Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16c] [Zetan]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Played version 0.09

    - Proper english and easily understandable dialogue.
    -Attention to detail and I'm particularly a fan of the whole mad max concept.

    The bad:
    - Absolutely dark in most scenes where you cant see anything
    -Should work on lighting and using different shades as it makes the whole game really bland and dark.
    - No actual gameplay. Basically a VN with disguised choices.

    I'm actually a fan of the models and the theme of the game but the actual excution is so poor which left me highly disappointed. This game had great reviews and I was expecting to have a good time. Also lots of violence and depraved stuff, which is supposed to be a plus in my book. But the way it was done does not make sense at all.

    Hopefully it improves in future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 0.09 now, the game seems to me one of the best that are here around.
    1. Good sandbox implementation:
    locations are easy to find and access to (new) quests/content is
    2. Graphics are really good.
    3. Story is (at the date of this review) consistent and comprehensible. No
    major plot holes or breaks in the story line.
    4. Fulfills 'promises' given by tags&summary.

    So that just leaves me to say: keep it up this way.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Desert Stalker v0.09c Public]

    Full disclosure: I played with the less gore setting from as soon as I saw that was an option. I get my jollies from tits not torture.

    Like the Intensely.

    Writing is fine. Not too intrusive or up itself and I found that very enjoyable as well.

    Some minor gripes with the gameplay; gore filter isn't strict enough, and the 'cutscenes' are to game flow what caltrops are to sexy walks on the beach. I think there were some minor issues with events being gated or timed weird and/or narrative options being out of order: early on I ran into a couple different moments where hitherto unmentioned topics and events showed up in dialog and left me confused.

    Other than Queenie McPsychobitch the kinks on display were right up my alley. Don't stick your dick in crazy, kids.

    TLDR: Hot~ Watched~

    Sameday edit cuz coffee > grammar.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just simply amazing.

    Not everyone will enjoy it but for who enjoys it, it's a treasure.
    Can't wait for new updates and get more scenes!
    Love the characters design.
    The theme hits perfectly, gives you the end of the world vibe.
    The girls are perfect, can't wait more for update!

    Wishes devs all the best of luck and great job with the game!

    p/s: more animations please hehe. thank you
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this, the combat is dope for what it's done with the story makes sense and all-around enjoyable.

    I could say a lot more but just know this is one of my favorites so far, the lore, the imagery, the characters and the story are amazing. The characters are by far some of the hottest ones I've seen, to the point some of the background women in scenes look good enough to "enjoy" as well, lmao.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    great story
    great cutscene
    the music match the plot very well
    the characters are perfect
    the animation is also extremely good
    Thankfully I had found this game
    definitely 5/5
    can't wait to see what's next
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is what Fallout 4 needs a mod for, what Fallout 76 should have been, and what Fallout 5 should aspire to be.

    Compelling post-apocalyptic setting. Great characters. Amazing graphics. Nice ambient music.

    However, I'd recommend waiting for a bit. At least until version 0.5 to get some immersive questline going.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    For an H game this game has great story and choices. The 3d models are also quite good. The issue with this game , like most Renpy titles, is the H content.

    This is an H game and sadly that is where the game lacks. The H scenes are pretty short and skipped over at times. Worse of all (and this is a trend im seeing a lot with Ren'py.. idk if its an engine limitation or what) theres no sound.. No sound during sex scenes is a huge miss in my opinion for the enjoyment and immersion.

    Sound is something that a lot of devs seem to be lacking in these days. We dont choose to handle our business to pictures or gifs usually we go for video right? why? becuase of motion and sound. Maybe its a renpy thing and they cant add sound effect like moaning, smacking of skin etc to the scenes. But if it was added imo this game would be a 4-5 easily... maybe lengthen the scenes a little too.

