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Unity - Abandoned - Hentai Girl Division [v1.0.5] [Mature Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is playable, but it's a massive mess and I'm going to break that down into 10 parts, each part can give 1 point, 2 points is a star

    1. Gameplay: It's a standard bullet hell, with nothing being notable about it. All of the characters play the same, having no unique attributes (other than the shuttle that does not affect gameplay) all of the characters can get all of the skills with no restrictions, the only thing that could be considered different gameplay-wise with the characters is that some of them shoot 13 shots per second compared to others 12.5, starting stats are different, but that can be easily accounted for with the upgrade system. The enemies are unique looking, but not standout, and the only real comment that can be made is that if they touch you, you instantly die, which becomes annoying with the final boss teleporting into you off and on. One last thing to note is the complete waste that is the challenge missions, they are difficult, but there is no reward, you don't level up your girls with them, and you don't get anything for completing them all, it's a waste of time and effort fo the devs and players. 0/1

    2. Story: it's boring and makes no sense, you go to a party, a prince dies, you are blamed, one of your ships attack the other party-goers (never explained) you flee, they easily take one of your continents, they attack another, they fail, they retreat, they send out a guy that's supposed to be dead(?) they flee the planet. it's something a middle schooler could come up with and is obviously not the focus, the main issue is the complete disconnect between the story and the gameplay, with you losing constantly even though in gameplay you easily shred massive numbers of enemies it's ludonarrative dissonance at it's finest and leads to further not caring about the characters and story. there is a small conflict that you can easily completely miss between some of the characters, with one once being bad guy, but it's like a puddle, just like the narrative in general. 0/1

    3. Grammar. I don't know if I missed something, but the grammar is almost worse than machine translation. all of the characters speak in the 3rd person, even the voice actress, and it makes them sound like "special" forces, this as well as the subtitles not matching the spoken dialogue, with them matching up being rare, and the menu tips being wrong or not making sense makes the game confusing to navigate, more time should have been placed into polishing the dialogue. 0/1

    4. Characters: the characters are almost great, the art is really good and well polished, I wish there was more, the sex scenes (only 1 per girl and unlocked at level 5) look good, but the dialogue is nonsensical and they are really short, not good fap material unless you are a quick shot. The characters themselves are unique in that they look very different, talk differently, and probably have different personalities, but they don't have their personalities standout, talking with them is the ship gives some small 2 sentence backstory on them and what happened after a mission, but none of it was memorable. I'll give it the point mainly based on the art because that was clearly the focus. 1/1

    5. Grind: this game was intended to be completed without dying, and according to the challenge missions, with as little as 3 lives, the only thing I would have ground (I used cheat engine because the game wasn't worth grinding) would be the damage to dispatch enemies faster, all of the skill maxes out at level 5, and the fire rate maxes out at 12.5 or 13 with health and damage having no limit. playing characters leveling them up once then switching, keeping them at the same level, got me to the end of the game with only one character maxed out, with the others at level 4, each needing me to complete level 16 twice to get to level 5. not a bad grind. 1/1

    6. Immersion: automatic fail, the world-building didn't really exist, the story was none sense, the characters were boring, the background for the missions made the foreground look like we were all ants and the humanoid enemies and bosses made our characters look like nats (that may be an issue with bullet hells character scaling in general, however). 0/1

    7. Menus: they aren't complicated, but they are time-consuming. there is no mission restart button, instead, you are sent to the hub area (is what I'm calling it, it has no in-game name). the "supplies" tab didn't need to exist, neither did the various "power" because it just adds time to level up your characters. the whole process is needlessly long with everything having an animation where you can't do anything until it's done. you got to supplies (through the hub or character menu) buy a power, animation, buy powers until you have enough to get an upgrade point (powers have a static cost, upgrade points increase in cost by 2 every time you buy a point, buy upgrade point, animation, click on the plus to upgrade something, get told "are you sure" or "that's max" (then why is there an upgrade button) repeat every time you want to upgrade. they should have just converted stars into upgrade points, and make the powers just give you an upgrade point, makes the character get stronger faster, but makes a lot less menuing to upgrade anything, that and just remove the "are you sure" and the upgrade button from abilities that are the max level. other than that, it's interconnected and streamlined, you can check your characters from the mission menu, and you can switch characters in the upgrade menu. just need to make upgrading less tedious. 1/1

