
Active Member
Oct 7, 2020
Why do all of you guys simp for Llavanya? I agree gentle loving femdom can be nice, but she doesn't even seem dominant - if anything, i always side with Mary when I have to replay this game for the billionth time because deka made all previous saves incompatible, as she's that... boring and uninteresting. :unsure: Mary at least has a vision, and while it's clearly a very authoritarian (and somewhat meritocratic) vision, still, an immortal goddess obsessed with progress, stability and the pursuit of knowledge, who also prizes loyalty and talent, will 100% give humanity a better future than most of the other dominas that could enslave Earth in this universe! I do actually like Madeline quite a bit as well, (she's probably my joint favourite alongside Mary) but from a political standpoint (of how f-ed up society would be with any of them as immortal goddesses), I strongly disagree with MadelinesPuppy and I think actually most of them would be worse than Mary. (if not all of them)

Mary would self-admittedly take humanity to the stars and let her servants enjoy luxury and comfort as long as they demonstrate obedience to her - contrast that with Narcissa plaguing it with pestilence for fun, Katrina bestowing suffering and pain unto everyone for her own pleasure, Mika and Maki constantly arguing and keeping things in gridlock about as much as the US congress, Franziska doing worse than the IDF to the humans in her realm :LOL: etc

In general being a slave to Mary and her sapiarchic interstellar empire would be far more preferable, so she's actually "best domina" in my book! ;) Yeah, she can be sadistic to champions who want to follow Llavanya's quest and defy her and has a basement full of their skeletons - boo hoo! So what? She's ruthless and kills people that stand against her, but that's still nowhere near as bad as killing innocents for fun as the likes of Narcissa do all the time...

Obviously this post is half-satirical and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - I just think it is a bit strange that many people like Llavanya or that Mary gets such a bad rap when she is objectively one of the more rational dominas.
This is... heresy! I must report you to the nearest commissar, at once!
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Jan 27, 2021
Why do all of you guys simp for Llavanya? I agree gentle loving femdom can be nice, but she doesn't even seem dominant - if anything, i always side with Mary when I have to replay this game for the billionth time because deka made all previous saves incompatible, as she's that... boring and uninteresting. :unsure: Mary at least has a vision, and while it's clearly a very authoritarian (and somewhat meritocratic) vision, still, an immortal goddess obsessed with progress, stability and the pursuit of knowledge, who also prizes loyalty and talent, will 100% give humanity a better future than most of the other dominas that could enslave Earth in this universe! I do actually like Madeline quite a bit as well, (she's probably my joint favourite alongside Mary) but from a political standpoint (of how f-ed up society would be with any of them as immortal goddesses), I strongly disagree with MadelinesPuppy and I think actually most of them would be worse than Mary. (if not all of them)

Mary would self-admittedly take humanity to the stars and let her servants enjoy luxury and comfort as long as they demonstrate obedience to her - contrast that with Narcissa plaguing it with pestilence for fun, Katrina bestowing suffering and pain unto everyone for her own pleasure, Mika and Maki constantly arguing and keeping things in gridlock about as much as the US congress, Franziska doing worse than the IDF to the humans in her realm :LOL: etc

In general being a slave to Mary and her sapiarchic interstellar empire would be far more preferable, so she's actually "best domina" in my book! ;) Yeah, she can be sadistic to champions who want to follow Llavanya's quest and defy her and has a basement full of their skeletons - boo hoo! So what? She's ruthless and kills people that stand against her, but that's still nowhere near as bad as killing innocents for fun as the likes of Narcissa do all the time...

Obviously this post is half-satirical and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - I just think it is a bit strange that many people like Llavanya or that Mary gets such a bad rap when she is objectively one of the more rational dominas.
The tier list was mainly taking into account what was depicted in-game (including sex scenes of course), and not how the Dominas would govern Earth. If that were the case, the rankings would be quite different (Narcissa for example would be just above Franziska most likely). But in terms of what's shown in-game, at least Narcissa and Katrina don't make me watch them butcher innocent people (even though they do in canon, in fact I'm pretty sure Franziska mentions Narcissa accompanying her on killing sprees), nor do they make me watch them violate Llavanya or sit through ten unwinnable battles of pure boredom (which was done purposely to make you hate Mary I assume, thus making her a good villain. Props to Deka for that I suppose).

One thing I will say however, is that for the average person, serving under Mary would not be luxurious or comfortable in the slightest. She does mention allowing her slaves free time after their work is done, but that's normal for slavery regardless, and I imagine every non-psycho Domina would do the same, even if they never mention it.

"You will be both guided and pushed towards the right path. Progress is and must be more important than false gods such as freedom of choice."

Eliminating the concept of freedom entirely is horrible, and I don't need to explain why. You might enjoy serving Mary, and of course there's nothing wrong with that, but it would not be ideal for society as a whole. Let's compare her goal to Mika's, who is one of the 'nicer' Dominas.

"It would be a gynarchy where the smartest and prettiest sex -girls- would rule over the lesser sex, as it should be."

This of course implies a society where women are in charge, which would be a good thing for possibly 50% of humanity (I don't know the exact percentage of dominant women and submissive men, so I'll just say 50% for the sake of simplicity. I'm probably not far off). Mika even says that men who don't like their new position can become women instead. Personally I'd decline that offer, but at least she gives the freedom of choice, and more importantly, she doesn't force it on anybody. This outcome of course doesn't take into account the constant bickering between the Twins, so take it with a grain of salt.

Basically my point is that, yes, Mary's government of Earth would be better than psychopaths like Narcissa or Franziska (or even Rosita, who forces the partaking of cannibalism), but that doesn't mean Mary would be healthy for Earth either, and it certainly wouldn't be the best outcome. But at the end of the day, all Dominas would be bad for Earth. Katrina said it best, all Dominas are evil and sadistic to the core, even if some are nicer than others.

Now with that being said.. Madeline would certainly make the world a better place. I'm definitely in no way biased, or anything like that..


Jan 27, 2019
Grim Reaper: He was cool before his retcon in the Hora update, which I also like to pretend didn't happen. His blunt attitude in the early game is funny, and he's not afraid to punish disrespect. Playing with the Devil never pays.
What was the Retcon?


