
Active Member
May 5, 2018
how convinient lol

hold on, i just came up w an absolutely bulletproof theory that will explain everything!
the PC is actually asleep the entire time and everything they experience is just a dream and the game technically never even starts :3
I laughed unreasonably hard at this. Like, for a good five minutes. I even teared up. :ROFLMAO:
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Dec 23, 2018
I think the game is vague enough with its story and elements so that people can form their own theories and run off with the one that pleases them most. For me, it's way more interesting to imagine that the player is mostly hallucinating due to a combination of trauma, the shady drugs from that one mysterious corporation, and some eldritch entity shifting the perception of reality to fuck with people. I feel like Vrel made the text to be purposefully ambiguous so that people could fill in the blanks however they like, so while I don't think it's absurd to be discussing the logic of a porn game, it does seem pretty pointless to be taking any one theory as being more or less likely than the others.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
how convinient lol

hold on, i just came up w an absolutely bulletproof theory that will explain everything!
the PC is actually asleep the entire time and everything they experience is just a dream and the game technically never even starts :3
You joke, but at least one game posted here was like that. In the plot twist reveal at the end, MC was basically high, hallucinating, and basically jerked himself to death. I mean quite literally, he died. And then that dev somehow made a popular game that had none of that.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
One of the biggest things I dislike about 99% of NSFW content is how lazy or insincere all of it is* - often times both. It's not necessarily a matter of taking itself too seriously or not (after all, I think humor can be an essential part of most any setting, and it can come in many different flavors), but rather coming across as a complete and cohesive creative vision that allows the person experiencing it to mentally engage with and become lost inside it. DoL was very easy to get attached to because of an expansive amount of consistently interesting writing that works very hard to flesh out its world, but also because it doesn't resort to all the quick cliches and writing shortcuts that most everything else does. Even when DoL does make use of tried-and-true conventions/archetypes, the game approaches them with both enough effort and sincerity that the game owns it and it works. I can't say the same is true about hardly anything else out there, where even a single glance at how they present themselves is enough to tell you that they just don't really give a shit.

*Actually, I'd honestly say that this problem also applies to a majority of non-NSFW content as well, but not quite to the same degree. With NSFW stuff, there seems to be this completely overbearing thought that as long as it looks good, then nothing else really matters, which I think is an unfortunate mentality for any medium of art. You don't really see the same kind of thinking with books ("as long as the author's prose is good, nothing else matters"), music ("as long as it sounds good, nothing else matters"), movies, or games. Like, yes, the most basic element of each medium is very important, but there are also other things to consider, like world, characters, story, themes, framing, tone, style...and others, as applicable. Each medium has its own strength and limitations, but they can be surprisingly versatile in what they can accomplish given the right creative minds, and NSFW works shouldn't be any exception.
Yea, there is a pretty big difference between a game I'm done with after a wank and a game that stays with me after I've finished it or end up waiting for more. I don't have good memory to giving out examples, but one thing I can remember is The Agony of Healthy Sleep, which stayed in my head because of the story for much longer than because of the porn. I'm also gonna remember games that I liked playing, not the ones I went along with to get titties on screen occasionally.
DoL is something for many sessions, and probably just about the only game I have multiple playthroughs in (even if none "finished" or super far), though I'm usually annoyed when a game has content barred behind replaying it. It doesn't have the most impactful story or particularly coherent one, but it's definitely building a wolrd around, and there's enough story to at least sometimes make choices based on more than just the stats.


Mar 22, 2022
Yea, there is a pretty big difference between a game I'm done with after a wank and a game that stays with me after I've finished it or end up waiting for more. I don't have good memory to giving out examples, but one thing I can remember is The Agony of Healthy Sleep, which stayed in my head because of the story for much longer than because of the porn. I'm also gonna remember games that I liked playing, not the ones I went along with to get titties on screen occasionally.
DoL is something for many sessions, and probably just about the only game I have multiple playthroughs in (even if none "finished" or super far), though I'm usually annoyed when a game has content barred behind replaying it. It doesn't have the most impactful story or particularly coherent one, but it's definitely building a wolrd around, and there's enough story to at least sometimes make choices based on more than just the stats.
The weakest part of DoL for me is the characters. And it's not that I think they're bad or that I don't like them (just the opposite!), but rather I think the lack of concrete structure around a central story is why it's difficult to really put them through the ringer and grow to truly love them like you would in a more traditionally told story. In more traditionally told stories, a character is either a major component of the work, or they're not. If they're not, maybe they're a particularly memorable/helpful/lovable supporting character...or maybe even less than that, just a cute/interesting one-off. But the open structure of DoL, the player being able to choose with whom they want to associate/spend time with (and there's a pretty good-sized cast of characters), and not having a real timeline for a story to occur because of the number of things you can choose (or not) to do which is pretty much required by the gameplay loop...well, they all conspire to make it so that regardless of how much the player might like an individual character or how much said character might, by their very nature, realistically write themselves into the narrative of a more traditional story, they don't, they can't. The player could simply choose to never run into them, ever, so no part of the game's story can ever be dependent on a character being a big part of it no matter how much sense it might otherwise make. You run into pretty much the exact same thing in other games with similarly open structure like Stardew Valley. Really, it's a basic truth of most any game where you have choice: if you have a choice about something, then nothing substantial that happens in the future can be determinant upon that choice, beyond maybe just an ending scene where the impact to the game (from the point of view of the developer) is very limited. It's the unfortunate little paradox of developers trying to make choices that feel like they matter. The exceptions are rare and they usually come with very noticeable limitations like the game splitting off into distinctly labelled branches, but I still appreciate it when games give it an earnest try.

