Nov 18, 2020
Wow. You can like Whitney as they are now but your defense by saying Robin is good despite their circumstances and you also defending Kylar with their situation is pretty lame. Like damn. Kylar I feel is just a total weirdo and their background is not going to change that. Somehow I still feel bad for them though. Not gonna mess with them but not gonna get too chummy with them.
kylar reminds me of a weirdo in high school who used to cut themselves get clingy around me and wrote weird ass poetry about me, the only reason why I even fuck around kylar in the first place is that they being included in school kind of reminds me of my own highschool dayz.
so 10/10 kylar. shine on you crazy diamond.
Whitney wears everything on their sleeve. In that setting victimizing others so that you aren't victimized yourself makes sense as a survival strategy and the romance itself is becoming their favorite victim - either by leaning into that role or balancing it with fighting back so that a kind of mutual respect forms. It's very appropriate that to get rid of Whitney you have to become Whitney. There are little moments where Whitney opens up -very- slightly but they never go soft because, in Whitney's mind, that would mean becoming a victim. For what it is it's very well-conceived and the character is as human as anyone else in the game.

I know why people want to humble Whitney but the game is written so that you're uncomfortably aware that all the Whitney material is in the context of two victims lashing out at each other because they can't lash out at those who deserve it.
whitney doesn't become a victim until they get kidnapped, although I think the dev got sexual bullying down to a tee.
its almost scary how accurate the dev writes whitneys scenes.

some times I feel like the dev watched this old ass lifetime movie can't remember the name, but it was about a kid who got into prostitution way too young in britbongland had a series of escalating bad events happen to her each more horrific than the last, and perputated by peers parents and the system itself and thought hmmm maybe I should make it into a porn game. I hope not because that would be fucked up, but for a porn game dol is very really heavy handed to the point where I just briefly skim for any pertintent information in some scenes because its too serious. who ever writes these scenes I'll give props because you can really feel the pc's discomfort and suffering as you go through certain events.

the only issue I have is wolves don't really exist in britbong land anymore due to various enviromental reasons, they should just change the wolves to feral rape hungry werewolves, or furries gone feral after being in their fur suits too long.
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Mar 22, 2022
Whitney wears everything on their sleeve. In that setting victimizing others so that you aren't victimized yourself makes sense as a survival strategy and the romance itself is becoming their favorite victim - either by leaning into that role or balancing it with fighting back so that a kind of mutual respect forms. It's very appropriate that to get rid of Whitney you have to become Whitney. There are little moments where Whitney opens up -very- slightly but they never go soft because, in Whitney's mind, that would mean becoming a victim. For what it is it's very well-conceived and the character is as human as anyone else in the game.

I know why people want to humble Whitney but the game is written so that you're uncomfortably aware that all the Whitney material is in the context of two victims lashing out at each other because they can't lash out at those who deserve it.
Beautiful description/interpretation of Whitney's character, thank you. It keeps bearing in mind that not every type of character is necessarily for everyone - any player who's ever persistently dealt with bullying over some length of time in their life will quite possibly want to personally brutally murder a character like Whitney or Leighton, and I think that's perfectly okay. With Whitney, at least you have an option of getting rid of her if so desired.

some times I feel like the dev watched this old ass lifetime movie can't remember the name, but it was about a kid who got into prostitution way too young in britbongland had a series of escalating bad events happen to her each more horrific than the last, and perputated by peers parents and the system itself and thought hmmm maybe I should make it into a porn game. I hope not because that would be fucked up, but for a porn game dol is very really heavy handed to the point where I just briefly skim for any pertintent information in some scenes because its too serious. who ever writes these scenes I'll give props because you can really feel the pc's discomfort and suffering as you go through certain events.
Sexual fantasies tend to be utterly inscrutable, so I wouldn't make too harsh a judgement about such things so long as they stay fantasy (though I admit I sometimes fail to extend that kindness when I should). I've never been able to really enjoy anything told or framed from a male perspective, so pretty much 99% of normie (male power fantasy) porn is straight out for me. Even my earliest sexual fantasies from when I was like 8 or so always involved imagining myself as a girl/woman. Why? I'm really not sure, but I certainly didn't decide that, it's not like I want to be that picky about it. Honestly, even a team of psychologists might still might not arrive to the correct answer trying to figure that one out.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
whitney doesn't become a victim until they get kidnapped, although I think the dev got sexual bullying down to a tee.
its almost scary how accurate the dev writes whitneys scenes.
Whitney is very aware of what goes on and that, as a school kid, there's not much that can really be done to fight back. No matter what they're always going to be in a vulnerable position. Picking on weaker kids - and throwing them under the bus if things get real - is all a part of acting out so as not to feel helpless. Whitney's not dumb, though, and when you catch them pensive they're very obviously feeling overwhelmed.
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New Member
Mar 13, 2021
Can sumeone help me
when I start the game I always get this error message and the images are not displayed