    Overall if you are looking for story and choices, this is a great game for you. if looking for H content.. maybe not.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Atmosphere, Great renders, Great characters and an Amazing plot so far, not to mention the lewd content is very enjoyable my favorite was shani :love: (i named her shayma) i can go in details and fangirl about this VN but i don't want to spoil anything so it's better you Download and play it yourself and don't forget to support the developer, im too broke for that so ill keep him in my prayers lmao.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing.
    Graphic 5/5
    Music 5/5
    Playability 5/5
    The animations are well done and fit together well.
    Expressive characters.
    Interesting story idea.
    Highly refined details.
    A game worth recommending.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, really nice and original character models which are distinct and have a lot of personality, rarely gets boring. Lot of variety in the action. Definitely worth a download and a bookmark
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Without a doubt my favourite game of all time. Excellent story, character writing, overall a very well made piece of art. I am surprised I didn't run into this game earlier. I wish all the best to the dev
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the most exquisite and pronounced games i've planned for a while.

    This game is created by someone who has a talent, Someone who can think of an idea and really bring it to life. The game is in a female dystopian society and it truly shows it as such.

    The genre of "harem" has held no bonds to me until i played this game, it's just that good. You truly feel as if you have a harem that is pronounced and subservient (if that is what you wish for them to be) you can also be gentle/not act on primal emotions.

    5/5 game, I never wanted it to end while playing, definitely a gold standard for every tag it has included.

    Also, there's frickin cutscenes! Sit back, relax, and have the real story/vibe overwhelm you, or wrap your noggin around the idealisms. Great job Zetan.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Stabby Mike

    Took a break from playing these kind of games cause the ones I played before have little to no update. I'm ecstatic to see this game upon returning. The gameplay is outstanding. Choices leads to consequences. Stunning visuals. It would've been better if there's a note telling you that you've reached the last part of the current version. Now I have something to add on my list. Well done!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good. This give us a good amount of story and choices that matter. I don't like incest but it makes me think that in this universe they are fine with it? Maybe could make more clear that we reach end game, but other than that, it's a pretty good game
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    Amazing game, definitely something I'm now looking forward to seeing more updates from!

    + Can change names & titles of important characters to preferences
    + Animations/music + setting is great!
    + Devs seem to be really consistent with updates
    + Dom
    + Lots of content and pretty often. One of the few games I haven't just skipped through.

  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game. Simple as that. Absolutely great and amazingly well done. From the models who are flawless, to the amazing story it narrates, to the numerous choices that you can make giving you total freedom of your character and the world around him. Choices are actually important and impactful to the story as where you can play a different game every time based on your choices. Atmosphere is dark and gritty (I personally like that), the music themes are FANTASTIC and really suit the style. The game is pretty brutal at times, if you choose to play it like that, and it doesn't hold back on the gore or the violence. One of the best MCs yet. A dominating, imposing A male that gets everything and everyone he wants. If you're into harems and this kind of stuff this is definitely for you. The only drawback really is the almost complete lack of animations during sex scenes and the fact that they last only for a few seconds. I mean what's the haste for? It should linger on them a bit more and try to enrich them a little. This however can't take a star away from the game. A must 5/5!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it's a flawless game:
    - The story is realy good and well written
    - The universe is coherent and immersive
    - Characters are all very interesting and the charadesign is incredible.
    I recommend 100% .
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    This game is the absolute pinnacle of incest, maledom, power fantasy. Moreover it has a truly compelling narrative. I legitimately enjoyed the story, I wanted to complete more missions, I wanted to body more ghouls in the wasteland.

    This is a S-tier game in every respect minus the animations, which while they detract nothing from the experience, they are by no means on par with other top titles with an animation focus.

    I believe the Dev interacts with the community here and so I want to say directly to you: thank you for this game. The only critique I have for this masterpiece is: no slap sounds during the spanking scene. That must be remedied in the future!

    10/10 flawless game, cut the check and pay this dev, this is too good to pirate for free.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, how have I missed this game for 2 years, kinda glad i did, because it now have a decent amount of content.

    You play as OMEGA GIGA CHAD. who has a little house and a growing harem in the desert. And go on missions to collect loot and girls.

    Who ever made the game is amazing, because the locations are easy to navigate and it is easy to see what content is new.

    there are even a bestiary/log of the people you meet o_O. woot.
