VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Luna's Fall from Grace [v0.33 Public] [Frozen Synapse]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is told with style so that is nice. The story goes off the fuggin rails pretty quick though and to me was hard to follow at some point. The model used for the main character is excellent so he get +1 point for that. I feel lots of opportunities for interesting sex content was missed, especially when playing a more submissive type. It has potential I guess?

    3/5 but raise to 4/5 because the MC looks very well rendered.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    old rating (v.012) Loved the characters and plot.
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    Rating of Ch 2 v0.3

    Coom: 10/10 for many kinks even "forced" which isn't tagged

    Story: 10/10 One the best I've seen for an H game and even normal games

    Renders/Animations: I'm not a graphics nerd so I'll give it a 9/10

    Gameplay: as a VN the choices make you wanna try every route so 10/10 for the roleplaying.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game. I like the renders and character aslo looks good. Story is engaging and choices show some variety. I hope they will matter in the endgame via point system. Lewd scenes are hot too. I'm looking forward to new updates in the future.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Super enjoyable game with perhaps the best stat and choice system of any adult VN game that I've tried.

    The game presents players with an interesting setting, interesting characters, and a ton of interesting choices with many different stats and variables that help shape the story and allow the player to meaningfully roleplay in a way that suits their personal preference.

    The downside of the game is that the renders aren't particularly amazing, and while there's plenty of light stuff like groping and nudity to be found, there's not a lot of actual sex or animations in the current version of the game. So if these are a big priority for you. Then this might not be the game for you currently.

    But if you like Adult VN's with a lot of meaningful choices, enjoyable characters, focus on being a sub/dom, then I cannot recommend this game enough.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    What an awesome game

    Average renders but with original style, E.g. how the characters are introduced.
    Great story and character backgrounds.
    Meaningful choices and subsequent character development, with your developing personality affecting the future choices automatically.
    And last but not least...the best profile/gallery page I've ever seen for a game!

    There's just one improvement I'd like to see
    I fervently hope in a future version we could have the option to change Luna's hairstyle.
    Short hair like that is a turn-off for a quite a few people.
    With long hair as an option, the game would be pretty perfect.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very promising initial effort, which is highly playable and diverting even at this early stage.

    The Dev has made a number of smart choices, particularly in terms of narrative: for example, they opted for a short, simple prologue that sets things up quickly, and gradually allows the player to discover what is really going on during the course of the game. We begin thinking we've heard this story before... but gradually realize we were wrong.

    (Soooo many other Devs, by contrast, tack huge, exposition-laden, boring prologues on their games, instead of allowing the player to reveal the story/backstory in the course of the game itself.)

    The points system, with thresholds allowing or blocking certain actions, allows us to roleplay Luna's character to our liking. At least so far, all possible personality types seem to enjoy unique content and abilities. Certain events or choices can end up 'locked' if we do not have the right stats/personality -- but that makes sense, given how we've chosen to play Luna. This gives the player a great sense of agency.

    There are few extensive sex scenes so far, particularly for pure/hero/badass Luna players, but that's not much of a gripe. This is a porn game that is good enough to be a proper game -- a rare compliment.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really excellent game.

    The good:
    --Excellent story with multiple paths.
    --There's a legit mystery here
    --Interesting characters. Has an interesting Tarantino vibe to it.
    --Some of the character conversations are quite funny
    --Worth downloading the walkthrough mod. It doesn't tell you what to do.
    Instead it merely identified the path you take with each choice.
    Dev has wisely added a walkthrough mod of their own.
    --Choices have an effect at certain points in the game, some quite dramatic

    The bad:
    --not a lot of sex right now
    --Renders are good, but not great.

    All in all, this deserves a 5 for the story despite the lack of sex in the content so far.
    Though the renders aren't great and there isn't a lot of sex so far, even in the corruption path, the quality of the story kept me engaged, so I rate this a 5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Purple Lagoon

    (0.11 review)
    Wow totally blown away by this.
    After reading the positive reviews I decided to give it a go and man, what a nice surprice this game is!

    Pro's (repeating all the earlier reviews):
    - World setting and story is really cool
    - Personality/attributes system is very interesting
    - I like the graphics. They may not be 'high standard', but they're nicely and wisely done.
    - A lot of content for an early release.

    - None for the moment.

    Various thoughts:
    - Since the dev is very economical in the graphic approach, he should be able to proceed at a decent pace
    - The personality/skill choices and consequences however may slow this down
    - At one time in the game I was thinking: this is the follow-up to Fallout New Vegas we've all been waiting for :)

    Final notes:
    - I explored only one path (hero/purity) so I can't tell if there's much difference between the choices you make, but it was very satisfying nonetheless.
    - The protagonist may be small, but she's hot!

    Good work dev! Keep going!
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    The game's real strength is the story. "Girl exploited by the mob" stories can be very strong, and this is one of the best I've seen. The stats system is good, with a four-axis trait system that the players can guide, and just enough of an impact on choices to stay meaningful without being a straitjacket. Plus, you can roll back to see the impact of other choices, so the player isn't choosing blindly.

    The only negative to the game is the visuals. None of the characters quite look human (though they are not uncanny-valley-bad), with the main character, for instance, having eyes so big that they distort her skull shape, and tits so big that the clothing looks painted on (or endowed with antigravity). Evil people look really evil, stupid people really stupid, etc. The designer could do well to learn to be a bit more subtle.

    There's an incredible amount of content for an initial release. There's also a welcome amount of foreshadowing and mystery.

    All in all, a very promising debut, with some room for improvement.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit this is high quality! The images are on point - the stat system seems very very well thought out. I saw no typos or grammatical errors. Already had a great cast of characters and a kickass plot.

    Seriously - try this game out. And assuming I don't lose my shirt in the latest Wall Street shenanigan's I'm definitely going to support this game!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never reviewed anything on here before, but I was so impressed with this game I had to leave one. For a v0.01, there is a substantial amount of content, and beyond that, it's quite good. The renders are good, the protagonist is unique and hot, the plot is interesting so far, and the choices seem to actually matter and feed into a very cool personality system. I'm very exciting to see where this goes from here!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Don Corleone

    I've just played the first 10 minutes and I'm shocked and already catched by the story.

    Moreover the art is pretty good and the MC is fucking hot. What Do I want more?

    Its the best start of a game here since very very long time!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The CG is beautiful and there's a lot of it too. For the first release there's a good amount of story and content. I expect great things from this developer.

    The protagonist is hot as fuck. You don't see this kind of unique look very often.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A great start! The renders are good, not exceptional, but good.
    Above all, I liked the fact that the protagonist is no pushover. She can be a good, bad,or submissive and coward, but she is not an idiot. When she takes a choice, she knows what she’s getting into, most of the time at least. Also, the attribute system seems interesting. I am quite curious to how this turns out.