Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16c] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply the best game on this site. From the amazing world building and setting to the absolute gorgeous models and renders, this game hits all the right spots for me. Well done devs, keep up the great work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely amazing. I love how unapologetic and raw it is about its kinks. Quite good writing and character interactions. Fantastic models. Only real downside so far is that the sex scenes are generally very short and just still shots. Nonetheless, what we get is well done.

    Overall, very much recommended if you like things a bit grittier.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    For a game that has only been in development for less than a year as of this post, the quality of the production is definitely up there. It targets a niche in the market that was available and does it well, putting a unique spin to it with gorgeous models and some well done animated scenes here and there. It's got all the qualities of a harem builder (an especially large one in this case) with a realistic setting and interesting story/world to go with it as well, so it ain't just pure "research" material either. The game I think it probably matches quality wise is Callisto, so that's a pretty good sign for what's to come in the future for those who know how well done Callisto's animated sequences are.

    Something to keep in mind is that the game is really early in production. Content can probably last you a few hours rn and romance paths are just really beginning. However, for those who enjoy some good world-building in their game's of culture, Desert Stalker will probably be a new fix to satisfy you while other games are still updating.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Desert Stalker v0.07b (vanilla no mod, compressed)

    Wow! Holy apocalypse! Another hidden gem of 2020 game which I missed out (I wonder why?). I just played this game for the first time today in a single sitting which took me about 6 hours to complete. I'm not sure which path I was on but I managed to unlock at least 70% of the Gallery.

    The stories are well crafted, unique, and somewhat original. Really amazing stuff. Variety of characters/LIs. Well organized game, where you have main quests and side quests.

    I have no complains about the renders/animations/music/visual aspects of the game because I am mostly only interested the storytelling. There are a lot of contents so far. Really looking forward on this journey.

    I personally love Zahra, the MC wife. She is super amazing and super hot too :love: . That being said, all the other females LIs are hot and interesting on their own ways too.

    Well done dev team! Keep up the lewd work.
    Likes: mitjo
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    first I must say anyone that doesn't like this game has no taste what so ever.

    Second i love the uniqueness of the game. I love the eyes of each character they seem bigger than normal but at the same time they don't look weird out out of place. I love the new overhaul of the game. it feel smoother and theres more story. with each update the dev releases keeps me coming back for more. and the moment i see the game I download it
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Another 7th update review. Woo. Anyway, long story short, I like this one. It has world building. As in reasons for MC to do the things they do. I'm not saying its amazing or groundbreaking. Essentially its Fallout, Mad Max and Conan the barbarian all mixed together. There are actual cutscenes too. I was shocked. It's like an actual game or something. And you can choose more than "view or skip content" I think my only complaint, which is more a small gripe, is that it's short as can be. And very linear, which isn't awful. It's a very tight experience. Imagine that, A tight linear game, that may be short, feels better than 45 dateable girls that arent implemented yet and a skill and grinding system that ends up not doing much but pad out an empty game.

    TLDR; I essentially spent more time subtweeting some of these other games than praising this one. ITS GOOD TRY IT.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion one of the best games here. I like the art, the story and the interface. The story is fresh and preseted very nice. The girls are HOT. The MC is is badass. I hope that the dev will keep the same style.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a high quality VN. It is well made. All the reviews talking about how great it is aren't wrong.

    The problem is the sex is boring. There is no lust. No desire. It just isn't sexy.

    I like the setting and the plot, but I grew bored of the sexual encounters as they were just not thrilling in any way.

    I think the developer is very talented, but the Harem setting is simply too rushed. And there is no foreplay or build up.

    Instead you just walk around putting your dick in every mouth you see. If that is your fantasy then Desert Stalker delivers. See a hot chick, make her suck your cock, and maybe later fuck her. And then move on to the next hot chick.

    It looks fantastic.
    The plot is interesting.
    The setting is unique as well as interesting.
    The sound production is great.
    The interface is very professional.
    Everything is very high quality.

    But at the end of the day I simply wasn't turned on by the sex scenes.

