HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.2.8] [Vrelnir]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an amazing amount of depth without putting wall after wall of text in front of you. It's a sandbox game with a couple lose conditions and an achievement system to give you some goals if you need some direction.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This Is a Really good game for the simple reason being: Its not a generic visual novel like half the things on the front page. and also it gives you alot of things to shape your charactors personality in a way not many games like this will do.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing this game for a long time, i've decided to finally give the praise it deserves. This masterpiece in the making is essentially a sandbox with endless posibilities, it just amazes me how after all the time that i've played it i still managed to find new events or encounters, like kicking my brain into a sense of wonder that's pretty difficult to find nowadays.
    With that said, this is just an early stage of a game i love, it needs polish and a direct upgrade to de defiant system, and domination overall, but i will be there, waiting, because this game deserves my attention and my energy.
    If the creator sees this review, thank you for pouring your heart and mind into this game. I will see how this project goes, thrilled.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    very fun and addictive RPG with lots of pussibilities. The customisation of the character, world and people you meet is awesome and the depth of the characters and interactions is very cool. The optionnal fetishes is a very nice touch.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2077289

    One of the best games out there. In my opinion it is more enjoyable if you're into being submissive, but a dom path can be played.
    The gameplay is good, the world is unique and the events are really hot.
    Has a lot of fetishes, highly configurable experience and lots of mechanics to explore.
    It's reeeeeally worth a try, I've played multiple runs for a long time and the consistence updates make for an unique experience each time.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Devs have made an incredible game here, would love to see something similiar but set in a viking or medieval japan setting

    ....i need 200 letters to post

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  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game for 2 years, and I can say, that this is a pretty great game. In order to survive, you have to be either be full submissive or full defiant, in terms of battle. It is a fairly hard game, especially on its early days, but if you want to play it, I recommend starting a game with cheats first to be accustomed to the gameplay before switching to a playthrough without one.

    Back then, I mostly focus on stealing till I get 500 pounds, before getting a stable job at the strip club as a bartender, now there are even more job options that doesn't directly involve stealing and prostituting!

    This game has a wholesome story and is very open to everyone who wants to play it. Want to play a straight, gay or bi? Adjust the settings. Don't like rape? Soft mode. Uncomfortable with tentacles and sorts of icky stuff? Turn it off. Want to play a full virgin? Chastity belt/cage & or Pledge yourself to the cult church. Want incest? Just imagine Robin as your little/twin brother/sister. Want NTR/cucking? That would be mean but having Robin as your boyfriend/girlfriend then keep cheating on them via kissing Kylar and or sexing Whitney counts. There's stuff for everyone (except for pregophiles, guro fetishist and doms, because pregnancy isn't in the game yet, the only time you get to dom
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    and guro for obvious reasons)! The some of the story and scenes in this game are so wholesome, that some people don't just play this game to fap anymore and even got attached to characters.

    The best part of this game? It's free.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1035609

    Without a doubt one of the best games I've ever found on this site. Near endless possibilities for character designs, practically every fetish you can think of, incredibly detailed option settings, and a completely open sandbox to explore; it's honestly impressive to see all this in one game. Not to mention frequent updates for both additional content and bug fixes.

    My only real nitpick is that it gets a little grindy going through the school day over and over with infrequent events. Maybe adding a gym, assembly hall, or some clubs after school could provide some variety, but like I said, just a little nitpick of mine, still an amazing game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I can do anything, this game has lots of freedom. It's down right American. I can be a cat boy, maid girl, demon boy, wear whatever outfit i can think of (except storm trooper armor : ( ). It's got story and quests (sort of). It's worth spending some time on to check out.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that I wanted to make but didn't know existed! Writing is top-notch and character building focuses on quality over quantity. In terms of content, the game covers a lot of themes that appeal to me, including:
    - power struggle in combat involving violent and sexual attacks (being able to redirect sexual attacks using areas that would result in less damage, and having pain as part of the equation, all makes combat very interesting and immersive)
    - character appearance having mechanical impact (beauty and allure affects a lot of things)
    - forced body writing (with potential "permanency")
    - body modification (to some extent with accompanying visual representation)

    With the current engine, the game already has a great foundation. The biggest limitation is probably the graphical avatar and animations style. While these are impressively done (especially with how many clothing items are in the game), they do not represent:
    - different beauty levels (all faces are the same, and only the PC gets a full figure)
    - different butt sizes (dynamic hip width would make all clothing sprites way more complicated)
    - many clothings don't seem to have combat animations (only avatar sprites)

