Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16c] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game with a pretty good choice of a story. The idea of post apocalyptic Egypt is very interesting and is a rare but welcome choice of location

    The music is especially spectacular, really good choices there and arguably the one of the best things about the game

    UI is nice and the ability to rename the characters' affiliations is welcome too so incest can mostly be prevented through it for those who don't want it like me. In fact, you can go ahead to make the whole house a D/s based grouping by renaming the affiliations

    There are no really rapey scenes betwen the mc and the others. All characters are into whats happening, which is a plus in my view
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game but is slightly overrated IMO.

    The story is good, well-written, intriguing. Nice music and sound effects. Pretty cute girls.

    However for a game with so much gratuitous porn, the scenes each last about 10 seconds with very few animations throughout. Quite a let down considering how sex-centered the game is.

    Definitely worth a play though.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really refreshing to play the incest theme in a completely new way.
    Not the usual thing with going shopping together, then either going to a lingerie shop or a swimwear store and off you go.
    Combining the "Mad-Max" theme with the incest theme (which, by the way, can be individually modified and deselected) is really successful. The graphics and the sex scenes are also great and so far it's been really fun to play.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is the best adult game in this site and this even didnt finish yet. Imagine playing fallout with sex scene and plus spartacus dirtiness. The narrative is not like an teenage villian wannabe hotshot style. You can make actual though decision i didnt play against the queen or zetans at first but when i play again i am going to try it to see if it actually actually matters. So far (update 0.8) this is the best rpg adult game ever.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great game if it was just a game, but the sex scene are bad, unfortunately.

    STORY 5/5
    The story is 10/10. The atmosphere is just phenomenal. The pacing is amazing. The script is really good and the overall premise of the plot is not overdone or cliche.

    SEX SCENES 1/5
    The sex scenes are really boring. There is no build up. The function of the plot in a sex game is so that you can leverage it to great tension and anticipation to get closer to the characters. However, in this game that is given to you right off the bat. You can have sex with everyone without having to work for it. I really wish I did better in terms of this because the direction and plot is so good. Unfortunately, it's just bad.

    GRAPHICS 3/5
    The graphics are dated, but the devs seems to have great aesthetic sense that they know how to frame scene properly, and how to evoke a certain emotion in a particular scene. That being said, the graphic assets feel very dated and empty. The character models are so typical looking and the women all look the same.

    OVERALL 4/5
    Great game, but it's a bit overrated right now sitting at 4.8 rating.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. I was initially skeptical with the sandbox aspect, but everything seems intuitive and easy.

    The lore in this game is phenominal, with very few games on this site actually having so much depth and intrigue to its lore. I also love how the world has cyber dystopian punk vibes, mixed with ancient egypt vibes, mixed with futuristic post apocolyptic vibes. The game dev has managed to combine these different genres into this beautiful game.

    Sex scenes are great and well written too, with the perfect balance of storyline and sex dialogue.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game.... so fo i like everything about it. The story, the environement, the sex part, the quality of the pics and animation!!! Just perfect!!! I'm not done yet and hope there is a lot more hours to play that game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really awesome and exciting game, the storylines really interesting but the characters and their role in the game that really makes me a big fan of this awesome games... thank you for this wonderful game... Really enjoyed playing this....
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    i ve loved this cyber punk epic crazy game since the first up date

    zetan do an amazing job, renders story and alos caracteres are pretty good

    + it s kind of game and atmosphere that i loved with something to chek up you brain with intensity, humour ..For open minded for sure

    remind me some Si Fi or heroic fantaysie athmosphere, it can be distopyan too sometimes

    A point of mad max, fall empire of ancient time, cyberpunk give a wonderfull cocktail, wehere we che'k in..
    A great story a lot of choice and path make the story and the intrigue power full

    One of my top 3 game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Looking forward to the next update. It's good to have an MC who isn't an 18yo semi-loser who still somehow gets all the girls, but instead an experienced badass who faces real challenges and overcomes them by skill and wits. So many VN protagonists just bumble through their respective games, its refreshing to have one who is competent.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game. It keeps getting better and better with each update. The story and setting is great, post-apocalyptic world. Renders are top notch, girls are one of the best looking out there. I read some comments that they look similar, that might be true, but I don't care as long as they have character, which they do, in this game. And they're a family where members looking similar isn't a surprise.

    One more thing I love about this game is that it gives you all kinds of experiences: Violence, dominance, love, etc. The MC is not some college boy banging every woman he meets (fucking finally).