Failed to load image img/body/basehead.png for layer basehead ;
Failed to load image img/hair/sides/default/shoulder.png for layer hair_sides ;
Failed to load image img/body/basenoarms.png for layer base ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/base.png for layer facebase ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/eyes.png for layer eyes ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/sclera.png for layer sclera ;
Failed to load image img/body/leftarmidle.png for layer leftarm ;
Failed to load image img/body/rightarmidle.png for layer rightarm ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/iris_left.png for layer left_iris ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/iris_right.png for layer right_iris ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/eyelids.png for layer eyelids ;
Failed to load image img/body/breasts/breasts1.png for layer breasts ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/lashes.png for layer lashes ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/mouthneutral.png for layer mouth ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/legs/girlsgymsocks/full.png for layer legs ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/under_lower/plainpanties/full_gray.png for layer under_lower ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/feet/schoolshoes/full.png for layer feet ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/lower/sundress/full_gray.png for layer lower ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/upper/sundress/full_gray.png for layer upper_main ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/upper/sundress/1_gray.png for layer upper_breasts ;
Failed to load image img/hair/fringe/default/shoulder.png for layer hair_fringe ;


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Can sumeone help me
when I start the game I always get this error message and the images are not displayed

Failed to load image img/body/basehead.png for layer basehead ;
Failed to load image img/hair/sides/default/shoulder.png for layer hair_sides ;
Failed to load image img/body/basenoarms.png for layer base ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/base.png for layer facebase ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/eyes.png for layer eyes ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/sclera.png for layer sclera ;
Failed to load image img/body/leftarmidle.png for layer leftarm ;
Failed to load image img/body/rightarmidle.png for layer rightarm ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/iris_left.png for layer left_iris ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/iris_right.png for layer right_iris ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/eyelids.png for layer eyelids ;
Failed to load image img/body/breasts/breasts1.png for layer breasts ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/lashes.png for layer lashes ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/mouthneutral.png for layer mouth ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/legs/girlsgymsocks/full.png for layer legs ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/under_lower/plainpanties/full_gray.png for layer under_lower ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/feet/schoolshoes/full.png for layer feet ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/lower/sundress/full_gray.png for layer lower ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/upper/sundress/full_gray.png for layer upper_main ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/upper/sundress/1_gray.png for layer upper_breasts ;
Failed to load image img/hair/fringe/default/shoulder.png for layer hair_fringe ;
redownload the game


Nov 9, 2019
I can't get Alex's dominance to reappear, is it possible for Alex's dominance score to go negative and remain hidden until it gets back to positive? I have maxed affection, maxed respect from all the farm animals, and selected Alex as a lover/partner when gaining access to Alex's cabin while choosing only -dominance options.

I'm now taking choices that only raise Alex's dominance, but it doesn't appear in the social stats.

Turns out it does go negative, and reappears after raising it above 0.
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Nov 18, 2020
Beautiful description/interpretation of Whitney's character, thank you. It keeps bearing in mind that not every type of character is necessarily for everyone - any player who's ever persistently dealt with bullying over some length of time in their life will quite possibly want to personally brutally murder a character like Whitney or Leighton, and I think that's perfectly okay. With Whitney, at least you have an option of getting rid of her if so desired.

Sexual fantasies tend to be utterly inscrutable, so I wouldn't make too harsh a judgement about such things so long as they stay fantasy (though I admit I sometimes fail to extend that kindness when I should). I've never been able to really enjoy anything told or framed from a male perspective, so pretty much 99% of normie (male power fantasy) porn is straight out for me. Even my earliest sexual fantasies from when I was like 8 or so always involved imagining myself as a girl/woman. Why? I'm really not sure, but I certainly didn't decide that, it's not like I want to be that picky about it. Honestly, even a team of psychologists might still might not arrive to the correct answer trying to figure that one out.
idk I can't help but judge the very premise of the game.