    These misgivings should be minor compared to the pros of the game. I would be satisfied with no engine/mechanical changes and just content additions, preferably expanding the body writing/tattoo content, adding piercing content, and adding more involuntary clothing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my all time favorites. It's mostly text-based, so if you're looking for scenes to view, you might come up short, but it does have a very good series of animated gifs for lewd scenes.
    This is a pure sandbox game, but there's lots to explore, and the developer updates regularly with new content and bugfixes.
    Tons of fetishes to explore, but you can easily change the settings to limit what kinks you'll see, even going so far as to make the entire population a specific gender.
    A fun pick if you're looking for a lust-filled journey, or even trying to challenge yourself to keep your virginity forever.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 951200

    This game is fun, particularly its first few, maybe 5-10 hours. It starts off with a strong illusion of choice and possibilities. You create a character out of a selection of different background choices; things like gender, sexual experience, kinks, body part sensitivity etc. You're dropped into the game, and you're given a selection of places to go, and things to do. You start getting scenes dropped on you without expecting it, and at first its a good time until you realize they're all sorta the same. The people change, a couple words here and there change, a couple of your options during the act might change, but generally they're the same and there will be times where you just right click through the scene without even changing your choices. I hope they add a wider variety of content, particularly content that allows the player to become the dominant one.
    Final word, I must say that letting the player see his character acting out whats happening with customizable sprites instead of jpgs like other "text based" games is a very good idea. I hope it becomes more common.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The Gay Tag review

    you can choose the gender of your character and you are targeted by both female and male people with no distinction, so there are surely gay scenes. The game contains plenty of scenes of assault, and in such cases you of course can't choose the gender of the person who assaults you, but you can tune your reaction (by being more receptive to gay sex assaults and fight it from females, for example).
    It should be noted that both love interests are female and that the pixellated sprite of your character is quite androgynous-looking.

    Big disappointment. It starts by feeling rather normal -schoolboy, many different choices in the various locations, equipment, etc- but for me it went very tedious VERY quickly. The world and the people that populate it feel extra bidimensional. Yes, there are locations to explore and new ones that pop up, but very little flavour.
    Everything is also very random, including in the combat, which can protract for a long time for no specific reason. The scenes during the combat also don't have really much to do with whom attacks you (a monk can easily call you your bitch immediately for no reason) and -again- they all feel the same. Flat and boring.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best text games that exist on F95 and highly representative to what an adult game should be like. Quality writing, interesting mechanics (combat and normal gameplay alike), a vast number of fetishes fully custom based on player's interests, continuous improvement with frequent updates.
    I followed the game since the very beginning and, with the adding of the herm PC feature, I can finally say it ticks all my boxes.
    Kudos to the developer, to contributors, to supporters and testers for keeping this masterpiece alive and kicking.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played this game on and off for almost 2 years and it has been one of the games I can always keep coming back to and really enjoy each time for many hours. I am unsure why I didn't review this sooner, but it has always been one of my favourites so hear me out and I'll go decently in depth for a nice clear picture.

    The theme is unique, brave, implemented very smartly and very well. It pays off and opens up a world with lots to do, even if the larger chunk of it is to be raped or whore yourself out, there are a lot of ways to do so lol.

    It has many non-rapey/sexual things too like helping at a friends' lemonade stand, managing school grades, selling flowers, working different jobs etc, and even rewards you remaining a pure virgin and avoiding being raped or embracing the role pushed onto you by others in the city, since a more recently added church content, where you take monthly purity (virginity) tests pays you for maintaining that and you can even eventually transform into an angel, giving you a special ability, extra dialogue/content and a unique aesthetic. Losing purity makes you turn into a fallen angel and changes all those things around instead of you just losing the transformation. - There are several more transformations like this.

    In regards to the complaints I've seen about you being unable to fight back/are always a victim... well yeah, you're a school girl/boy being targeted by mostly adults, what the fuck do you expect lol. But regardless of that fact, you can fight back and there is a defiance and strength rating that as you fight more and more you unlock new abilities and methods to do so (same applies to being submissive and seductive etc) - I have fought off many people in some playthroughs with a small body build and only ever can not beat multiple people at once and while re-loading would always allow you to beat the more muscular NPC's at high stats, it is still hard to beat them. In those situations when you beat them, it takes a few turns thus it is still possible to fight off penetration but if someone grabs you, obviously you'll be exposed to molestation for a little until you can turn the tables, alternatively you can hold them off using your thighs or mouth etc and just make them cum while you avoid being penis'd, or if people are around you can just call for help to avoid that situation. Seems realistic to me.

    In terms of scenes, there are just sprites, a kind of gif of the outer pussy/penis movements and an x-ray inside during combat and consensual sex that change based on your worn clothing/transformation and have a couple of different positions. It portrays the events described in text pretty well and even accurately depicts gang-bang scenes or tentacle scenes etc. While the text itself does most of the work building arousal, the sprites are certainly appealing and welcome.

