Unity - Abandoned - Carnaville [Ch. 1 - 2] [Stokky]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good initial effort, would need more added but the art grew on me and was certainly unique. It felt like Ren'Py might have been a better engine for it but Unity wasn't too bad in this case. I'll give it four mostly on the strength of the unique art and had there been more I would have kept playing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It´s a game with potencial I recomended to improve the character to make them more atractive but with the style they have and maybe introduce some family of the mc but what i really wanna recomended to you is to make the h-scenes more inmersive and intense may taking special atencion with the females character and takin a real look of their "attributes" making biggers pics of them and not just a away scene like that. Improve your art that is the 80% of your game . Recomended to support on PATREON!!!!!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Short but decent enough. More of a visual novel, since the gameplay is linear and simple, and leads the player by the nose to the next task you are supposed to do. I actually don't mind the art style. I love that the developer drew their own art instead of relying on the same CG renderings all the other games default to. I'd encourage the developer to keep going with this one and expand on options so that the player can explore the story on their own.

    Consider drawing out the sexual interaction a little longer, as the teacher seems to cave immediately to the idea of sexual motivation, but I love the concept.