We all know bailey loves money, and the fact the game references britbongland from the fact money is in pounds, not dollars, and there's british terminology scattered all over; the uk spends more money on their child welfare services than the usa, I am not talking privately funded orphanages, I'm saying on average for state sanctioned orphanages the uk government spends about 44k in gbp per head; basically if were going the orphanage origin story, it doesn't make sense because of bailey's money hungry to nature to upset that apple cart. Sure can I believe in any other circumstance bailey wouldn't be hesitant to throw you to the dogs (quite literally) if you fail to pay him? yes. but it just doesn't make sense if were talking orphanage in the uk because they not only pay 44k per head now, it was actually more 48k. I just can't reconcile bailey being methodical enough to have back up plans should you fail to pay him, but be wreckless enough to risk an already good guaranteed thing.

it would make more sense for bailey to boot your ass out at 18 just to house another orphan for a guranteed income versus expecting you to pay him 2k gbp a week. it would make more sense if you happen to rent from bailey and bailey doesn't give a fuck about laws, it would make alot more sense given that the police doesnt go after rapists but would punish your for self defense.

the point I am trying to make is they could've just written the pc as an orphan aged out of the system and being poor having little to no option to rent from bailey, and still keep the game mostly intact. it just simply doesn't make sense from a societal stand point because while I think bailey would in any other circumstance would collect his pound of flesh by any means possible, if bailey was truly making his money of the back of orphans, he would probably just boot those who age out of his orphanage to make room for more asses in beds for a guaranteed income. Not risk upsetting the whole apple cart by whoring them out.
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Jun 3, 2018
it just simply doesn't make sense from a societal stand point because while I think bailey would in any other circumstance would collect his pound of flesh by any means possible, if bailey was truly making his money of the back of orphans, he would probably just boot those who age out of his orphanage to make room for more asses in beds for a guaranteed income. Not risk upsetting the whole apple cart by whoring them out.
That depends. If Bailey has emty beds anyway (and since it seems every orphan has a full room to themselves and the attic is outright abandoned and forgotten, I don't think they are pressed for space), it would make sense for Bailey to make use of that free space, allowing their orphans extended stay... for a price.
Now add that Bailey seems to have powerful connections in this small town where police is beyond corrupt, and they hardly risk anything by whoring the orphans out.


Mar 22, 2022
it would make more sense for bailey to boot your ass out at 18 just to house another orphan for a guranteed income versus expecting you to pay him 2k gbp a week. it would make more sense if you happen to rent from bailey and bailey doesn't give a fuck about laws, it would make alot more sense given that the police doesnt go after rapists but would punish your for self defense.
I don't think it's intended for the player character to be read as >=18 years old in the first place. I mean, officially, sure, but I thought the original story was that they were the equivalent of U.S. middle school (I know shit all about the UK education system!). But in general, I get your point about the circumstances not really holding too terribly well up to close inspection. It's not something I would like to investigate because it's really sad, but I have heard a number of times that orphanages in the Western world tend to be pipelines to prostitution, both child and adult. I'm not exactly sure how that works. Is it the institution itself and/or the people at them that are pushing them into it, or is it just a byproduct of orphans typically not having good adult role-models and close supervision that would keep them away from it in the first place? Or maybe not having any kind of strong safety net in the event of failing as an adult, which they're probably more likely to do given all the apparent disadvantages of being an orphan? I don't know, but DoL seems to play upon these kinds of thoughts. Given that there are legitimate legal issues at play here, I am okay with it being a bit fuzzy and not totally making sense, especially since I do like the vague-ish setting that allows you to walk the line between occupying both a child's and an adult's worlds. That blend of both is a big part of what makes DoL's setting so interesting to me.
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New Member
Dec 20, 2017
Can sumeone help me
when I start the game I always get this error message and the images are not displayed

Failed to load image img/body/basehead.png for layer basehead ;
Failed to load image img/hair/sides/default/shoulder.png for layer hair_sides ;
Failed to load image img/body/basenoarms.png for layer base ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/base.png for layer facebase ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/eyes.png for layer eyes ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/sclera.png for layer sclera ;
Failed to load image img/body/leftarmidle.png for layer leftarm ;
Failed to load image img/body/rightarmidle.png for layer rightarm ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/iris_left.png for layer left_iris ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/iris_right.png for layer right_iris ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/eyelids.png for layer eyelids ;
Failed to load image img/body/breasts/breasts1.png for layer breasts ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/lashes.png for layer lashes ;
Failed to load image img/face/default/mouthneutral.png for layer mouth ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/legs/girlsgymsocks/full.png for layer legs ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/under_lower/plainpanties/full_gray.png for layer under_lower ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/feet/schoolshoes/full.png for layer feet ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/lower/sundress/full_gray.png for layer lower ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/upper/sundress/full_gray.png for layer upper_main ;
Failed to load image img/clothes/upper/sundress/1_gray.png for layer upper_breasts ;
Failed to load image img/hair/fringe/default/shoulder.png for layer hair_fringe ;
That happens if you don't unzip the game. Did that by accident.
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Oct 6, 2019
it would make more sense for bailey to boot your ass out at 18 just to house another orphan for a guranteed income versus expecting you to pay him 2k gbp a week. it would make more sense if you happen to rent from bailey and bailey doesn't give a fuck about laws, it would make alot more sense given that the police doesnt go after rapists but would punish your for self defense.
No, you are not thinking in business terms. Sure, 44k per head should be more than enough to cover the expenses of an orphanage and to provide a tidy bit of profit on top, particularly if the facilities are not kept up properly. Even given the graft, most of that 44k is going into the maintainance of the operation; after all, the place must be kept up in such a way that it can survive an inspection. What is Baily, then, if that is how the orphanage is conducted? Just a well paid, crooked state employee who make the lion's share of profit above the board.