Mar 13, 2018
Why do all of you guys simp for Llavanya? I agree gentle loving femdom can be nice, but she doesn't even seem dominant - if anything, i always side with Mary when I have to replay this game for the billionth time because deka made all previous saves incompatible, as she's that... boring and uninteresting. :unsure: Mary at least has a vision, and while it's clearly a very authoritarian (and somewhat meritocratic) vision, still, an immortal goddess obsessed with progress, stability and the pursuit of knowledge, who also prizes loyalty and talent, will 100% give humanity a better future than most of the other dominas that could enslave Earth in this universe! I do actually like Madeline quite a bit as well, (she's probably my joint favourite alongside Mary) but from a political standpoint (of how f-ed up society would be with any of them as immortal goddesses), I strongly disagree with MadelinesPuppy and I think actually most of them would be worse than Mary. (if not all of them)

Mary would self-admittedly take humanity to the stars and let her servants enjoy luxury and comfort as long as they demonstrate obedience to her - contrast that with Narcissa plaguing it with pestilence for fun, Katrina bestowing suffering and pain unto everyone for her own pleasure, Mika and Maki constantly arguing and keeping things in gridlock about as much as the US congress, Franziska doing worse than the IDF to the humans in her realm :LOL: etc

In general being a slave to Mary and her sapiarchic interstellar empire would be far more preferable, so she's actually "best domina" in my book! ;) Yeah, she can be sadistic to champions who want to follow Llavanya's quest and defy her and has a basement full of their skeletons - boo hoo! So what? She's ruthless and kills people that stand against her, but that's still nowhere near as bad as killing innocents for fun as the likes of Narcissa do all the time...

Obviously this post is half-satirical and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - I just think it is a bit strange that many people like Llavanya or that Mary gets such a bad rap when she is objectively one of the more rational dominas.
Llavanya might turn into a dom if the story plays out that way, and having a softie like her become dom is hot. (On a similar point, we need more sadistic maids.)


Aug 18, 2018
Less of a retcon and more of a strange plot twist that makes little to no sense, and that I wasn't personally a fan of, but anyway..

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Ngl I was expecting a worse twist since I haven't played since Franzeska but yeah no that twist kinda sucks doesn't ruin the character for me it's just one of those twists that realistically shouldn't exist..? But doesn't really detract from the narrative either
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Reactions: MadelinesPuppy


Nov 21, 2018
Why do all of you guys simp for Llavanya? I agree gentle loving femdom can be nice, but she doesn't even seem dominant - if anything, i always side with Mary when I have to replay this game for the billionth time because deka made all previous saves incompatible, as she's that... boring and uninteresting. :unsure: Mary at least has a vision, and while it's clearly a very authoritarian (and somewhat meritocratic) vision, still, an immortal goddess obsessed with progress, stability and the pursuit of knowledge, who also prizes loyalty and talent, will 100% give humanity a better future than most of the other dominas that could enslave Earth in this universe! I do actually like Madeline quite a bit as well, (she's probably my joint favourite alongside Mary) but from a political standpoint (of how f-ed up society would be with any of them as immortal goddesses), I strongly disagree with MadelinesPuppy and I think actually most of them would be worse than Mary. (if not all of them)

Mary would self-admittedly take humanity to the stars and let her servants enjoy luxury and comfort as long as they demonstrate obedience to her - contrast that with Narcissa plaguing it with pestilence for fun, Katrina bestowing suffering and pain unto everyone for her own pleasure, Mika and Maki constantly arguing and keeping things in gridlock about as much as the US congress, Franziska doing worse than the IDF to the humans in her realm :LOL: etc

In general being a slave to Mary and her sapiarchic interstellar empire would be far more preferable, so she's actually "best domina" in my book! ;) Yeah, she can be sadistic to champions who want to follow Llavanya's quest and defy her and has a basement full of their skeletons - boo hoo! So what? She's ruthless and kills people that stand against her, but that's still nowhere near as bad as killing innocents for fun as the likes of Narcissa do all the time...

Obviously this post is half-satirical and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - I just think it is a bit strange that many people like Llavanya or that Mary gets such a bad rap when she is objectively one of the more rational dominas.
I remember when I first played Mary's realm, I sided with her. The route had my character drag Llavanya - literally kicking and begging - to Mary. It made me sympathize with her. I even cried when Llavanya died.

On the other hand, all the other dominas are so exaggerated they feel like cardboard. Llavanya is the only one I care about as a character, so Llavanya >>> everyone else.

PS: To be upfront, I have no idea if the scenes are still like how I remember. I played it when Mary's realm was new. And I saw something about Llavanya reviving somehow in the OP saves a few pages ago?


Jan 7, 2018
Ngl I rate Mary quite high because (last time I played anyway), she was the only Domina with Chastity content. Of course though, she gets ruined by the 10 forced loses which make her tedious on replay. Wish she had a more interesing design instead of just lingerie like Katarina.
Jan 27, 2021
Someone have save with finished game?
See quote below by robtbo. It's very helpful and should have every save you're looking for. The saves are from version 9.5.2, but those are compatible with 9.9 in any case.

Broke AF Saves

Decided to do a new playthrough on version 9.5.2 to see what's still broke. So here's my broke AF walkthrough.

Talked to Reaper, Talked to Katrina.
I'm nice to Katrina and will lick her boots when she orders me to because I like having the option to fight her or become stress enslaved after breaking her Starlit Seal. If you're a jerk and refuse to lick her boots you'll be banished from her realm after breaking her Starlit Seal. The jerk route has a tiny bit of exclusive content when defeating Katrina, but limits your options going forward.

Did Fetch Quest (Got Leather Helmet of Intuition, Ent Bark, Recipe for Fire Shielding Potion, Iron Sword, Black Blade, Tome of Counter Grapple, Bitterweed, and Remy's Last Soul Shard.) Wondered where all the ents are.

Save1: Nothing equipped . Is it possible to legit defeat Katrina on the first(or 2nd) try without a save editor? I say no. MC is in next to the Reaper and has some stuff to sell for Foreign Soul Shards if you want to try to disprove this by buying the right equipment.

Used Tome of Counter Grapple, Optimized Equipment(totally optional), Ass kicked, thrown in Katrina's Dungeon, got iron rod, escaped cell, got Recipe for Wind Shielding Potion, escaped cell again, drank potion, ass kicked, licked boots, visit Lazarus/crafting altar, got another Tome of Counter Grapple.
Prepare to start grinding against mobs in Katrina's Catacombs.

Preferred tactic/tips
There's still no consequences to losing fights against the mobs except the time wasted. At this point, I buy the Yew Staff(Magicka Regen) from Lazarus and sell literally everything else except my Helmet(DEF) and the Iron Sword(won't be using it, but it sells for 0 Soul Shards, sooo...) I buy the Primitive Aegis(HP bonus and DEF; most attacks are physical) and the Tome of Soul Link. Optimize Equipment, use Tome of Soul Link and Complete my Skill Tree for Last Champion.
To get the full broke AF experience I go Arcanist on my skill tree. I select the Arcanist LVL1 perk to get the Recipe for Eldritch Tome. The Eldritch Tomes have certain effects that are uniquely exploitable throughout the game. Even though I'm a n00b, the Primitive Aegis prevents Katrina's Hollow Swordsmen from doing any damage and it's not unusual to one-shot Katrina's Rattling Skeletons or Lost Dusk Champions with Soul Link, which also restores HP. Soul Link has a high Magicka cost, but as you LVL up and progress through the skill tree, your Magicka rises quicky. Since the Swordsmen can't hurt you, if they're the only enemy left in a mob, you can choose to hang back a few turns to regenerate Magicka, improve your staff proficiency and earn extra Mastery Points.

