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Unreal Engine Kagura Survivors: Endless Night [Early Access] [Kagura Games, Big Bang Studio]

2.30 star(s) 9 Votes


Jan 30, 2020
For stage 3, dash (w/CD reduction and double dash mod) is your friend. Next, memorize those crates spawns and hope you can get hotdogs.... until you get enough level up to do some damage. Forget the butter knife, go for boulder lv6.

Buggy release is consistent with Kagura Game's buggy quality.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
thanks friend, as someone who is absolute garbage at this type of game and it's actually my first fucking survivors game, it's brutal that it's even more difficult than the average, it's like i am a baby trying to learn to run before i can even walk XD


Nov 29, 2018
It has a cute art style but the game play is so slow, unbalanced and unrewarding. It doesn't feel like it wast tested for more then the first minute and then shipped out. I do like how there is a laughing sound for when the no-fun police spawn so that is some nice sound design. Not a fan of getting telefragged though.

The UI is not intuitive or informative; it just doesn't explain important things. Is that cm's as a stat? Are you telling me that my sword range is going to be improved by 1 cm, and if so how do I even visualise that? Having such a terrible basic attack with no range or damage puts you on the defensive right away. By the the time gnomes spawn you realise you don't do enough damage; by the time knife goblins spawn you realise that you are too slow and are just stuck on the move, and having no way of meaningfully raising your level and unlocking something that might save you. Not that anything will given the startlingly low up time of weapons and extremely limited number of them. The dash was a nice addition at least it made it feel a bit more interesting. Then there is the ultimate; which requires you to take it as a level up; then wait for it. Yikes on trikes why isn't this stuff standard?

Then there is how you need to encounter something before it shows up in the store, and then you spend your gold on upgrading the potential cap of a skill or passive? It doesn't feel like there is any progression between runs at all making it a huge grind and a huge waste of time. And that is the worst sin of all it doesn't respect my time with the lack of meaningful meta progression. With games like Vampire Survivors you are always working towards something and you can feel the impact of each run and you have options to turn off the stat boots. In Kagura Survivor you are just brought back down to 1 every time; with the extra baggage of knowing; 'now I need 500 more gold so I can unlock a potential level 3 crit damage multiplayer.'

The best part about Vampire Survivors was getting new weapons and seeing in what broken way they could stack. Holocure gave more RPG and RNG elements and injected cute girls, in jokes and lots of humour. DaiSenka not only added animated gifs, but it also changed up the game play and made it more interesting with the tower defence element even loosing was sort of fun in its own way. Kagura Survivors just feels regressive and poorly designed.
Last edited:
Feb 17, 2021
its fun until stage 3 (assuming you cheated in enough gold to fund a country for a century) but once you get to stage 3 you need to get so unbelievably lucky with the upgrades you are quite literally fucked the slimes are easy enough but once the knife goblins come in unless you got that luck with the upgrades you cant go forward nor back because you have potentially enough enemies to LAG YOUR GAME if you dont pick up the ultimate in one of the upgrades(my specs are radeon rx 6600 and ryzen 5 5600g so i dont have a shit pc) you need to get max level katana and some swing cd/damage up modifiers and high level shikigami and crushing boulder (this one is really important if you get this it essentially melts enemies around you) and you cant pick up any passives until you beat the first slime boss in order to maximize the chance that a crushing boulder upgrader drops from the purple chest and guess what? kagura games decided that you can get upgrades for already maxed abilities how amazing.
tl;dr game is fun with some cheating until the 3rd stage

Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
you need to get max level katana and some swing cd/damage up modifiers and high level shikigami and crushing boulder
shikigami storm is actually deceptively shit tbh. It's extremely unreliable and I find that the best combination of weapons are the boulders, tornado, and chain lightning. The fact that you can have a boss or something right up your ass as you're running to the left and shikigami storm is like "so we'll shoot literally any other direction except the one towards the guy that is actively attacking you" is probably the most annoying part about that weapon. It has no priority what so ever and in the long run is more of a wasted weapon slot. It's nice early on having a concentrated wave of pure dps to get yourself out of a jam but every time I play with it in a build it tends to have the lowest amount of kills out of everything at the end. Just build for the hard hitting aoe ones listed and they'll just constantly dish out damage throughout the entire screen. You can easily tell when a run is done in stage 3 with how specific your upgrades need to be. If you can get rocks to level 4 or your katana to level 4 by the first minute you're probably going to win, otherwise you're probably fucked.


Jan 14, 2018
I'm trying this out a little late and it seems like the most recent steam version has picked off some bugs, as I didn't have any problem with those. That said... eh, my opinion is a bit mixed on this. I'm giving it some leeway because it's free and early access, and I can see what it's aiming for, but I'm not too big a fan on the system it's got - having played... the English release of DaiSenKa that I can't remember the name of, this game feels like it's balanced to guarantee a few failures before reaching a single success. It also really needs a goddamn strafe button so you can aim your sword while moving and not have to pray for RNG attacks to do something, and having a basic dodge to start with would be nice, rather than having to rely on the unlock system to get a basic mechanic. That said, I feel like it's got a decent foundation to start with, just could do with some tightening up. Maybe a review later (especially as I feel that the current score is way too harsh) but probably after some more work on the game is done.

Some of the stat names are uh... less than self-explanatory. I had to switch to Chinese to see that "cm", "PS," and "PL" meant "crit damage modifier," "projectile speed," and "projectile duration" respectively. No idea what "rng" or "rad" are supposed to be. Range and radius? But then that's two stats with the same meaning. Well it matters less because...

...I think the stat display is bugged but the effects work as intended. The initial katana deals ~80damage, while the katana lv.2 deals ~150, swings faster and in a bigger arc... yeah I don't think that's a 1.02 increase.
So I think Range and Radius are supposed to be different things - Range is how far out the sword swings (i.e. 1m from character, 2m, etc), and Radius being... well, the radius of the swing (90 degrees, 180 degrees, etc). So increasing radius will hit more enemies to the side, increasing range will let you hit enemies further away.

Looks like none of the upgrades are passive stats, and instead increase maximum upgrade that you can get?

I am not sure this is a good system.
Upgrades are a little weird. Basically, to get significant upgrades, you need to pay to unlock the level in the store, then pick it up in the game. Those significant upgrades buff the weapon's stats a lot and may add additional functionality (e.g. Katana can get a wider pushback wave and eventually does a steady stream of damage straight ahead of you at significant range). However, once you hit the maximum bought level, the only upgrades to that weapon tend to be small (1-10%) general stat increases. I am iffy about this - I think it forces you to restart a number of times before you can go for a decent viable build, but this also feels central enough to the upgrade path that I'm not sure it can be stripped back out.


New Member
Feb 26, 2023
I understand this is a Demo. I hope that in the full game the quality of H would go up drastically. They don't relate to gameplay at all, which I can live with, but my expectation then would be that the spritework is fabulous, especially from a team who has the funds like Kagura.


Aug 25, 2017
I get it's a demo and probably an April Fools joke but, just saying, if they made attacks aimable and let you decide when they happen they might be on to something. Also the tags are clearly wrong.
2.30 star(s) 9 Votes