RPGM - How to Fuck in a Zombie Apocalypse? [v0.11 Public] [The Sex Game's Stories]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I just tested V0.11 and I loved it so much that I went to get V0.13

    It's a survival game with just a little RPG (earning lvl increases life points). The base can be improved, the women I recruit each bring more options to the base, the game map updates every time I enter a new area and there is a way to get all the resources of the game without fighting by searching in the bags of other dead survivors

    The only less I can give is that I can only have fun with zombie women and I can only spy on other women but I hope they will be available soon
    Likes: TSGS
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The fact you cannot escape when your weapon breaks or at an highly disadvantage situation is absurd to me. Your simply just left with an option to die and lose a bit of progress. Beside that though, the game can be fun and exploring for resources is cool. Just the fact that you cannot escape just ruins everything.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game's definitely got some cool vibes, but there's a bunch of stuff that needs fixing.

    Then there’s the whole scene where we first run into the zombie girl. It's a bit confusing because it feels like we’re supposed to be in a factory, but we’re actually chilling in a house. Plus, there's this issue where a few zombie characters (like numbers 4 to 6) are just invisible when you're supposed to fight them in that house across the street. Tried rebooting the game a few times, but nope, they're still pulling a vanishing act on me.

    I'm digging the game despite these hiccups. It's starting its developpement, so there's plenty of room to grow. The artwork and stuff could be a little better. Good hustle so far!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    games horrible with zero reward. zombies have more agility then our lame hero . so they hit you first. if you miss in a straight up fight you lose forget whatever you gathered its gone. no lvl up for fights to get easier. kate i guess has a shop but all i can do is talk normal or she really gets upset. stick breaks and its really gg you cant fight at all. A zombie bj is all the sex content we have. maybe come back in a year. This was so not worth my time.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    [[Edited because I had mentioned another game by name]]

    Three versions later than the first review and no improvement in sight. A native French game that should have stayed untranslated as it barely qualifies as MTL at this point.

    The time system is good, not too punishing and it feels that the pace is good, but good God what's with the saving after sleeping?? If you're making the saving punishing, why would you put permadeath? Make it punishing by losing a day and/or resources and/or progress with the gals, etc..

    Not much else to say, hope always dies last, for a better future project
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good so far. It still needs a lot of fixes/polishes, including the start to be really good. I noticed that the English text sometimes goes out of the dialogue box most of the times...

    First time we meet the zombie girl she was in some sort of factory but we are inside a house...? There's also some missing png with some zombies when we fight then on that house in the other side of the road where we start. I tried restarting the game 3 times and zombie 4,5 and 6 seem to have their PNGs missing. :D

    But, as far as I can see, the game looks somewhat promising, it's still on v0.01 after all, just need some polish as I said, renders need some work but it's only a matter of time. It's been ages since I played a RPGM game so can't say much as far as I could see. It needs some work, but good job!