Before entering Katrina's Catacombs, you can pre-stack 2xFury of Llavanya out-of battle, then recharge at the Arcane Fire near the catacomb entrance. Although Swordsmen can't hurt you, they can endure Soul Link for several turns to begin with and it's just nice to have an alternative to running out of Magicka using Soul Link and being forced to run away or have a long, drawn-out fight.
No matter what, grinding through mob fights in the catacombs is gonna be klunky at the start. I hang out near the entrance and just leave to recharge when I get low on Magicka.

My first priority when crafting Eldritch Tomes is spamming save to get the Eldritch Storm Skill. Now I can start one-shotting entire mobs and very rapidly progress. Afterwards I prioritize spamming save to get Eldritch Blast and Eldritch Shockwave, and warping to the Abyss to obtain the Strange Ring (15% Magicka Regen.) I don't recall the Strange Ring being able to be equipped before, but now that it is, I find all other rings useless. At some point I visit the Reaper to sell some stuff and buy the Tome of Shadowbound. I grind to LVL 10, when I can get the Magica Obscura Skill. I Regenerate Magicka faster than I lose it when Magica Obscure is active.

Save 2: LVL 10 Arcanist ready to kick Katrina's ass.

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Kicked ass, Didn't become her slave, Got sent to the Gas Chamber, Got released. I can now fight Katrina or become enslaved through stress and when I'm in her realm I have a -999 disadvantage on ATK and MATK. Selecting any battle loss punishment from another Domina or selling the Broken Starlit Seal will make me unable to enter Katrina's Keep and I will lose those options.

Optional exploit: NOTE: There seems to be an IRL drawback to doing this, as the added playtime appears to cause a noticeable delay in the time it takes to access files to save/load, to save a file, and to equip items. If you look at the Playtime of the saves, you'll see some MASSIVE jumps in playtime. What's happened is that I went into Katrina's Realm and fought mobs until I got one(or more) of Katrina's Hollow Swordsmen. Remember that they cannot do damage with the Primitive Aegis equipped, even when I was at LVL1. With the -999 ATK/MATK disadvantage, I can't do damage to THEM with a normal attack, either. I Eldritch Shockwave the mob members until they die from poison, bleeding and skill damage, keeping an eye on my HP. Katrina's Hollow Swordsmen take 0 damage from this skill at this point, but the Arcane-style skills do a tiny bit of damage. I Eldritch Shockwave any Swordsmen until they stop taking bleeding and poison damage at the end of the round(meaning that they have 1HP remaining) and Arcane Whatever until there is 1 Swordsman with 1 HP. I use my normal attack for 0 damage. IRL I place something heavy on my spacebar, so I continue to attack... and go to bed... or go to work... for hours. Upon returning to the game, I Arcane Whatever the enemy... and upon winning I get over 10K Mastery Points/hour and about 6 Proficiency points/hr with my equipped weapon type. A player who doesn't know how broke the game is might think "Mastery Points are useless once I complete my Skill Tree! The game explicitly said I can't change my class once I select it!" The game is broke. You'll have multiple opportunities to ADD all the perks from additional classes later on, in rapid succession, and all those Mastery Points will let you immediately have some REAL fun experimenting with kicking Domina asses. The Proficiency points? Meh... Also, I actually did NOT sit there that long playing the game... I DID literally touch some grass.

Talked with Reaper about 2nd Domina, Entered Madeline's Garden of Mazes, Got Recipe for Pure Soul Crystal, Crafted Soul Crystals back at Katrina's Altar, Sold Soul Crystals to Reaper, Went back to Maddy's Garden, Got 3 Foreign Soul Shards, Talked to Madeline. I think if you're a dick to her you can't get the Tea Party content.

Kicked ass, Entered Labyrinthia, Got and used Tome of Llavanya's Melody, Grinded for 99 Soul Dust, Got Leather Tunic, Went to Katrina's Altar, crafted Eldritch Tomes and Pure Soul Crystals. I spammed save when using the tomes looking for Agility bonuses, which will be useful a little later, but those +75MATK bonuses kept coming up, so I took 'em. Returned to Madeline.

Save 3: LVL13 Arcanist ready to kick Madeline's ass. Tea Party is optional.

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Note: if you feel like losing you can have multiple Tea Parties and become enslaved. I don't feel like losing and I WILL get that enslavement.

Kicked ass, Back in Labyrinthia, Got the Recipe for Speed Potion, Got and equipped Madeline's Song(more Magicka regen,) Got and equipped Wizard's Hat(MDEF,) Talked to Madeline, Served her because... why not? Left Labyrinthia, Sold Pure Soul Crystals to the Reaper, Asked about 3rd Domina, Entered Narcissa's Yonder of Disease, Talked to Cicero, Got Felix Felicis, Got 1xGoldhorn'sBone, 2xWolpertinger Strand, 2xSerpentleaf and Recipe for Feanor's Bottled Rage, Got Helm of Terror, Continued to grind for aforementioned Agility bonuses until I attack before Lost Disease Marksmen, which also allows me to attack before Narcissa, removing Narcissa's first strike advantage and still having an automatic reactive attack based on the damage I do during my attack. She does have some powerful attacks and could potentially 2-shot me to death with Frenzy.

During this time I continued to craft Pure Soul Crystals, and whatever else became available for me to craft and became the Arcanist-Wizard. Surprise, surprise... at some point Deka fixed MOST of the glitches with the Summon spells. I couldn't use any summoned creature's Special skill until after they had fought for several rounds, even when I had the TP. Not 100% on exactly what it takes to activate the creature's special skill, but once I was able to use it, the summoned creature continued to work as presumably intended. Summoned creatures are dispelled after 4 turns or whenever I'm at 0HP, even if I'm Shadowbound. Summoned creatures summoned while MC is Shadowbound with 0HP will not manifest.

Talked to the Reaper about Cicero, Bought and used the Tomes of Healing Aura and Arcane Shield. Healing Aura can be cast before a battle begins. Sold Pure Soul Crystals. Grinded for 1 Eldritch Tome. Went to go see Narcissa.

Save 4: LVL16 Arcanist-Wizard ready to kick Narcissa's ass upon 1st meeting.