For an NSFW game like DoL with a big and varied sandbox world full of interesting writing, situations, and mechanics, I think this is the way it has to be, should be. But I'd have been very interested to see a more linear story and game made by the same developer, see what they could do with a smaller cast of characters that they can write and weave into a much more direct/planned story - heck, they've already put so much work into it, they could still even make good use of their established DoL setting for it. It'd be a totally different kind of game and story, though.


Nov 15, 2023
You joke, but at least one game posted here was like that. In the plot twist reveal at the end, MC was basically high, hallucinating, and basically jerked himself to death. I mean quite literally, he died. And then that dev somehow made a popular game that had none of that.
at least he went out having a good time lol

saying its all in le head is so often used as a cheap cop out to avoid thinking of actual coherent scenarios, that are able to be reasonably connected to each other
i actually do rly like the concept of hallucinations and loss of reality :( but not if theyre exclusively there to throw a huge "go fuck yourself" at the reader, at the very end

btw what game :0 im curious now lol


Apr 29, 2020
at least he went out having a good time lol

saying its all in le head is so often used as a cheap cop out to avoid thinking of actual coherent scenarios, that are able to be reasonably connected to each other
i actually do rly like the concept of hallucinations and loss of reality :( but not if theyre exclusively there to throw a huge "go fuck yourself" at the reader, at the very end

btw what game :0 im curious now lol
Well lets be real here though. The game is fiction and you dont really have to justify fiction unless you want to. Why is all this happening? Who gives a shit? Its happening regardless. Sometimes trying to justify or explain something just ruins it and the best course of action is to just roll with things. Getting too involved trying to rationalize things just gets you stuck in the weeds and doesnt really do anything constructive. The game isnt trying to be realistic or explain any of the underlying rationale of its setting and it is better off for it.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
Well lets be real here though. The game is fiction and you dont really have to justify fiction unless you want to. Why is all this happening? Who gives a shit? Its happening regardless. Sometimes trying to justify or explain something just ruins it and the best course of action is to just roll with things. Getting too involved trying to rationalize things just gets you stuck in the weeds and doesnt really do anything constructive. The game isnt trying to be realistic or explain any of the underlying rationale of its setting and it is better off for it.
In other words:

Which is required, to some degree, of the reader/audience of pretty much any form of entertainment.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
at least he went out having a good time lol

saying its all in le head is so often used as a cheap cop out to avoid thinking of actual coherent scenarios, that are able to be reasonably connected to each other
i actually do rly like the concept of hallucinations and loss of reality :( but not if theyre exclusively there to throw a huge "go fuck yourself" at the reader, at the very end

btw what game :0 im curious now lol
For everyone else, don't click if you don't want spoilers.
I'm talking about Succumate, from the same dev that made Summer Memories.
Through the whole game, you're exposed to news that men are dying mysteriously and their bodies look like dried husks. The MC suspects that succubi are the reason, since the one living with him wears him out to the point that he genuinely fears for his life, but the ending shows that there were in fact no succubi. He had been living alone. The very same drug he was using to keep up with fucking the succubus was the very drug that made him hallucinate in the first place. There's several points in the story where you have to make deductions to progress the plot, where the MC concludes it's not his succubus that's offing the other men, it's another one basically committing serial sex-murders. He ends up defeating and taming her, and the succubi and him fuck all night, which in reality was just him nutting nonstop, leading to his own death and becoming a dried husk. There were some one-off non-succubi sex scenes, but we don't know if the MC was actually fucking anyone at all the whole game, because he was basically never lucid throughout.
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
Jesh. I came here to ask about the conflicts in the reverse rape and extended combat options and instead got caught in a design debate. But since I'm here...

Well lets be real here though. The game is fiction and you dont really have to justify fiction unless you want to. Why is all this happening? Who gives a shit? Its happening regardless. Sometimes trying to justify or explain something just ruins it and the best course of action is to just roll with things. Getting too involved trying to rationalize things just gets you stuck in the weeds and doesnt really do anything constructive. The game isnt trying to be realistic or explain any of the underlying rationale of its setting and it is better off for it.
I'm so close to agreeing with you here, if the same couldn't be said for reality. Reality is an incoherent mess full of curios that often lead nowhere. There's no story, no end goal, and no inherent reason to continue interacting with it besides our instincts stopping us from self destructing. People are inclined to make sense of it anyway, whether through spirituality, studying the mechanics of the world, or just making shit up. Reality only maters because we're a part of it.