    8. Abilities: The level of usefulness of the abilities varies wildly, and it's very unbalanced. The increased fire rate for 5 seconds does absolutely nothing against enemies and is mostly inconsequential against bosses, I could never tell if Perfect killing ever did anything because 15-75 damage for 5 hits is almost nothing compared to just shooting, Exploding power is OP is a group being able to 1 shot most enemies and even some bosses, with 5 waves of 360 degrees of shooting, Ball of Darkness is cool looking but ineffective only doing 25 damage per projectile at level 5, and shooting around 25 balls in a 90-degree arc in waves of 5, Homing rockets is almost completely useless shooting 5 rockets doing 40 damage per rocket at level 5, but if the rockets target dies the rocket disappears, making them not that useful. Laser Blades is a screen wiper shooting 5 rotating lasers in 360 degrees doing 40 damage per tick for 3 seconds at level 5. Angles blessing and super heal are pointless if you aren't doing hardcore, and even if you are they're a waste of a slot, with one healing 25% health over 2 seconds, and the other healing 4% per enemy killed over 5 seconds, it's easier to figure out how to dodge. Finally, Time Stop freezing enemies and bullets for 5 seconds I didn't find that useful because I never got overwhelmed. overall, Exploding Power and Laser Blades are the best due to there potential, leaving the other 10 in the dust, every unbalanced. 0/1

    9. Performance: it never lagged, or had any frameskip or screen tearing, working like a charm the entire time. 1/1

    10. Bugs: I never noticed any major bugs throughout my playthrough, unless not getting XP from challenges is a bug, or enemy collision being an instant kill, but that's just speculation. 1/1

    Overall score 4/10

    Smash or Pass?
    Pass, the fap material is after a cookie-cutter bullet hell, with mediocre gameplay and a horrible story, the grammar kept me from trying to get to invested with it being very distracting, and everything in the game is very forgettable. the Fap material itself is really short and stiff, and while it looks good, it wasn't enough to get off to. if you are into bullet hells, it might be ok if you beat everything else, but otherwise, there isn't much here.
    Likes: mc247
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pros: Art is good. H-scenes are unlocked when a girl reaches level 5, and is decently animated with good- voice acting (but horrendous grammar). Gameplay is also ok, but make sure you play on Arcade mode. Some enemy attacks are unable to be dodged.

    Cons: Difficulty aside, which is subjective, the story is a complete snooze. Abilities have nice art but bad balance.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This looks great. It has nice polish. Good UI and responsive controls (Although keyboard control option might be good too).

    Right off the bat, I can tell that this is a game focused on the gameplay elements rather than any H content. The girls look great and voice acting is always a plus. I played about 2 stages and the upgrade system for the ships looked really nice. I didn't unlock any H scenes... but I honestly don't think anyone would play this if they didnt like bullet hell games. Preview pics are super nice looking though.

    Now, I had fun in those few stages and I think the gameplay here can stand on its own. BUT! There is a big big problem here. The difficulty settings are messed up. There is an arcade mode that gives you a normal health bar and unlimited continues. Then there is hardcore mode that puts you at 1 hp and 0 continues. That reason alone kind of made me stop playing. Whats the point of playing a bullet hell if you literally cannot lose? Hardcore mode, on the other hand, means you gotta have reactions of a gaming god to get through any stage.

    Here is an advice. Make 3 difficulty settings.
    1) Easy mode - current arcade mode.
    2) Arcade mode - Give normal health bar. 3 continues to start off. Doesn't refill between missions. Spend supplies to buy more continues.
    3) Hardcore mode - current hardcore mode.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay elements in this game are done quite well (this game is a mouse controlled shmup), although simple it still gives a fun challenge. As the enemy patterns and enemy attack patterns keep it interesting.

    The menus and overall graphics are ok, although there is only a limited amount of content to view.

    The adult content is tacked on, as no mature content is present within the gameplay elements themselves, some hentai is unlocked as you progress when playing as a particular girl. There are 5 girls and 1 animated sex scene for each.

    Overall this is an ok game if you like shmups, but very limited when it comes to the adult content. So it doesnt really do particularly well at either.
    Likes: rhev