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Kicked ass. This prevents me from doing the side-quest to get the Accelerator. I don't care. For those who do, the only tricky thing in the fetch quest is that the Bloodleaf is non-descript looking. It's the big flower in the upper-left part of the first mini-maze on the left in Madeline's Garden. Talked to Narcissa, Followed her, Pulled the least lethal lever in Narcissa's Plague Room(the 1st on the left,) because I'm incorruptible(notice I don't do anything with my Corruption Skill Tree.) If it makes sense for me to be corrupted later on, I currently have the option in this game build. Traversed the Donjon Hallway until the dead end, went back to the entrance which is now a dead end, turned around and went back to the first dead end, which is now the exit.

Save 5: LVL16 Arcanist-Wizard ready to kick Narcissa's ass in Narcissa's Vault.

Preferred tactic: Take a wild guess...

Kicked Ass, Broke Ember Seal(Unlocks Mary's Emerald Throne,) Got Narcissa's Hand Job(for the enslavement clout,) Spammed save and Used Eldritch Tome to escape the Yonder of disease and continue the quest. There's 2 ways out by using Eldritch Tomes here. First is to get transported to the Abyss which lets me out into the Cerulean Fields. Second is, because I'm on my last Soul Shard, I can have it destroyed, which Narcissa takes credit for, bringing me back to the Reaper so he can refill them and let me select a small stat boost. At this point I can still fight mobs and craft Eldritch Tomes in Narcissa's Realm, so if I want to return, there's a way out. Entered Mary's Emerald Throne and Grinded to complete the Arcanist-Wizard Skill Tree(mob fights have a very high frequency... this is the best place to grind for Eldritch Pages.) My Eldritch tomes are now being save spammed for +75MATK bonuses upon using them and whenever I have 90+ Soul Dust I go to Katrina's altar to craft Pure Soul Crystals, Eldritch Tomes and whatever else I feel like. There's no real need to craft anything but Pure Soul Crystals and Eldritch Tomes. I also fight mobs to make sure all my Summoned creatures can use their Special Skills.

At this point I have 779MATK in Katrina's Realm of Dusk... that's AFTER the -999MATK disadvantage and have whooped her ass a few more times because it's fun and easy. I think I'm good on my MATK.

Save 6: Challenge Save: LVL25 Arcanist-Wizard ready to kick Mary's ass upon 1st meeting, despite the fact that Deka requires me to lose to advance.

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Because I beat Mary on our first meeting, Mary's 3 fetch quests won't trigger. Oh, no! What will I do without "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius?! There's nothing tricky about Mary's side quests. Anyway, Surrendered to Mary a total of 10 times to Max out my Stress, got a couple of Magicka pool bonuses from the Reaper, Met Llavanya, Bought and Used Light Spell Tomes, Went to Mary's Dungeon to Rescue Llavanya, Forged and Equipped the Battlestuff of Dawn(I asked her for a staff, but I'll make do with a stuff, I guess... and what was that nonsense she was talking about refilling my Soul Shards at the lake? It's like she doesn'tknow what version of the game she's in.) Now I'm completely prepared to finally do what I've wanted to do for a long time.

Save 7: LVL25 Arcanist-Wizard ready to... become Enslaved by Madeline. I know she's manipulating me, but she's just so pleasant to be around. Entered Madeline's Keep, Got Enslaved due to mazed-out stress, Walked out of Madeline's Garden of Mazes... no issues.
In previous versions I'd have become Enslaved to Narcissa at this point as well, but Deka seems to have changed the scene so that Narcissa grabs me, tells me to get my shit together, bitch slaps me, and reduces my Stress by 50. Had to restart the game to become enslaved to Narcissa earlier and get the full Broke AF experience.
Returned to Mary's Emerald Throne, Opened the Chest with Cleansing Phial & 2 Medium Healing Potions, Side Quested for the Strange Key to Open the Chest with 20 Foreign Soul Shards. Time to do that OTHER thing I've been wanting to do.

Save 8: LVL25 Arcanist-Wizard ready to kick Mary's ass... or switch sides and become enslaved.

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Kicked ass, Broke Mary's Dusklight Seal 9 FUCKIN' TIMES in that one single scene, Told Llavanya I love her(Does this change the later dialogues? Don't care,) Talked to the Reaper about 5th Domina, Entered Rosita's Pumpkin Forest, Talked to Rosita, wondered why she keeps referring to herself as a Domina while trying to convince me she's not, Did all her jobs(nothing cute, just blanket the maps until you find everything,) gathered all her roses, got 12 Affection points through being nice and talking. Also grinded to 99 Soul Dusts, crafted Eldritch Tomes and Pure Soul Crystals. Now I'm Spamming Save to get Magicka bonuses with my Eldritch Tomes. I'm getting close to doing some stuff that'll negatively impact my Magicka pool. Went to the Reaper to sell Pure Soul Crystals and excess dropped items that are worth Foreign Soul Shards. Went to Rosita's Hut.

Save 9: LVL26 Arcanist-Wizard ready to Kick Rosita's ass.

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Kicked ass, Went to Deep Deep Woods(Look along the Northern edge of the Deep Woods... you'll see the opening where the entrance is,) got Soul Crystal, Went to Rosita's Hut, Went back to Deep Deep Woods, Kept Soul Crystal, Got Rosita's Fireglass Seal, Went to Rosita's Hut, Didn't break the Seal in front of her(don't know if this changes anything,) Didn't ask for her last Dinner. I snagged enough Eldritch Pages to craft another Eldritch Tome, so I did Crafting and Selling. Broke Fireglass Seal, talked to Reaper about the 6th Domina.

I definitely want to have at least 1 Eldritch Tome with me and enough Mastery Points to advance through an entire Skill Tree before entering the next Domina's realm for the full Broke AF experience. YOU may want to Save before entering if you're playing through differently from how I have to maximize the following exploit. Entered Franziska's House of Fun and met my new party members.

NOW we get to have some REAL Broke AF fun. Party members have the Last Champion Skill Tree they can advance through. You'd think that advancing through a Party Member's Last Champion Skill Tree would allow you to choose the Party Member's Class Skill Tree, but the game is broke. It instead allows MC to select a new Class and get all the Class Skill Tree perks, while keeping all the perks from the current class. I LIKE PERKS... except the Corruption perks. Knowing that my party members will be picked off, I spam save to use an Eldritch Tome for an EXP bonus. Eldritch Tome bonus effects (other than the Mastery Point bonus, for some reason) affect ALL PARTY MEMBERS and the Eldritch Tome EXP bonus (1000EXP OR 3000EXP) ALSO grants Mastery Points to ALL PARTY MEMBERS(didn't note how many, just that it's enough to advance through the Last Champion Skill Tree.) If I use an Eldritch tome to escape through the void or through losing my last soul shard and returning to the Reaper, sure, I can grind for EXP, but I cannot reorganize my party to get Jerry (the 5th member... and only the first 4 can fight) into a fight and can't get Mastery Points for Jerry, which means I can't exploit Jerry's Last Champion Skill Tree to unlock an additional Class Skill Tree and all those broke AF perks(unless I do what I'd already done by using an Eldritch Tome for an EXP AND Mastery Point Bonus.)
THIS is why I make sure I have AT LEAST enough Mastery Points to exploit Jerry's Last Champion Skill Tree, advance through an entire additional Skill Tree, get all the perks, AND exploit Magnus' Last Champion Skill Tree to begin another additional Skill Tree. Tony and Dennis, through Domina's Broke AF mechanics, WILL become permanent Party Members later on and therefore be available to me for the exploitation of their Last Champion Skill Trees for an additional Class Skill Tree and all the tasty perks... but Jerry and Magnus... they're very temporary.

