Unity - Completed - Rebellion Academy [Final] [Revive]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Didn't play to completion due to mainly how long the loading was and how bland the overall gameplay was with nothing to look forward to

    A platformer with:
    • meaningless obstacles
    • empty bare minimum mazes
    • some areas you must return to on gaining "skills" that allow you to traverse blocked areas but the problem is it can take some time to pass these maze obstacles that are plain boring
    • enemies with no challenge (you can literally run pass the first enemies that charge an attack)
    • the point of the game, I believe, is to unlock sex scenes that go in Album - not really sure what the fuck the game is about
    • MTL
    other issues:
    • low poly sex scenes that aren't animated (but it says it has animation - i did not encounter)
    • worst of all is how poorly optimized the loading is - it takes almost 10 minutes for a level or a scene from the album to load