over the next few updates. And to be honest, it's far from unplayable. I managed to "win" around 5k population anyway.


Jul 23, 2017
I am currently playing as a woman leader on normal, there balance seems ok. But i get 6400 food from lactation and only 2440 otherwise. I have 38k population which give me 3800 gold. This is more than half of my 6100 total gold income.

I will try the next game as a male leader to see if i also get extra resources like the food from lactation. Because without the additional population from lactation i would probably only get roughly half of my current gold income which might make the game very hard on normal already.

As long as you have lactation food imho the balance on normal is fine.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
I am currently playing as a woman leader on normal, there balance seems ok. But i get 6400 food from lactation and only 2440 otherwise. I have 38k population which give me 3800 gold. This is more than half of my 6100 total gold income.

I will try the next game as a male leader to see if i also get extra resources like the food from lactation. Because without the additional population from lactation i would probably only get roughly half of my current gold income which might make the game very hard on normal already.

As long as you have lactation food imho the balance on normal is fine.
As far as I know there's nothing equivilent to Lactation on the male side. At least I've not found anything yet.


Oct 8, 2017
Interesting update. It sort of forced me to survive to the first few week. And also change my way of playing the game.

In early game, you cannot really afford to both pay the futamazon and maintain some troops. Moreover, for the first few turn, your kingdom is so small that you can only chose among six or height tile to conquer, so it's actually likely that you end up in a situation were all your border tile are too hard to beat, and so that your troops cannot help you to developed.

So the solution I found was to pay the futamazon, and let the guy from abstinencia get in the city since the start. That I was in peace with all other kingdom and could maintain troop only when needed for conquest. Even so, given your meager income in the first few week, barely cover the 50 gold to the amazon + two clantroopers. So I had to conquer as many tile as possible alone before creating any troop.

But this strategy would not have worked if I wasn't able to keep the amazon tribute to 50 because of the bug. I feel like in this patch, without this bug, you will just end up suffocated by amazon tribute and units maintenance cost. Except if you get a super lucky start were you can claim a lot of tiles with just one or two soldiers, so you still have spare gold to invest in building and upgrade.

I think having one or two very easy fight in the first three weeks can also help you a lot. It may allow you to upgrade you troops, which is an incredibly cheap way of get more fight power comparison with training yourself or hiring troops. Getting 10 point of charisma would cost you more than a thousand gold if it’s for you while its will cost only 12 gold and 12 faith to get them on a clansman that got from level 1 to 2.

To summarize : with this patch, the situations were you are not bleeding out one or two type of resource or the other have been made far less common.

My suggestion to make thing better :

As it’s a porn game, adding more porn is obviously more efficient to make the players happy than fixing the gameplay. X)

A few idea that could make thing more smooth :

Allow the player to go into dept. This way, if you are in a difficult situation, you still have ways to fix you kingdom and are not totally paralyzed by the lake of money.

Either have the possibility to sell excess food, wood and stone or create some map building that sell those resource for you. Like you could make brewery that take your food for gold, furniture maker that consume wood, architect or statue maker that consume stone and a kind of on-map temple that use faith.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2017
Is anyone else having error problem when pressing the "add new save game" button? I'm trying to save but it looks like I can only do so using the "save to file" button. :unsure:


Aug 5, 2017
I do wonder about the scenes with the futas. Do you plan to allow male characters to use their male parts?
I. e. if the amazon ambassador comes and nicely asks you to increase your donations you can blow her as male or female, but only females get to ride her.

Also, will you later on create events where the leader has the chance to (sexually) submit to another character?
At the moment the leader seems always rather dominant. :D

On the current map, do you plan to expand the diplomacy options? at the moment diplomency basicly boils down to "prevent them from conquering me while I prepare a sudden attack". True alliances would be neat, or even becoming a vassal.

A method to get rid of prisoners that can not be recruited would be nice too, but that is not that important.

But one last question: Why can everyone reach the players capital (raiders or priests) but I can't do the same?

Anyways, I really enjoy your game and is promising, so keep up the good work! ^_^
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