    My hat's off to you dev. Keep up the great work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Great renders, beautiful and fun characters, an interesting setting with nice visuals and good music, extremely hot girls, :love:sharing:love: (optional, if you don't want it). Easily one of my top 5 VNs. Also the MC is an absolute badass, which is always nice.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Characters look good, dark but engaging story, good characters, and good sex scenes. although does focus heavily on BJ content. I also appreciate how it doesn't really judge you for your morals you can save the day or be the villain. Overall great game and i look forward to more.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Simon the Panda

    This game can no doubt be a great game. but for me, personally, it is super boring. Most of the female cast looking pretty much the same and i want their to be more choices as right now there is not enough.
    I am neither a fan or not-fan of gore and violence and even i thought that this game was lacking in this department. Overall, this is an average game and I have a feeling that an influencer must have played this game on their yootoob for it to get this popular.

    I am not hating, i respect the devs, i am being honest BECAUSE i respect the dev.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just F.I.N.E! The best I've seen in a while!

    Some things I would like to see in the next updates:
    - More screen time for the Riot Sisters
    - More screen time for Ain
    - Please explain what's up with the elf girl (I got so, so damn curious)
    - I need Katerina H-scenes ASAP!
    - Would there be a posibility to romance the younger riot sister? the jumpy one
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Ray Paul

    This is really good game adventurous,sex, fighting,story all
    Good but there have some problem I am facing in android it's
    Getting Error when mission come I can't progress further the game so I have request to "Renpy" pls fix this issue in Android so I can play further.Also I play this game from beginning so no Old Save. THANK YOU
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Rendering 10/10
    Story 10/10
    Sex scenes 9/10
    Overall 9.5/10
    Music/Sound effects 8/10

    This game is epic. The storyline and character development are top-notch. Very few spelling or grammar mistakes which are nice to see since the majority of games have plenty of both. It is gripping and has hours of gameplay. This is a very underrated game and should be way more recognized for the excellent game that it is.

    It has realistic gore similar to what you'd expect to see in a rated R action movie. It is a function that can also be disabled for those who wish to see less violence. You can change the default relationship setting from Stepdaughter to whatever you like and rename all of the main characters. I always appreciate that feature when developers add that.

    My only complaints are that the sex itself could be a bit more varied. For a good chunk of the game, there is more blowjob action than anything else, though that does get better as you go. I wish there was more kissing, pussy eating, anal, and sharing than there is. Would love to see some lesbianism, more anal (there is only one spot of that I believe) double penetration, and gangbangs. But hey, the sex is still awesome with beautiful very detailed imagery.

    Overall a stellar game that is well worth playing and supporting with donations. I can't wait for more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall what you get is a well written VN, very good sound design, good renders and a good balance between story and sex.

    (ppl seriously give the game 2 stars because relatives look alike?!)

    Reading some of the negative reviews it seems ppl dislike minor stuff like similar characters, animations that sometimes are just a couple frames (gets better as the story progresses imo) or that they sometimes have to be advanced by clicking through single frames.. I think things like these are just subtleties, no reason to give a game 2-3 stars if the overall render and writing quality is good - and oh boy, it is.

    The writing in this game is spectacular imo. I like how the characters are written, most of them feel very real and believable for a post-apocalyptic scenario like in this game. Also the world itself is interesting, feels ruthless and hard to live in.

    The renders are not the best you can find on F95, but they are by no means bad as well and work really well for what is happening in each part of the story.

    And then there is the sound design with great music, great sound effects which very well underlines the mood and the feel for each scene.

    And last but not least there is the porn aspect which imo is well implemented into the lore and the world itself. Decisions the player can make feel somewhat believable for the given circumstances. The balance between sex and story scenes feels good too.

    The choices in this game also feel like they have weight to them and matter a lot in terms of available scenes in your play-through.

    So overall I can just recommend to play the game & support the dev. This seriously is the first game in a long time I played for hours in one go just because it felt so immersive and interesting to follow the story.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This may not be for everybody, but it's definitely for me.

    Beautiful characters, interesting plot, and a mixture of sex / story that will leave you hungry for more. That last part is crucial, as I've seen many games that spend forever developing plot without any erotic scenes, and others that just make it an orgy.

    This game gives you both in well balanced doses. I was really hoping for a certain development in this update, and low and behold it was there! And the previous updates have found ways to satisfy the need for plot and sexiness in creative ways that make you go "oooo...well done!"
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Peter the Great

    Before i write my review, it is important for me to say that i am going to be slightly harsh since the rating of this game is so high with so many nonsensical 5* reviews. If this was not the case, i believe a 3* would be fair. Above average.

    the good:
    - the premise is superb
    - the story is unique and well written,
    - the characters are well written and most of the time, introduced well.

    the Bad
    - vast majority of the LI's look the same
    - renders are average and often below.
    - animations are TERRIBLE! rather not have them.
    - Too complex for its own good.
    - not really an RPG.
    - could do with better, more immersive music.