    I really wanted to like this, but sadly I just didn't find this sexy.

    I will still try this out from time to time just to see where it goes, as it really is well made.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely my favourite VN the mature MC which is a breath of fresh air, the great female characters, the graphic violence and the beautiful renders make it top tier in my opinion. Ain and Ivy best girls hands down.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh man, I can't believe I wasted so much time avoiding this VN. But I've finally decided to give it a try, best sleepless night I've had in a long time.

    This game does many things right: the setting, the plot, the characters, the dialogues, the original concepts. The fact that this is the first review I've made, despite being a member for almost 2 years, says a lot about the quality of this game.

    The plot is set in a post-apocalyptic future. In a dystopian version of ancient Egypt, where laws and morals do not exist, the player must make the right decisions to obtain the best possible outcome. Every decision counts and we must choose wisely.

    The renders, on the other hand, are okay. They're not the most detailed I've seen, and the fact is that the environments lack certain detail that it leaves a lot to be desired, but otherwise I think DAZ Engine does a good job of visually representing the world that the creator tries to show us.

    Yes, It lacks in the animation department (with only having about five animations in total), but it makes up with the beauty of female characters, with a wide variety of body types for every taste (I love you Ain!).
    A true hidden gem in this forum.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    it's literally my favorite game most things are perfect only thing missing if he had a sister and niece
    you can expect
    -a post apocalyptic world with no laws and few factions
    -amazing story and your own harem
    -uncensored fights with gore
    -females with character
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok so I will start by saying this game does so many things right that it deserves the high rating that it has. So lets start with the pros of this game.

    -Character models for the most part have beautiful faces. The bodies however are entirely subjective.
    -Renders are done well.
    -The ability to skip/pass on any girls you don't like
    -The writing and dialogue are quite well done.
    -The story is one of the more original ones.
    -The world is interesting as is the setting. The dev certainly is more than capable of both world and character building.
    -The developer is not shying away from some darker themes but rather jumping right into these themes. It is just my opinion here but there are just so few games on this site that are 3dcg and have animations that are about and or include the MC as a dominate personality who OWNS slaves. So this game is a breath of fresh air in that regard.

    I am certain there are more pros than I listed but you can read other reviews for those with more in depth explanations now as for the cons.

    -I am putting animations for this game under cons but not because they're poorly done quite the contrary actually the animations are imo very well done. The reason I list them as a con is because the game is tagged as animated but there are just so few of them in game atm and the animations are extremely short like 2-4 seconds short. That to tag this as animated makes it feel more like click bait than anything else.
    -This is just personal preference here and I know I am in the minority for guys here but I am one who prefers smaller breasted women. I see many of the reviews here mentioning this game has so many kinks it touches on but apparently those must all be with the large breasted characters because I didn't see any of these kinks people are talking about with the few smaller breasted women unless all those kinks were hidden away with the one small breasted character I choose to skip other wise those kinks are all tied to either that one character or the large breasted characters I skipped because I'm not into that. But yeah if you are like me in this regard this game won't offer a whole lot of kink to you as it seems to cater the kinks to the large breast crowd apparently.
    -For the same reason mentioned above this was the first game with a incest theme that I did not want to play. So that is a first so gratz there to the dev lol. The one daughter in the game that is attractive you can't do anything with except a butt massage... while the other daughter who is the big titted bimbo (which I'd say the only thing attractive about is her face) is practically thrown at the MC over and over and over and over again. So yeah first game ever to make me go you know I think I am just gonna pass on the incest part....

    I would rate this game as 3.5 out 5 but this site doesn't allow that so I went with a 4 because to say it is just a average game would be a lie with how much it does right. Even with the complaints I have, those would not justify a flat 3 stars.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is awesome. Finally someone created a desert dystopian adult games/visual novel. The casual incest is a great touch, Ain knowing her role as the breeding cow is excellent bit. I don't mind no animation, just use proper posing (learn from Y3DF comics, darklord comics or NLT comics) and hot dialogue. 9/10
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is set in a really interesting world with lots of really hot characters so the only way the dev could screw this up is if was written really badly and it's not. I enjoyed what I've played so far and I'm really excited to see what happens next and where it all goes.