The argument (far as I was concerned) was that hallucinations undermine what little sense can be found, fiction or not. Once you're aware of it, it's a constant reminder that nothing can be trusted. At that point, why bother with anything? You aren't part of it anyway. You have no control. Just go gentle into that good night.


Apr 29, 2020
I'm so close to agreeing with you here, if the same couldn't be said for reality. Reality is an incoherent mess full of curios that often lead nowhere. There's no story, no end goal, and no inherent reason to continue interacting with it besides our instincts stopping us from self destructing. People are inclined to make sense of it anyway, whether through spirituality, studying the mechanics of the world, or just making shit up. Reality only maters because we're a part of it.

The argument (far as I was concerned) was that hallucinations undermine what little sense can be found, fiction or not. Once you're aware of it, it's a constant reminder that nothing can be trusted. At that point, why bother with anything? You aren't part of it anyway. You have no control. Just go gentle into that good night.
Not everything needs or warrants some kind of philosophical breakdown. A piece of media can just be a piece of media thats meant to be consumed and discarded. Someone could write a the thousand page dissertation about how the game is all an allegory by the author to express his deep seeded peanut butter sexual fetish but that doesnt mean that the argument actually means anything says anything constructive or even actually exists in the content. There is just no reason that every single piece of media to ever exist has to say something meaningful or be deconstructed so far to find meaning.

If someone paints a picture of a dildo is it some kind of statement about the state of humanity and the evils it perpetrates to seek pleasure? Is it an expression of the artists view on society? A heartfelt love story toward the gay community? A scathing rebuttal of the sins of homosexuality? Is it just a picture of a dildo that people are getting pretentious about?

Sure someone can argue that anything made in a society is influenced by society and philosophical discussions about the nature of man springs up from every piece of media created but that doesnt really mean that any of those topics are actually brought up and tackled by the material in question. There is no great discussion about humanity in this game. Stuff happens not because of reality or peoples perception of it. Stuff happens because degenerates want to see someone fuck dogs so they put it ingame. What happens in reality or what is realistic or discussions around it in the real world were not are not and should not be taken into account. Its fantasy. Having a well defined bold line to differentiate between the two is absolutely vital because to be quite honest bringing up real life situations and discussions in a game with themes like this one is a very slippery slope. Trying to justify the game and ground it in reality just makes it less fantasy at best and leads to people blurring the lines between it and reality at worst.
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Nov 15, 2023
Well lets be real here though. The game is fiction and you dont really have to justify fiction unless you want to. Why is all this happening? Who gives a shit? Its happening regardless. Sometimes trying to justify or explain something just ruins it and the best course of action is to just roll with things. Getting too involved trying to rationalize things just gets you stuck in the weeds and doesnt really do anything constructive. The game isnt trying to be realistic or explain any of the underlying rationale of its setting and it is better off for it.
oh absolutely
not everything has meaning, and neither should it need to

i can completely understand the angle of taking things at face value, wanting to enjoy a piece of media for everything it's laid out on the surface, and being content with that
but to me, personally, the things that arent said, are much more interesting
of course, this can very easily lead to getting entrenched too deeply in the vagueness of it all, so much so that certain boundaries are being pushed that were never meant to, without even realising it

is it possible that im ascribing a deeper significance to it, than it actually possesses, which maybe wasnt even intended to be there in the first place? ye def, lol
is that constructive? idk, but does it need to be ;3c
at base level, i do agree that trying to eXpLaIn EvErYtHiNg, especially in a world as ambigious as DoLs, is stupid lol it lives through its ambiguity afterall

but it's still fun to me, bc my dumb ape brain is just loves looking for connections lol (this is a quirky, fun fact about me uwu)


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
Degrees of Lewdity is up on my blog, adding content for the great hawk, and making them fertile. It also overhauls the weather and temperature systems, and implements a system for dynamically rendering sky, weather, and location art.

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Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
The weather feature seems neat, I may play this again in the next days when I get free time. Just curious, does it interact with physical and/or lewd activities? For a random example, if you sleep with the wolves in the cave, does it warm up? Same for swimming in the lake, does it do the opposite?

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
saying its all in le head is so often used as a cheap cop out to avoid thinking of actual coherent scenarios, that are able to be reasonably connected to each other
The difference between this and a dumb reddit ~it was all le coma dream~ reading is that the hallucinatory aspects don't imply a lack of reality, it's more along the lines of Lovecraftian "you're peering too far beyond the veil" happenings. That keeps a sense of coherency intact even when the reality of certain aspects are called into question.
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