For the record... I don't have a fuckin' clue what's the BEST, MOST EFFICIENT sequence. I've invested WAY more time into this game than most sane people would. Maybe some with an insanity comparable to mine will learn from what I've done, allowing them to not feel like they're wasting the limited time in their lives, do the legwork and analysis, and come back to tell ME the best way to do it.

Advanced through Jerry's Last Champion Skill Tree. Selected Channeler. Advanced through Channeler Skill Tree. My Magicka Pool drops sharply, apparently there's a fundamental class base involving Magicka... I just want my 15% Strange Ring Magicka Regen to work well enough that I don't have to think about running out, which is why my latest Eldritch Tomes and anytime I follow the Reaper's Red Light or Promise the Reaper to get better have been used for Magicka pool bonuses. I'm about to run into mobs that I can't one-shot with Eldritch Storm, but CAN one-shot with other more costly Spells. Selected Power of Earth(I'll be transitioning to physical attacks soon) and advanced through the Channeller-Warlock Skill Tree. This Skill Tree has 2 Skills which allow for a chance for additional actions per turn. This is part game-breaking because of how OP it can make me, but it's also game-fixing because some of the perks affect your next action but only last until the end of the turn.
Advanced through Magnus' Last Champion Skill Tree. Selected Crusader. Advanced through Cruasader Skill Tree, Selected Crusader-Berserker, Advanced through Crusader-Berserker Skill Tree. I can now wield a 2nd weapon in place of my Shield slot.
Advanced through Tony's Last Champion Skill Tree. Selected Duelist. Advanced through the Duelist Skill Tree. Selected Duelist-Executioner. Advanced through the Duelist-Executioner Skill Tree. I have several perks that improve my chances of a crit hit.
Advanced through Dennis' Last Champion Skill Tree. Selected Ranger. Advanced through Ranger Skill Tree, Selected Ranger-Rogue(on the promise of gaining an extra moves per turn, but didn't notice any Perks described as doing this,) Advanced through Ranger-Rogue Skill Tree. I now have (upgraded)Wild Hunt giving me the chance of an extra action per turn and a Crit Bonus.

I STILL have over 23,000 Mastery Points. lol, I MAY have overdid it on the Optional Exploit and unnecessarily inflated my load, save and equip times. Maybe 16-20 hours with the spacebar pressed while I'm away would be more than sufficient to advance into all the available Class Skill Trees at this point, given that I'm still going to be grinding a bit for Eldritch Tome bonuses to make my party members more useful than just something that can take a hit in my place.

Went into the West Wing Teddy Room, Crafted the Improvised Knife, Carved up all the Teddies(to prove I'm not a racist, lol) for 6 Teddy Keys, Went into Another Teddy Room, Carved the Easternmost Teddy to get the Tome of Deathly Blast of Death, used it (I like perks, but I don't want to have to equip them. Can I spam save Eldritch Tomes to escape from this room, grind for another Eldritch Tome, repeatedly return to this room to open ALL the chests? Don't care enough to find out.) Went through the Long Corridor to the Kitchen, Got 1 Wyvern Blood, 1 Kitchen Key, Recipe for Huge Healing Potion, 2xEnt Bark & 2xWolpertinger Strand, 2xSanguine Anise & 2xSilver Glitterdust & Crystallized Boxwood, 2xBlind Berry & Goldhorn's Bone & Flaming Bronze, and the bloody Foreign Soul Shard. Left the Kitchen, Went into the East Wing, Witnessed Magnus' death by castration, Got and Equipped Spaded Helmet(DEF+LUK,) Went to the Armory, Selected Bloody Spear, Was transported to the Arena, Killed Jerry, Went to the Champion's Room, Witnessed Jerry's 2nd Death, Left the Cahampion's Room and was transported back to the main room in Franziska's House of Fun, Went through the Bloody Corridor(no encounters) to the Ball.

NOTE: In the Bloody Corridor you CAN encounter enemies. Indeed, I will eventually be grinding to 99 Soul Dusts in the Bloody Corridor just to have done it. Even if you do not choose the Arcanist as your initial Class, Party Members who survive will gain EXP and Mastery Points allowing you to Advance through their Last Champion Skill Trees. For whatever reason, If you did NOT select the Arcanist as your initial Class, (in previous versions) you will NOT gain the recipe for Eldritch Tome if you Advance through a Party Member's Last Champion Skill Tree and Select Arcanist. I seriously doubt that Deka corrected this glitch-within-a-glitch since he did not correct the primary glitch, and I'm not invested enough to rediscover it. What I mean is: ALWAYS select Arcanist as your 1st Class if you want the full Broke AF Domina experience.

Talked with Franziska. Of course, I'm a humanitarian and defend my bro's... even Dennis. Witnessed Franziska crushing Tony's skull in with her big, healthy ass(this thread has a lot of hate for Franziska from one pervasively posting individual who I'm normally inclined to agree with, but for my proclivities, this is a top-tier event in the game. If Franziska promised to murder me with her huge round butt-chicks in that same fashion... I'd be hard-pressed to decline and continue with my quest to save the world.) Luckily... this is a repeatable scene, thanks to Eldritch Tomes. Touched an Arcane Fire to restore HP and Magicka.

Save 10: LVL 27 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue ready to kick Franziska's ass... or God's ass.

No preferred tactic. There's just too many ways available to kick her ass. If this fight is even remotely resembling a challenge to you, considering the vast wealth of Broke AF Perks available... I cannot find an excuse for you sucking so hard. Personally, I just make sure Dennis dies in the fight so that Dennis and Tony are equal Party members when I rescue them later on, as is my personal preference. Confused? Good. No need to worry. All will be explained shortly.