    The biggest issue I have with this game is that it's not really animated. The reason I downloaded it was because I saw the animated tag and all the comments saying "it's animated!" then after seeing that the first scene was just a slide show of a couple images I just assumed the animation was coming later but it never did. At least it didn't in the capacity I was expecting. Throughout my playthrough I found a total of 4 animated scenes and 1 of the animations isn't even part of a sex scene. Also, I use the word "scene" very loosely since the reality is that those 3 animations are just thrown in to start the scene before it switches back to a slideshow.

    I was leaning more towards giving this game 4 stars because an adult game not having animated scenes in 2021 isn't very appealing to me but figured that maybe other people don't share my view on that. I do still hope that the dev will add more animated scenes later on though
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great world building that combines an Egyptian theme with post apocalyptic fiction. Check out the unique morality for violence and relationships that is simply presented as normal within the context of the game's world. For example, while sharing is optional and can be turned off, if it is on, it actually seems polite to provide service when hosting guests.

    The Desert Stalker is dominant and tough; he's presented as a role and players can decide what that means and how he treats people and solves quests.

    Apart from that, it's a harem game so there are a lot of women, with the usual problem that it's difficult to provide scenes for all of them regularly. However, the game remembers previous women and occasionally revisits them rather than endlessly adding new women without any followup. Expanding the harem is usually obvious, either saying yes or no to adding another woman. Characters are varied, with some stronger than others. The wife stands out for her strong supportive and enabling role in the harem.

    It's a gory (optional), violent, interesting game with beautiful women and a decent number of sex scenes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    This is kind of what you'd get if Mad Max and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R universes collided. Really cool setting that is guaranteed to pique your interest if you like post-apocalyptic vibes, violence, incest, and a very dominant male protagonist who has the potential to create a huge harem.

    There are a few optional sharing scenes which I'm not a fan of and I think kind of detract from the ultra dominant badass that the protagonist is being built up to be, but to each their own, it doesn't really take too much away from the overall quality of the game. As of version 0.06 there is a fair amount of content, maybe 3 hours worth if you explore all of the dialogue, branching paths, and tidbits of lore. There's some animation but the majority of it is still images in succession instead of anything that is particularly smooth. Thankfully the scenes are hot enough for this to be tolerable. The sound direction is nice, the occasional effect adds to the immersion and the music is very fitting thematically. There are a few cutscenes which add a theatrical feel at some points but I honestly could do without those in favor of better animation during sex scenes.

    It's definitely still in its beginning stages but it seems like the dev has some interesting plans for both the sex and plot aspects of this game. Hopefully development is consistent in the future, there's truly a huge amount of potential here.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Played 0.06b.

    Amazing to play a dominant role.
    Great models, textures and ambience.
    Very interesting submissive characters.
    A bit short at the moment, but showing a lot of promise, and there are a handful of sex scenes that I don’t get tired of playing. There are some repeatable end-game scenes, although it is worth keeping saves of some that are not.
    Interesting, promising story that does not drag if you are feeling horny.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    nice muice,pretty gril,and you can chose your game type,you can turn off "ntr"or"gore"
    I really enjoyed every second playing Desert Stalker
    English is't my fist language but i have to use my bad English say this is very good game for me
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Desert Stalker is a great game, one of the best on this site. Unique and original story, the characters are interesting, good renders, nice music! I'm not usually into incest but here it's done incredibly well. Cannot recommend it enough! (v0.06b)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I played a lot of games here,
    This one is not the best, but it's close.

    The character models are hot asf, the diversity of visuals is good enough that you don't get bored from it, the characters personalities are entertaining.

    There're a lot of h scenes in this game, it often annoys me because it tends to make the whole thing unrealistic and bland after a time, but not here, it fits the mood of the game perfectly.

    Sorry for not making a better explanation for my rating, I just wanted to give it 5 stars so it boosts its referencing on the site because it deserves it.