Now think of the orphanage as it is presented in the game--as a proper business enterprise that is maximized for the production of profit. Also, just for the sake of argument, let's say that the orphans are in fact minors. Now, the state would provide that 44k per head for each of them, an unknown fraction of which would be realized as profit. The entire cost associated with the orphans would be covered by that portion of the 44k that is not profit. Thus, any further income that Bailey might acquire from the orphans would be pure profit. At a rate of 104k per head of additional income, Bailey could realize an absolutely extraordinary profit, profit that might be then reinvested into the enterprise that allows this exploitation to continue. From that profit, Bailey could bribe officials, hire enforcers, maintain other profit-making facilities (eg. rape dungeons), which is exactly what it appears Bailey does. The town appears to be run by syndicate between a number of extra-legal business actors, of which Bailey is one. Bailey would have to be running a tremendously profitable enterprise to be able to hang with that crowd. A relatively well-off government employee could not pull that off.
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empty sides

Aug 22, 2018
come to think of it, the update might mess up my usual route of escaping bailey, which is run away to eden. Due to the whole children situation. this might have to rework how I play.


Jun 3, 2019
No, you are not thinking in business terms. Sure, 44k per head should be more than enough to cover the expenses of an orphanage and to provide a tidy bit of profit on top, particularly if the facilities are not kept up properly. Even given the graft, most of that 44k is going into the maintainance of the operation; after all, the place must be kept up in such a way that it can survive an inspection. What is Baily, then, if that is how the orphanage is conducted? Just a well paid, crooked state employee who make the lion's share of profit above the board.

Now think of the orphanage as it is presented in the game--as a proper business enterprise that is maximized for the production of profit. Also, just for the sake of argument, let's say that the orphans are in fact minors. Now, the state would provide that 44k per head for each of them, an unknown fraction of which would be realized as profit. The entire cost associated with the orphans would be covered by that portion of the 44k that is not profit. Thus, any further income that Bailey might acquire from the orphans would be pure profit. At a rate of 104k per head of additional income, Bailey could realize an absolutely extraordinary profit, profit that might be then reinvested into the enterprise that allows this exploitation to continue. From that profit, Bailey could bribe officials, hire enforcers, maintain other profit-making facilities (eg. rape dungeons), which is exactly what it appears Bailey does. The town appears to be run by syndicate between a number of extra-legal business actors, of which Bailey is one. Bailey would have to be running a tremendously profitable enterprise to be able to hang with that crowd. A relatively well-off government employee could not pull that off.
The real business is keeping the orphans as labor at most until they have to leave, at which point Bailey makes you rent one of her places and makes sure you're basically a slave to her which makes up for the orphans not doing as much along with less trouble as you'll be an adult and thus have less legal protections or restrictions. Such as needing to go to school and devoting your time to work.


Dec 26, 2018
Hate to be that guy but is there any news or timeframe for the upcoming update?
Its been such a long time although I know it's the big 4.x update, would just love to know how one of my favorite games has been.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
Vrelnir's last message on Discord was from March 16, so they are still active. Beyond "it's done when it's done", there hasn't been any updates by Vrel about the Preggo update.
Vrel is still responding to posts on his blog site, and much more recently than anywhere else. My END button hates that site with a passion, btw.
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Oct 6, 2019
Hate to be that guy but is there any news or timeframe for the upcoming update?
It appears to currently be in that state where the devs keep thinking that they are almost done before they discover that the new pregnancy mechanic has completely broken some other game function that they had not anticipated, causing them to have to go back and completely fix that function. It's all part of the all-too typical development of the pregnancy mechanic.
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