RPGM - Completed - Let's Make It With Tentacles! Dirty Boy Daughter, Arrogant Yankee vs. Tentacle Mansion [v1.0] [Kinokko]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 6/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 7/10

    Yankee boy turned trap, through the power of sex!

    This felt like a more modern-day version of that other trap boy game where you are adventurers stuck in a forest, but this time the forest is an escape house full of tentacles and a very horny old man.

    Story is pretty whatever, as yankee boy is abducted and fucked every way till Sunday by the horny old man who also dresses him up in girly clothes while he is asleep. There are multiple endings based on the choices you make yankee boy take, going from straight up abandoning your friend to the old man's libido all the way to becoming his personal plaything.

    I personally enjoyed the sleep sex stuff, old man pounding yankee boy every night to corrupt him further and dress him up in girlier and sluttier clothes was good stuff.

    The puzzles are a bit annoying at times, but a lot of them are very "do this and become more corrupted" or "do this and stay sane". However you go about it, the "least lewd" ending still results in yankee boy staying a trap and selling his body to men to get dicked down. So there's not super clean ending, though honestly the prostitute ending seemed to be the hottest one to me.

    Overall, not too bad for a trap fap if you're in the mood.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    [v1.0] It's just okay. Fun for a bit if you like the concept but has plenty of glaring issues that drag the rating down.

    Art: The art is fine but has some weird inconsistencies when it comes to portraying the scene. Sometimes the close-up view would be different from what the overall view would be showing, which can break immersion. The Japanese porn blur is also pretty egregious on this one, turning the dick into a blurry mess that I can't possibly imagine being physically possible.

    Dialogue: The text in the scenes are translated well by GPT, but something must've been lost because the text tends to drag a lot. Each box of the game describing what is happening in a scene feels like it's always followed by two boxes of the protagonist's thoughts like "But I'm a man! That's impossible!" and "This can't be happening to me!" It gets old really fast, and I ended up resorting to skimming the text holding the B button down.

    Gameplay: Pretty much what you'd expect out of a game where you get captured against your will by some creepy dude. If you get caught by the slowly roaming enemy or interact with something you're not supposed to you'll see a scene. You're allowed to choose to not do this to lower your lewdness to achieve a good ending, but I didn't do this. Scenes are unlockable using a switch in the gallery room, so you don't have to play the game to see everything.

    Scenes: The problem with the sex scenes is that there's zero progression between them, in that the first one immediately starts out with penetration in every hole. The main appeal of seeing the protagonist slowly break down over time is completely lost when it already starts out at the most extreme and never advances any further than that.
    The lack of variation in these scenes also make them feel very samey. Every hole is penetrated, check. Dick is sucked, check. Protagonist is crying, check. The game takes place over 3 days, and each of these days you wear a different outfit. You're expected to go back to the scenes you saw in previous days to rewatch the animation but with different clothing, but the text is virtually identical. Again, I just held B to skip everything.

    Overall, this game is lacking in meaningful content and regularly wastes your time a lot if decide to play through it and not use the gallery unlock. However, if you're able to see past that, the art is pretty good for anyone who enjoys the content.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's nothing special, but it's short and to the point. No grind, easy to get all the content (even all the endings, though only the lewd ones have any point), decent art/visuals and dialogue, solid sfx. Not much to say. If you're into the tags, it's worth a look.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Short game about a guy getting fucked by tentacles. Do you like tentacle rape? Do you when the guy is unconscious while he get raped? Then you'll find something to like here. It won't take you a long time to see everything in the game, so that can be a plus for you too. No grind or nonsense. Some of the scenes can be pretty similar.
    Overall I had fun with this and got what I expected.