Kicked ass, Got Funhammer of Fun, Broke Franziska's Bloodrune Seal. Returned to the East Wing, Witnessed Magnus' death by castration... again? Yes, again, Went to the Armory, Everything goes black, Fumbled my way in darkness to select Bloody Pickaxe, Was transported to the Arena, Went right for a few seconds and pressed the spacebar to interact with something in the darkness, Killed Jerry for a 3rd time, Tapped the Left arrow key 7x and went down to enter the Champion's Room, Read about Jerry's 4th Death, Tapped up 1x and down 1x and was transported back to the main room in Franziska's House of Fun, Tony And Dennis are Party Members again. Tapped the Left arrow key 7x and went up to enter the Bloody Corridor, Circled around until a mob encounter initiates. Blackess disappears. Since I want to keep Tony and Dennis even... and Dennis is dead, I try to Escape, and/or let Tony die. Went to an Arcane Fire to restore Tony and Dennis, Returned to the Bloody Corridor, Grinded to 99 Soul Dusts. Uh-oh. Eldritch Storm isn't always powerful enough to guarantee 1-shotting the mobs. I'll switch to Arcane Flame. Tony and Dennis are now skill-less LVL21 Party Members(I got the +3000EXP Bonus from the Eldritch Tome I used earlier. They're still pretty useless, but W/E.
Returned to Franziska, Witnessed Tony's Death under Franziska's ass again, was transported to this odd spot in the Ball. Oh, shit... the Blackness returns. Went right for 2 secs, went down for 2 secs, Right, Right and Down to reenter the Bloody Corridor. Circled Around until a mob encounter initiates. Blackess disappears. Kicked Franziska's ass again. Got another Funhammer of Fun, Didn't Break Franziska's Bloodrune Seal this time. Now I have 1 of each. Yay.
Returned to Katrina's Altar to craft, Returned to the Reaper to Sell, Asked the Reaper about the 7th Domina, Back to the East wing of Franziska's House of Fun, Witnessed Magnus' death by castration... again...again, Went to the Armory, Everything goes black, Fumbled my way in darkness to select Bloody Sword, Was transported to the Arena, Went right for a few seconds, Killed Jerry for a 5th time, Tapped the Left arrow key 7x and went down to enter the Champion's Room, Read about Jerry's 6th Death, Tapped up 1x and down 1x and was transported back to the main room in Franziska's House of Fun, Tony And Dennis are Party Members again... again. Tapped the Left arrow key 7x and went up to enter the Bloody Corridor, Circled around until a mob encounter initiates. Blackess disappears. Since I want to keep Tony and Dennis even... and Dennis is dead, I try to Escape, and/or let Tony die. Went to an Arcane Flame to restore Tony and Dennis, Spammed Save to Use an Eldritch Tome to transport us to the Void, Returned to the Cerulean Fields.

There's no need to kick Franziska's ass a 2nd time. I just wanted to, and I've documented how to navigate out of that Black Picture I get after Franziska's Ass destroys Tony's skull.

Now I have human shields and I'm ready to continue my quest. However, I'm gonna be Spamming Save to use Eldritch Tomes for the ATK bonus so hopefully my sandbags will be useful at some point in the future(remember, most of the Eldritch Tome effects work on all party members.) I'm also going to be switching to physical attacks except for mobs. I buy and equip the Feral Slicer(3 attacks/action) from Lazarus. Tony and Dennis can equip no weapons, and only the odd piece of armor, like the Wizard Hat. They can't learn spells from Tomes. It'd be a waste of an Eldritch Tome if I used it on a MATK or Magicka pool bonus for them or me since my MATK is 999 even when I'm in Katrina's Realm and I can one-shot mobs with Arcane Flame regen my Magicka between encounters with only the Strange Ring equipped for Magicka Regen.

Entered Mika and Maki's Congress of Troubles, Got and equipped the Raspberry Maple Pike(passive chance of extra action/turn,) as weapon 1 along with the Feral Slicer in my 2nd Weapon Slot, Got the Blueberry Yandere Dagger(what? only 2 attacks/action? GARBAGE! My ATK is 123 in Katrina's Realm and 999 everywhere else. For me, it's all about boss fights, getting more attacks/action, more actions/turn, critical hits and Skills that increase damage through means other than buffing my ATK.) Talked to Mika and Maki. Kicked asses just to confirm I need to lose. Went to Mika's Practice Chamber, Got Huge Healing Potion, Got 4 Firebombs, Grind/Craft/Tomes/Sell. Returned to Mika and Maki, Surrendered 2x.

Save 11: Content Save. Lvl31 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL27 Tony and Dennis ready to choose which Twin's love letter content to see.

Save 12: Lvl31 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL27 Tony and Dennis ready to kick Mika and Maki's asses.

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Didn't break Mika and Maki's Silverwind Seal, allowing me to choose enslavement and see enslavement content with no consequence until I leave. I leave. Broke Silverwind Seal, Asked Reaper about 8th Domina, Entered Raa's Pyramid Kingdom.

Save 13: Content Save. Lvl32 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL29 Tony and Dennis with fast and easy option for enslavement to Raa. Note: Offering Foreign Soul Shards to Raa will count as submitting to a Domina and you will be banished from Katrina's Keep, but Offering your own Soul Shards or selecting Raa's battle loss punishments do not.

Didn't give up, Entered Raa's Catacombs, got Crimson Vest of Vengeance, Sun's Wrath and 5 Tablets of Power. Grind, Craft, Sell, Kept 1 Eldritch Tome and used the rest for Attack Bonuses. Returned to Raa.

Save 14: Lvl33 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL33 Tony and Dennis ready to kick Raa's ass.

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Note: The big coloured crystal portals in Raa's Pyramid Kingdom have a tiny bit of content that unlocks options for additional scenes you can request when offering foreign soul shards IF you lose a fight to Raa. I'm not losing and I'm not offering Foreign Soul Shards, because that'll get me banished from Katrina's Keep. These options are also unlocked by becoming enslaved. You're not required to lose in order to enter the crystal portals and see the content because the game is broke, but the events won't make sense. You'll get a blackscreen in one of these crystals. Tap Left to Exit, Tap Rightx2 then up for a second to run into Raa, then interact. Initiating a fight isn't enough to get the blackscreen to go away. Raa needs to use one of her illustrated attacks. If you use the Preferred Tactic, or one where you keep Raa Memorialized and just keep bleeding, poisoning, deep bleeding, scorching, viletuding until she's at 1HP... Raa may legit never get a chance to attack... but tapping the spacebar to talk to Raa after the fight will trigger the next fight against Raa's Elite Guard (which will initiate eventually, even in the dark) will probably result in at least one illustrated attack from them... unless you get an extra action on Turn 1 and want to Memorialize each of them to prep for a flawless victory.

Kicked ass, Talked to Raa, Got moved to Raa's catacombs, Kicked Raa's Elite Guard asses, got Wolven Claws, touched Arcane Fire.

Save 15: Lvl33 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL33 Tony and Dennis ready to kick Raa's ass a 2nd time.

