3.40 star(s) 11 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
Not sure if the 4.0 update is on here but thought i should post it just in case

New Content
-Added Service Customer Events for all perversion levels for both male and female player character.
-Added 3 Stripper Events
-Added Roxanne Office Event
-Slightly touched up some other events such as the explore town events or generic laboratory event.
Quality of Life updates
-Added Perversion levels to Cheat Menu.
Honestly doesn't seem like much. Unless there's a lot more difference in perversion levels than I've seen, that's like 10-12 events at most. I've written more than that for the game I'm working on now in a single day, and this bitch is coded in C++.

Not a great sign, to be honest.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2019
a lot of expectations and disappointment in this thread for a game thats not even at version 0.1 yet but yeah with the slow development this is probably just a side hobby for the dev atm, either that or they are still learning. Either way great concept, its like a what i expected out of whoremaker fem route then again thats another game with slow development active discord though so its still holding interest.
Jun 16, 2017
is there a way to get more feminization events, i only ever get to 30% and then no more events, i know you have to have 0% for the missing rent event but are all the other events really rng?


Aug 30, 2019
is there a way to get more feminization events, i only ever get to 30% and then no more events, i know you have to have 0% for the missing rent event but are all the other events really rng?

how did you even get to 30%? I can only get to 10%.... at 30%, you can change your clothes.


Jan 19, 2018
is there a way to get more feminization events, i only ever get to 30% and then no more events, i know you have to have 0% for the missing rent event but are all the other events really rng?
how did you even get to 30%? I can only get to 10%.... at 30%, you can change your clothes.
The first time I played it I couldn't really get through 10% either. That's because quickly afterwards I started activating cheats. Don't do that yet. Keep trying to stay in debt when the rent is due. After that, it's simply following the hints (top-right). If there is a green checkmark next to one of the situations in the hint-screen, just have to activate that several times (sometimes it's walking in the street, cosplaying, work in your office, etc), but most of the times it activates on the first try. Once you follow the hints you get to 100% feminization pretty easily.
I will say though, it is rather rigid in its order of events, so it pretty much plays like a VN more than a sandbox atm.

copy of whoremaker game
That's selling it short. They each have their strong and weak points.

Oh and hey, Whoremaker is how old? 5 years? In that time they've only released 23 versions, most of which only had some events added. At its core, the game hasn't changed in all those years. All that time they've been happily collecting contributions from their Patrons. Meanwhile Lazuli has to delay their next version of Slut Manager and had paused payments.. Who's the bad guy here?


New Member
Jun 16, 2018
I did like this game. I loved whoremaker way back when. This game obviously is in the same genre, but unique in its own right. Since it's only ver 0.4, I would assume the developers have more plans. To them, I say Kudos, keep doing what you're doing.
3.40 star(s) 11 Votes