Unity - Completed - Angry Boy [v1.0.0] [Momentum Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok tier game
    The game is hard mid game and then easy
    The hentai stuff is ok with a lack of scenes (2/character) but the voices are good
    The gameplay is good but repetitive, at least the game is 2-3h long
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 3.5
    Not so bad gameplay wise (saw much worse). Yes, majority of stages are stats check, requires grind, but not too much (like 2-3 time replaying 1 level per girl stage for first 4 girls, if you buy decent upgrades). A bit too time consuming, would've been much better with 3 levels per girl.
    Story: 4
    Generic H plot, doesn't spend too much of you time, so good enough.
    H: 4.5+
    Very good animated+voiced CGs with levels of nudity. Pretty good dialogues (not cringe for me), with diverse roles from both sides. Good use of monster girls tag.

    For me its almost 5, because of H. The first game (with 3+ H characters) with every H character to my taste. So, at least check gallery. Sadly, only 1 scene with maid.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    truly a meh game, gameplay feels like a chore because they are statcheck, scenes altough not bad, it is lacking in quantity and the long wait between evey interaction even in the scenes feels like this game is made up to stale time from you, just get save file and look at scenes while speeding up the game
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is truly "Average". It has a typical hentai plot and art.
    Game mechanics are just something to keep you occupied for a while.
    Overall the art and animations are nice, but too little of them.
    Also I found in very disappointing that there aren't more scenes with Envy in maid form.