Preferred Tactic: Yes

Kicked Ass, Got Raa's Staff, Broke Raa's Seal of Glee, Banished to the Prison Lost in Time. At this point, you're supposed to accept your fate and go to sleep, triggering the Reaper to show up, rescue you, and seal off Raa's Pyramid Kingdom. Fuck that. I have an Eldritch Tome. I spam save to use my Tome to be transported to the Abyss (having my last Soul Shard destroyed does not trigger a trip to the Cerulean Fields) and exit into the Cerulean fields. Entered Raa's catacombs to visit an Arcane Fire since one of my punching bags took a hit and by the time I'm done I have enough Eldritch Pages for another Eldritch Tome. Craft, Sell. I randomly decided to say Hello to Katrina in the form of kicking her ass. My ATK is still only around 350 in her realm, so I can't beat her on turn one with a physical attack yet... aww. As is my custom, I use this opportunity to kick Raa's ass again. Kicked Ass, Got another Raa's Staff, Broke another Raa's Seal of Glee, Banished to the Prison Lost in Time, Spammed save to use my Eldritch Tome to be transported to the Abyss, Exited into the Cerulean fields, Asked Reaper about the 9th Domina, Entered Hora's Time Capsule, Talked to Paulus, Got Levi's Necklace(Is this where the Shack Key came from or did the Strange Key from Mary's Realm morph into the Shack Key while I wasn't looking? IDC,) Visited Caelum the Weaponsmith, Crux, the Armorsmith, Leo the Trinketbuyer and what's-his-face, the Alchemist who's too lame for a name but not so lame that he has no backstory, Entered Garden of Ages, Got one Soul Shard restored, Got Tome of Endless Pages, Got 6 Foreign Soul Shards, Entered the Old Shack, Gave Levi his necklace, Grind/Craft/Sell. The mobs in the Garden of Ages can occasionally survive Arcane Flame once or surprise me and kill Tony or Dennis. If one died, I made sure the other died(just to keep them equal) before winning the battle and restored them at an Arcane fire. There's no Arcane fire in Hora's realm. Talked to Paulus. Got Paulus' Lucky Ring. Talked to Hora.

Save 16: Lvl36 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL39 Tony and Dennis ready to kick Hora's ass.
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Note: This is the last time I'll be able to explore regular content, Have Rosita's Last Dinner, Fight or become enslaved to Katrina, Franziska, and Raa. This is also the last chance to make use of the Optional Mob Exploit in Katrina's Realm... by this time, you won't need any more Mastery Points, and your ATK is enough to kill mob members, AND Tony and Dennis don't have the DEF to make them invulnerable... but you COULD cast Memorialize every turn and let Tony and Dennis attack every turn to raise their unarmed proficiency. Not sure how much benefit a higher proficiency provides. There's unseen stats like Crit Rate, Hit Rate and Evasion Rate that might be improved. I didn't bother, especially since I could do the Memorialize version of the exploit to any mob that is or has been reduced to 1 member.

Kicked Ass, Told by the game that I need to lose at least once to progress. The game is broke. Talked to Hora, Rescued Llavanya(she becomes an unselectable Party Member,) Kicked Fading Domina asses(I missed Narcissa to suckle at her poisonous booby, Got a 3rd Funhammer of Fun from Franziska and a 3rd Recipe for Pure Soul Crystal from the chest in Mika and Maki's Congresswoman's Suite.) These are not boss fights given my capabilities. Spamming attack is sufficient. Tony and Dennis might get in some hits. Maybe a fight will go to a 2nd turn. Talked to Hora.

Save 17: Lvl37 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL41 Tony and Dennis ready to kick Hora's ass again.

Preferred Tactic: Yes

Kicked Ass, Time Broke, Sent to Narcissa Corridor. At this point, you can use an Eldritch Tome to go to the Abyss and leave into the Cerulean Fields. Ruby's Inferno will be unlocked. Hora is gone, so you can't kick her ass and get another Broken Midnight Seal. The Reaper storyline hasn't triggered. The Llavanya storyline hasn't triggered. Won't know if there'll be any actual game-breaking consequences unless there's another update.

Narcissa's Corridor exit is 2 tiles wide. The first time I step on either of them I'm sent back to the beginning of the corridor. The second time I step on one, I exit to Katrina's Courtyard. Arcane Flamed mobs, Went through Franziska's Corridor to Mary's Courtyard. Used Eldritch Storm to grind to 99 Soul Dusts(why not? the encounters are so frequent that I don't regen Magicka fast enough to use Arcane Flame!) Went to Rosita's Place.

Save 18: Challenge Save. Lvl38 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue with LVL43 Tony and Dennis ready to kick Mommy's ass.

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Kicked ass, Party got restored and sent to bRoKeN tImE. This area seems to last based on the number of paces you take. After around 160 paces of Arcane Flaming the mobs, I'm transported to Broken Time where I get exposition and a save opportunity. One option is a VERY uninspired Game Over scene. The other continues the quest. Broke the loop, Loved Llavanya, too, Went to Hora's Time Capsule, Craft/Sell. Saved my Eldritch Tomes in case I want to use them for something other than the Attack Bonus if there's another update. Found Hora, Experienced Exposition Bomb, Was super-nice and forgiving, Spoke to Mika and Maki, Experinced Exposition Bomb, Was super-nice and forgiving, Spoke to Llavanya, Experinced Exposition Bomb, Was super-nice and forgiving, Spoke To Raa, Spoke to Raa, Entered Ancient Catacombs. Raa is now a Party Member with no Skills that can be used on other Party Members, no Skill Tree to exploit and no Equipment to steal. Good job, Deka! Went to the Hall of Legends, Did what is inevitably done, ALLEGEDLY Got Llavanya's Seal(which is nowhere to be found in my inventory,) and Did more of what is inevitably done, namely, unblocking the exit before it's "too late" as if that has any meaning whatsoever. Corrupted Llavanya is now a selectable Party Member, despite Llavanya no longer being corrupted! Shitty job, Deka! Returned to the Ancient Catacombs, Got into a fight to get Corrupted Llavanya some Mastery Points, Advanced through Corrupted Llavanya's Last Hero Skill Tree. Selected Warden, Advanced through the Warden Skill Tree.

Selected Warden-Paladin, even though that Bonk perk in the Paladin Skill Tree costs 900 Foreign Soul Shards instead of the 900 Mastery Points Deka intended to have made the cost. Paladin's Boon seems like the only Perk I might eventually have use for and there's slightly better Agility and Magicka. Might it be better to go through the 2nd half of a Skill Tree I already went through? W/E. Any way you look at it, I'm a F'n beast.

Got near the entrance to the Ancient Catacombs, Grinded to 99 Soul Dusts, Got Ambushed in the Cerulean Fields, Craft/Sell.