    Expanding on the above point, the character creation after choosing your gender allows the aforementioned sprite to be seen as you made them with the clothes you picked for them in those situations. And there are a fair few options. Many hair types for fringe+back, different lengths and access to a colour wheel for any colour shade out there or presets of the more common choices. Also clothes have many different styles and categories they fit into. (Formal, Slutty, seductive, costume, casual etc.) and to top it all off, lots of routes and stat focuses to further define the kind of character you want to go for.

    There is a ton more I could say but I think this is pushing the limits of the average attention span, so I'll hold myself back lol. Essentially, it's a great game especially if you're into the degenerate fetishes included, and there are a whole lot of them, it's great. Even if you are not, there is a purity path and a lot of compelling content as a life sim of a young girl/boy in a super perverted city. - You can pre-emptively determine everything from gender ratio of people approaching you to the actual genders and 'sizes' of the more prominent/main NPC's.
    This game does what it does well. If you made it this far, just fucking play it dude, stop stalling. :)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A good story, engaging gameplay, well thought-out. Sprites are cute. The town is fairly big and open-world. Made me care about some of the characters.

    Very, very rapey. Going outside past 9pm is a rape sentence. Most people you meet want to rape you. A seemingly small mistake can lead to an unavoidable 3-man gangbang.
    A character i cared about got brutally beaten, nearly raped and a little broken, and i am feeling a little depressed now. Would love this game if it wasn't making me so uncomfortable at times.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    At its core this game is a "rape ptsd manage your truama" dealy with a heavy bent towards being the punching bag/rape toy for peeps/beasts but is also so much more. We probably wont ever get to "turn the tables" on our attackers but we certianly get our moments like jizzing in peeps food, stealing from everyone with no remorse, bullying and lots of other events were we get to put one over on someone and it's these little things that add up to a greater whole. You can sell flowers. Flowers! Tell me another game that lets you do that in the "porn" genre. I like how Vrel continues to add our and his visions towards this game and still keep to the strong basic narrative at the beginning but still allows for some deviation that doesn't detract from it. 5 stars would bang.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I do like playing this game. It can be repetitive but it's still a good game to play. I'm waiting on the update to where the male MC can impregnate the female characters or even the NPCs. I would like to see more silhouettes of the characters (especially the monster girls) raping the MC. I know some where added to the game but I'm looking forward for more to come. I wouldn't mind more transformations as well like a merfolk or even a tentacle transformation. Maybe a plant like transformation. I try to download the game everytime something new is added to the game to help support it. Keep up the good work!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This should be called:

    Be Weak And Pointless Rape Toy for The World.


    Pretend you have choice and can fight back but don't and have every line repeated of disgusting horrible people.

    But 2nd title a bit to long so I think 1st better. I mean you can cheat and max stats and still get raped 15/7 (rest sleeping or rng not 100% screwing you litteraly) and not be able to fight back I mean max stregth and you punch a petite person... and they just get mad and beat the shet out of you ..... you can even bite down on their tits and dicks and they will just get mad also..... Ummmm sorry someone bits hard on tit it can be Way bad like permenant damage .... let alone dick..... like what.... (hear you can be werewolf or something and have a actual decent bite...)

    Game does / did ? have potential but this is really just for world's most submissive people that want to be raped every day almost all day or those that have a fetish and just enjoy that type of text.
    I mean this game has the most options I ever seen in a game but in reality they are either fake or poorly implemented to point I think even soft mode doesn't work (only read it doesn't) and really at best you just reducing what all raping you and to a small extent like going another 5minutes of not being raped or less if you insane or again have that massive kink/interest.

    Now I am not shaming or care it a game you do you and enjoy what you want, but all the information, options, potential characters, etc... really make this game seem like it was more.

    I also have never played a game more raped fill to you maybe even in general, no fight back (pretend does not count just makes it worse though guess better for that 1 group).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR; Skip to summary for brief rating.

    To be honest, at first I felt doubt to this game since it's made in HTML, which is rare / unpopular.

    Yes, you can't expect much for graphics or audio from this game, BUT, let me tell you something else.

    This game is HELL BROAD even though it's still W.I.P . What does that means? it means you can spend hours of enjoyment from this game, and yes, this game is SUPER ADDICTING.

    It's "create your own story" game, choose if you want to play as boy or girl, stay pure or defiled, make love to one or double time or even seduce someone married, etc etc...

    In-game cheats are available if you want shortcuts to your game.


    It's super addicting "create your own story" HTML game with low to none graphic and audio. I definitely would recommend this to anyone else if they're not glued to graphics / audio from game.

    10 out of 10, even considering the lack of graphic and audio.

    +Great content
    +"Create Your Own Story" game
    +Many fetish included
    +You can play as either boy or girl

    -Can use some more graphic improvement
    -Maybe some audio would be great