Save 19: Lvl39 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue/Warden-Paladin with LVL45 Tony and Dennis and LVL20 Corrupted Llavanya

Used Memorialize version of the optional exploit for over 12hrs to raise Unarmed Proficiency for Tony, Dennis and Llavanya by 51.

Save 20: Lvl39 Arcanist-Wizard/Channeler-Warlock/Crusader-Berserker/Duelist-Executioner/Ranger-Rogue/Warden-Paladin with LVL46 Tony and Dennis and LVL21 Corrupted Llavanya
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Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
dang i had such a blast playing this game, really looking forward for the 10.0

Still one of the my favorite games. Can't wait for the new Domina when 10.0 is released.
Same! Ruby is going to be hot (Pun intended).

unfortunately Franziska is not waifu material
I haven't seen anyone here complain about her not having a submission route... :unsure:

The tier list was mainly taking into account what was depicted in-game (including sex scenes of course), and not how the Dominas would govern Earth. If that were the case, the rankings would be quite different (Narcissa for example would be just above Franziska most likely). But in terms of what's shown in-game, at least Narcissa and Katrina don't make me watch them butcher innocent people (even though they do in canon, in fact I'm pretty sure Franziska mentions Narcissa accompanying her on killing sprees), nor do they make me watch them violate Llavanya or sit through ten unwinnable battles of pure boredom (which was done purposely to make you hate Mary I assume, thus making her a good villain. Props to Deka for that I suppose).

One thing I will say however, is that for the average person, serving under Mary would not be luxurious or comfortable in the slightest. She does mention allowing her slaves free time after their work is done, but that's normal for slavery regardless, and I imagine every non-psycho Domina would do the same, even if they never mention it.

"You will be both guided and pushed towards the right path. Progress is and must be more important than false gods such as freedom of choice."

Eliminating the concept of freedom entirely is horrible, and I don't need to explain why. You might enjoy serving Mary, and of course there's nothing wrong with that, but it would not be ideal for society as a whole. Let's compare her goal to Mika's, who is one of the 'nicer' Dominas.

"It would be a gynarchy where the smartest and prettiest sex -girls- would rule over the lesser sex, as it should be."

This of course implies a society where women are in charge, which would be a good thing for possibly 50% of humanity (I don't know the exact percentage of dominant women and submissive men, so I'll just say 50% for the sake of simplicity. I'm probably not far off). Mika even says that men who don't like their new position can become women instead. Personally I'd decline that offer, but at least she gives the freedom of choice, and more importantly, she doesn't force it on anybody. This outcome of course doesn't take into account the constant bickering between the Twins, so take it with a grain of salt.

Basically my point is that, yes, Mary's government of Earth would be better than psychopaths like Narcissa or Franziska (or even Rosita, who forces the partaking of cannibalism), but that doesn't mean Mary would be healthy for Earth either, and it certainly wouldn't be the best outcome. But at the end of the day, all Dominas would be bad for Earth. Katrina said it best, all Dominas are evil and sadistic to the core, even if some are nicer than others.

Now with that being said.. Madeline would certainly make the world a better place. I'm definitely in no way biased, or anything like that..
You hit the nail on the head here.

Llavanya might turn into a dom if the story plays out that way, and having a softie like her become dom is hot. (On a similar point, we need more sadistic maids.)
I'm sure we will see a scene where Best Girl gets corrupted with power and beats the hope out of her champion. :love:

I remember when I first played Mary's realm, I sided with her. The route had my character drag Llavanya - literally kicking and begging - to Mary. It made me sympathize with her. I even cried when Llavanya died.

On the other hand, all the other dominas are so exaggerated they feel like cardboard. Llavanya is the only one I care about as a character, so Llavanya >>> everyone else.

PS: To be upfront, I have no idea if the scenes are still like how I remember. I played it when Mary's realm was new. And I saw something about Llavanya reviving somehow in the OP saves a few pages ago?
Damn... In another universe I heard about the Worst Champion route and decided to experience it to see what lore I could learn from it. That was a tearjerker moment that could rival some of the saddest scenes in Monster Girl Quest. :cry:
May 25, 2022
I haven't seen anyone here complain about her not having a submission route... :unsure:
oh no not having a submission route is not what makes her not being wife material. The fact that you can't submit to her and become her slave for me is what makes her not waifu material. There's literally no sexual interactions with the MC apart from the bad ending right?
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Succubus Hunter


Sep 15, 2020
Vea la cita a continuación de robtbo. Es muy útil y debería tener todos los guardados que estás buscando. Los guardados son de la versión 9.5.2, pero son compatibles con la 9.9 en cualquier caso.
¿Puedes indicar en qué carpeta se encuentran ahora los archivos guardados? La ruta parece haber cambiado.


Nov 22, 2019
View attachment 3302717

Tier list is also left to right best to worst.

S - Katarina, Madeline
- Katarina - has the most and best scenes, barring scat and overboard with whipping she is the best one. Good personality - Arrogant but secretly insecure.
- Madeline - has a great way of manipulating you into submitting to her (tea scenes) and good but few scenes so i cant put above. If she had more scenes like Katarinas panty pussy / ass worship, i would put her as top one.

A - Rosita, Hora, Angel girl
- Rosita - Lots of scenes, love the way you become her slave. Too much farting and i ignore the cannibalism plot part, she just eats lots of beans lol. Mommy dom.
- Hora - interesting plot, but her personality is a bit boring, like a watered down katarina/madeline combined. Still pretty good though.
- Angel girl - This is purely based on her potential as a great gentle domme. The idea of a character that loves you and helps you the whole time being the one to stop you right at the end and you submit to her is hot.

B - Narcissa, Maki (Pink one)
- Narcissa - Good scenes, but i like dresses aesthetic and she has none so a bit boring there. Also drinking toxic waste is not something i really find attractive. A bit too pain focused.
- Maki - Mainly for her leading the duo scenes. Not into feminization but prefer it to torture/ pain stuff and scat.

C - Raa, Mary, Mika (Blue One)
- Raa - size play is meh, its too unrealistic for me to get off too. I prefer things that i could put my own shoes into and experience as if i am the character.
- Mary - she has one or two hot scenes, but there is too many torture shit and humiliation that ruins her. She would be A maybe even S if she had the same personality but Katarina esque scenes instead.
- Mika - duo scenes good, but her personal scenes - cbt combined with her being mentally unstable would be my relationship worst nightmare, waking up and shes putting needles in my cock - just no.

Z - The clown
- If you have played the game then you would understand. Saving grace - if you ignore all her other scenes somehow she has an acceptable handjob scene. Shame such a nice looking model wasted on these mentally ill fetishes like gore and snuff.
After this update Raa falls down to ZZ
3.40 star(s) 53 Votes